20 research outputs found

    Using Partial Orders for the Efficient Verification of Deadlock Freedom and Safety Properties

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    This article presents an algorithm for detecting deadlocks in concurrent finite-state systems without incurring most of the state explosion due to the modeling of concurrency by interleaving. For systems that have a high level of concurrency, our algorithm can be much more efficient than the classical exploration of the whole state space. Finally, we show that our algorithm can also be used for verifying arbitrary safety properties

    Evaluating Software Architectures: Development Stability and Evolution

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    We survey seminal work on software architecture evaluationmethods. We then look at an emerging class of methodsthat explicates evaluating software architectures forstability and evolution. We define architectural stabilityand formulate the problem of evaluating software architecturesfor stability and evolution. We draw the attention onthe use of Architectures Description Languages (ADLs) forsupporting the evaluation of software architectures in generaland for architectural stability in specific

    Trace Spaces: an Efficient New Technique for State-Space Reduction

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    State-space reduction techniques, used primarily in model-checkers, all rely on the idea that some actions are independent, hence could be taken in any (respective) order while put in parallel, without changing the semantics. It is thus not necessary to consider all execution paths in the interleaving semantics of a concurrent program, but rather some equivalence classes. The purpose of this paper is to describe a new algorithm to compute such equivalence classes, and a representative per class, which is based on ideas originating in algebraic topology. We introduce a geometric semantics of concurrent languages, where programs are interpreted as directed topological spaces, and study its properties in order to devise an algorithm for computing dihomotopy classes of execution paths. In particular, our algorithm is able to compute a control-flow graph for concurrent programs, possibly containing loops, which is "as reduced as possible" in the sense that it generates traces modulo equivalence. A preliminary implementation was achieved, showing promising results towards efficient methods to analyze concurrent programs, with very promising results compared to partial-order reduction techniques

    Formal Relationships Between Geometrical and Classical Models for Concurrency

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    A wide variety of models for concurrent programs has been proposed during the past decades, each one focusing on various aspects of computations: trace equivalence, causality between events, conflicts and schedules due to resource accesses, etc. More recently, models with a geometrical flavor have been introduced, based on the notion of cubical set. These models are very rich and expressive since they can represent commutation between any bunch of events, thus generalizing the principle of true concurrency. While they seem to be very promising - because they make possible the use of techniques from algebraic topology in order to study concurrent computations - they have not yet been precisely related to the previous models, and the purpose of this paper is to fill this gap. In particular, we describe an adjunction between Petri nets and cubical sets which extends the previously known adjunction between Petri nets and asynchronous transition systems by Nielsen and Winskel

    Performance studies of PV: an On-the-fly model-checker for LTL-X featuring selective caching and partial order reduction

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    Journal ArticleWe present an enumerative model-checker PV that uses a new partial order reduction algorithm called Twophase. This algorithm does not use the in-stack check to implement the proviso, making the combination of Twophase with on-the-fly LTL-X model-checking based on nested depth-first search, as well as with selective state caching very straightforward. We present a thorough evaluation of PV in terms of several states, memory, search depth, and runtimes. Our very encouraging results, often orders of magnitude better, are objectively explained in this paper. We also explain the different selective state caching methods supported by PV as well as its user interface geared towards verifying cache coherence protocols for conformance against formal memory models, We offer the source code of PV as well as our examples through out webpage

    A study on configuration and integration of sub-systems to system-of-systems with rule verification

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    Increasing complexity of today’s software systems is one of the major challenges software engi-neers have to face. This is aggravated by the fact that formerly isolated systems have to be inter-connected to more complex systems, called System-of-Systems (SoS). Those systems are in charge to provide more functionality to the user than all of their independent sub-systems could do. Re-ducing the complexity of such systems is one goal of the software engineering paradigm called component-based software engineering (CBSE). CBSE enables the developers to treat individual sub-systems as components which interact via interfaces with a simulated environment. Thus those components can be developed and implemented independently from other components. Af-ter the implementation a system integrator is able to interconnect the components to a SoS. De-spite this much-used approach it is possible to show that constraints, which are valid in an iso-lated sub-system, are broken after this system is integrated into a SoS. To emphasize this issue we developed a technique based on interconnected timed automata for modelling sub-systems and System-of-Systems in the model checking tool UPPAAL. The presented modelling technique allows it to verify the correctness of single sub-systems as well as the resulting SoS. Additionally we de