1 research outputs found

    Supporting engagement in active video watching using quality nudges and visualisations

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    Learning by watching videos has been a popular method in e-learning. However, developing and maintaining constructive engagement is a crucial challenge in video-based learning (VBL). AVW-Space is an online VBL platform that enhances student engagement by providing note- taking and peer-reviewing. Previous studies with AVW-Space showed higher learning outcomes for students who write high-quality comments. Furthermore, an earlier study on AVW-Space suggested that visualising the student progress could help learners monitor and regulate their learning. Thus, this research aimed to increase engagement in AVW-Space by offering 1) personalised prompts, named Quality nudges, to encourage writing better comments and 2) visualisations of the student model to facilitate monitoring and controlling learning. I conducted a series of studies to investigate the effectiveness of Quality nudges and visualisations on the students’ engagement and learning. Firstly, I automated the assessment of comments quality using machine learning approaches. Then, I developed Quality nudges which encourage students to write better comments by triggering critical thinking and self-reflection. Next, I conducted a study in the context of presentation skills to analyse the effectiveness of the Quality nudges. The results showed that Quality nudges improved the quality of comments and increased learning consequently. After adding new visual learning analytics to AVW- Space, I investigated the effectiveness of the visualisations by conducting another study in the context of presentation skills. The results showed that the visualisations enhanced constructive engagement and learning even further. I also investigated the generalisability of nudges and visualisation for another transferable skill by making Quality nudges and visualisations customisable and conducting a study in the context of communication skills. Although the results showed that students used visualisations and nudges for communication skills differently from the participants in the study on presentation skills, findings indicated these interventions were still effective in increasing the quality of comments and enhancing constructive behaviour and learning. This research contributes to the development of intelligent learning environments which provide personalised interventions to encourage constructive commenting behaviours during video-based learning. The interventions proposed in this research can be applied to other domains which involve critical thinking and self-reflection. Another contribution of this research is providing visual learning analytics for students in VBL platforms to increase learning awareness and engagement. The nudges and visualisations proposed in this research could be applied to any other video-based learning platform that allows commenting