2 research outputs found

    Abordagem da gestão de benefícios aplicada aos processos da preservação digital: um estudo de caso

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    Numa época em que a investigação científica utiliza cada vez mais recursos computacionais, com grandes volumes de dados e complexas relações entre si, surge a preocupação sobre a integridade do ciclo de vida dos dados científicos, assim como dos seus processos. As constantes colaborações em diferentes projetos e a reutilização de dados, de experiências anteriores, tornam as ferramentas e os processos, relativos à preservação digital de longo prazo, fundamentais para garantir o sucesso de futuros projetos. A implementação deste tipo de ferramentas implica grandes investimentos em sistemas e tecnologias de informação (SI/TI) e o seu impacto faz-se sentir em toda a organização, tanto a nível estratégico e financeiro, como operacional. Neste contexto, é essencial garantir o alinhamento entre o objetivo destes investimentos e as necessidades organizacionais, assegurando que os benefícios decorrentes destes investimentos sejam efetivamente realizados. O presente trabalho visa identificar os benefícios da implementação de ferramentas e processos de preservação digital numa instituição científica do setor público, utilizando, para isso, uma abordagem de gestão de benefíciosIn a time in which scientific research uses more and more computational resources, with large volumes of data and complex relations in between, comes the concern about the integrity of scientific data’s lifecycle and corresponding processes. Constant collaborations in different projects and the reuse of data, from previous experiences, make long time digital preservation tools and processes essential to ensure success on future projects. The implementation of such tools requires significant investments in information systems and technologies (IS/IT) and their impact is perceived throughout the organization, from a strategic and financial perspective to the operational one. In this context, it is crucial to guarantee the alignment between the objective of these investments and the organizational needs, to ensure that all benefits derived from these investments are actually achieved. The current work aims to identify the benefits of the implementation of digital preservation tools and processes in a scientific institution from the public sector, using, for that, a benefit management approach

    Using Grid Federations for Digital Preservation: Paper - iPRES 2011 - Singapore

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    Digital preservation aims at guaranteeing that data or digital objects remain authentic and accessible to users over a long period of time, maintaining their value. Several communities, like biology, medicine, engineering or physics, manage large amounts of scientific information, including large datasets of structured data that matters to preserve, so that it can be used in future research. To achieve long-term digital preservation, it is required to store digital objects reliably, preventing data loss. The data redundancy strategy is required to be able to successfully preserve data. Many of the characteristics required to implement, manage and evolve a preservation environment are already present in existing data grid systems, such as replication and the possibility to federate with other grids in order to share resources. We propose the customization of a data grid platform in order to be able to take advantage of its replication and federation features. In that way, scenarios where federated grids not thought for preservation purposes can be extended to preservation and their spare resources used with that mission