54,406 research outputs found

    Lock-free atom garbage collection for multithreaded Prolog

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    The runtime system of dynamic languages such as Prolog or Lisp and their derivatives contain a symbol table, in Prolog often called the atom table. A simple dynamically resizing hash-table used to be an adequate way to implement this table. As Prolog becomes fashionable for 24x7 server processes we need to deal with atom garbage collection and concurrent access to the atom table. Classical lock-based implementations to ensure consistency of the atom table scale poorly and a stop-the-world approach to implement atom garbage collection quickly becomes a bottle-neck, making Prolog unsuitable for soft real-time applications. In this article we describe a novel implementation for the atom table using lock-free techniques where the atom-table remains accessible even during atom garbage collection. Relying only on CAS (Compare And Swap) and not on external libraries, the implementation is straightforward and portable. Under consideration for acceptance in TPLP.Comment: Paper presented at the 32nd International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2016), New York City, USA, 16-21 October 2016, 14 pages, LaTeX, 4 PDF figure

    Practical Fine-grained Privilege Separation in Multithreaded Applications

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    An inherent security limitation with the classic multithreaded programming model is that all the threads share the same address space and, therefore, are implicitly assumed to be mutually trusted. This assumption, however, does not take into consideration of many modern multithreaded applications that involve multiple principals which do not fully trust each other. It remains challenging to retrofit the classic multithreaded programming model so that the security and privilege separation in multi-principal applications can be resolved. This paper proposes ARBITER, a run-time system and a set of security primitives, aimed at fine-grained and data-centric privilege separation in multithreaded applications. While enforcing effective isolation among principals, ARBITER still allows flexible sharing and communication between threads so that the multithreaded programming paradigm can be preserved. To realize controlled sharing in a fine-grained manner, we created a novel abstraction named ARBITER Secure Memory Segment (ASMS) and corresponding OS support. Programmers express security policies by labeling data and principals via ARBITER's API following a unified model. We ported a widely-used, in-memory database application (memcached) to ARBITER system, changing only around 100 LOC. Experiments indicate that only an average runtime overhead of 5.6% is induced to this security enhanced version of application

    Maintenance of Strongly Connected Component in Shared-memory Graph

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    In this paper, we present an on-line fully dynamic algorithm for maintaining strongly connected component of a directed graph in a shared memory architecture. The edges and vertices are added or deleted concurrently by fixed number of threads. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to propose using linearizable concurrent directed graph and is build using both ordered and unordered list-based set. We provide an empirical comparison against sequential and coarse-grained. The results show our algorithm's throughput is increased between 3 to 6x depending on different workload distributions and applications. We believe that there are huge applications in the on-line graph. Finally, we show how the algorithm can be extended to community detection in on-line graph.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures, Accepted in the Conference NETYS-201

    Lock-free Concurrent Data Structures

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    Concurrent data structures are the data sharing side of parallel programming. Data structures give the means to the program to store data, but also provide operations to the program to access and manipulate these data. These operations are implemented through algorithms that have to be efficient. In the sequential setting, data structures are crucially important for the performance of the respective computation. In the parallel programming setting, their importance becomes more crucial because of the increased use of data and resource sharing for utilizing parallelism. The first and main goal of this chapter is to provide a sufficient background and intuition to help the interested reader to navigate in the complex research area of lock-free data structures. The second goal is to offer the programmer familiarity to the subject that will allow her to use truly concurrent methods.Comment: To appear in "Programming Multi-core and Many-core Computing Systems", eds. S. Pllana and F. Xhafa, Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computin