7,263 research outputs found

    Using Isolation Spheres for Cooperative Processes Correctness

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    Managing cooperation in Business Processes still represents a challenge because of several problems. Concurrent access to common data, coherence of the results, organisation and cooperation correctness are some of them. Looking at isolation problems in the database world and at their solutions using SQL isolation levels, we try to adapt them to the cooperative dimension of processes. In this paper, we identify the phenomena that happen during cooperation in business processes. Then we propose a solution based on isolation spheres to ensure correctness of cooperative processes and customise the exclusion control of the different cooperation phenomena

    Customizable Isolation in Transactional Workflow

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    http://www.springer.com/In Workflow Management Systems (WFMSs) safety of execution is a main need of more and more business processes and transactional workflows are real needs inside enterprizes. In previous works, transactional models consider mainly atomicity as the main issue regarding long term transactions. It rarely consider the fact that many processes may run concurrently and thus access and update the same data. Usually, the main isolation item is the data on which we apply locking approaches and this attitude don't worry about process dimension. In this work we study more precisely what are the real isolation needs in workflow environment. To realize these needs, we define "Isolation Spheres" inspired from "spheres of control" proposed by C. T. Davies to make a separation of concerns between workflow design and transactional properties specification

    Democracy and Inquiry in the Post-Truth Era: A pragmatist Solution

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    Post-truth has become a commonplace strategy. No longer are objective facts viewed as having evidentiary value; scientific knowledge is on a par with emotions or personal beliefs. We intend to show that in the context of post-truth, those proffering and receiving an assertion do not care about the truth-value of the assertion or about the best way to gather evidence concerning it. Such attitudes raise several questions about how relativism can be a corrupting influence in contemporary democracies. We will analyse Steve Fuller’s use of the term «post-truth» – especially, the political connotations about epistemic democracy that he highlights. Instead, we offer a pragmatist defence of the truth and an alternative meaning of epistemic democracy

    Structure-function mapping of a heptameric module in the nuclear pore complex.

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    The nuclear pore complex (NPC) is a multiprotein assembly that serves as the sole mediator of nucleocytoplasmic exchange in eukaryotic cells. In this paper, we use an integrative approach to determine the structure of an essential component of the yeast NPC, the ~600-kD heptameric Nup84 complex, to a precision of ~1.5 nm. The configuration of the subunit structures was determined by satisfaction of spatial restraints derived from a diverse set of negative-stain electron microscopy and protein domain-mapping data. Phenotypic data were mapped onto the complex, allowing us to identify regions that stabilize the NPC's interaction with the nuclear envelope membrane and connect the complex to the rest of the NPC. Our data allow us to suggest how the Nup84 complex is assembled into the NPC and propose a scenario for the evolution of the Nup84 complex through a series of gene duplication and loss events. This work demonstrates that integrative approaches based on low-resolution data of sufficient quality can generate functionally informative structures at intermediate resolution

    When Terrorism Threatens Health: How Far are Limitations on Personal and Ecomonic Liberties Justified

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    The government is engaged in a homeland-security project to safeguard the population\u27s health from potential terrorist attacks. This project is politically charged because it affords the state enhanced powers to restrict personal and economic liberties. Just as governmental powers relating to intelligence, law enforcement, and criminal justice curtail individual interests, so too do public health powers

    Global transaction support for workflow management systems: from formal specification to practical implementation

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    In this paper, we present an approach to global transaction management in workflow environments. The transaction mechanism is based on the well-known notion of compensation, but extended to deal with both arbitrary process structures to allow cycles in processes and safepoints to allow partial compensation of processes. We present a formal specification of the transaction model and transaction management algorithms in set and graph theory, providing clear, unambiguous transaction semantics. The specification is straightforwardly mapped to a modular architecture, the implementation of which is first applied in a testing environment, then in the prototype of a commercial workflow management system. The modular nature of the resulting system allows easy distribution using middleware technology. The path from abstract semantics specification to concrete, real-world implementation of a workflow transaction mechanism is thus covered in a complete and coherent fashion. As such, this paper provides a complete framework for the application of well-founded transactional workflows

    The Methods For Studying The Structure of Water Clusters (?2?)n, where n = 3–20

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    In this review it is reported about the research on the structure of intermolecular water cyclic associates (clusters) with general formula (?2?)n and their charged ionic clusters [H+(?2?)n]+ and [OH-(?2?)n]- by means of computer modeling and spectroscopy methods as 1?-NMR, IR-spectroscopy, NES, DNES, EXAFS-spectroscopy, X-Ray and neurons diffraction. The computer calculation of polyhedral nanoclusters (?2?)n, where n = 3–20 are carried out. Based on this data the main structural mathematical models describing water structure (quasicrystalline, continuous, fractal, fractal-clathrate) have been examined and some important physical characteristics were obtained. The average energy of hydrogen bonding between ?2? molecules in the process of cluster formation was measured by the DNES method compiles -0.1067 ± 0.0011 eV. It was also shown that water clusters formed from D2? were more stable, than those ones from ?2? due to isotopic effects of deuterium. Keywords: hydrogen bond, water, structure, clusters, IR-spectroscopy, NES, DNES

    The Methods for Studying the Structure of Water Clusters (?2?)n, where n = 3–20. Water Clusters as Nano-structures

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    In this review it is reported about the research on the structure of intermolecular water cyclic associates (clusters) with general formula (?2?)n and their charged ionic clusters [H+(?2?)n]+ and [OH-(?2?)n]- by means of computer modeling and spectroscopy methods as 1?-NMR, IR-spectroscopy, NES, DNES, EXAFS-spectroscopy, X-Ray and neurons diffraction. The computer calculation of polyhedral nanoclusters (?2?)n, where n = 3–20 are carried out. Based on this data the main structural mathematical models describing water structure (quasicrystalline, continuous, fractal, fractal-clathrate) have been examined and some important physical characteristics were obtained. The average energy of hydrogen bonding between ?2? molecules in the process of cluster formation was measured by the DNES method compiles -0.1067 ± 0.0011 eV. It was also shown that water clusters formed from D2? were more stable, than those ones from ?2? due to isotopic effects of deuterium. Keywords: hydrogen bond, water, structure, clusters, IR-spectroscopy, NES, DNES
