5 research outputs found

    Comparing the writing style of real and artificial papers

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    Recent years have witnessed the increase of competition in science. While promoting the quality of research in many cases, an intense competition among scientists can also trigger unethical scientific behaviors. To increase the total number of published papers, some authors even resort to software tools that are able to produce grammatical, but meaningless scientific manuscripts. Because automatically generated papers can be misunderstood as real papers, it becomes of paramount importance to develop means to identify these scientific frauds. In this paper, I devise a methodology to distinguish real manuscripts from those generated with SCIGen, an automatic paper generator. Upon modeling texts as complex networks (CN), it was possible to discriminate real from fake papers with at least 89\% of accuracy. A systematic analysis of features relevance revealed that the accessibility and betweenness were useful in particular cases, even though the relevance depended upon the dataset. The successful application of the methods described here show, as a proof of principle, that network features can be used to identify scientific gibberish papers. In addition, the CN-based approach can be combined in a straightforward fashion with traditional statistical language processing methods to improve the performance in identifying artificially generated papers.Comment: To appear in Scientometrics (2015

    Using Compression to Identify Classes of Inauthentic Texts

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    Recent events have made it clear that some kinds of technical texts, generated by machine and essentially meaningless, can be confused with authentic, technical texts written by humans. We identify this as a potential problem, since no existing systems for, say the web, can or do discriminate on this basis. We believe that there are subtle, short- and long-range word or even string repetitions extant in human texts, but not in many classes of computer generated texts, that can be used to discriminate based on meaning. In this paper we employ universal lossless source coding to generate features in a high-dimensional space and then apply support vector machines to discriminate between the classes of authentic and inauthentic expository texts. Compression profiles for the two kinds of text are distinct—the authentic texts being bounded by various classes of more compressible or less compressible texts that are computer generated. This in turn led to the high prediction accuracy of our models which support a conjecture that there exists a relationship between meaning and compressibility. Our results show that the learning algorithm based upon the compression profile outperformed standard term-frequency text categorization on several non-trivial classes of inauthentic texts. Availability

    Using Compression to Identify Classes of Inauthentic Texts

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    Source code authorship attribution

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    To attribute authorship means to identify the true author among many candidates for samples of work of unknown or contentious authorship. Authorship attribution is a prolific research area for natural language, but much less so for source code, with eight other research groups having published empirical results concerning the accuracy of their approaches to date. Authorship attribution of source code is the focus of this thesis. We first review, reimplement, and benchmark all existing published methods to establish a consistent set of accuracy scores. This is done using four newly constructed and significant source code collections comprising samples from academic sources, freelance sources, and multiple programming languages. The collections developed are the most comprehensive to date in the field. We then propose a novel information retrieval method for source code authorship attribution. In this method, source code features from the collection samples are tokenised, converted into n-grams, and indexed for stylistic comparison to query samples using the Okapi BM25 similarity measure. Authorship of the top ranked sample is used to classify authorship of each query, and the proportion of times that this is correct determines overall accuracy. The results show that this approach is more accurate than the best approach from the previous work for three of the four collections. The accuracy of the new method is then explored in the context of author style evolving over time, by experimenting with a collection of student programming assignments that spans three semesters with established relative timestamps. We find that it takes one full semester for individual coding styles to stabilise, which is essential knowledge for ongoing authorship attribution studies and quality control in general. We conclude the research by extending both the new information retrieval method and previous methods to provide a complete set of benchmarks for advancing the field. In the final evaluation, we show that the n-gram approaches are leading the field, with accuracy scores for some collections around 90% for a one-in-ten classification problem