6,086 research outputs found

    Spatio-temporal Learning with Arrays of Analog Nanosynapses

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    Emerging nanodevices such as resistive memories are being considered for hardware realizations of a variety of artificial neural networks (ANNs), including highly promising online variants of the learning approaches known as reservoir computing (RC) and the extreme learning machine (ELM). We propose an RC/ELM inspired learning system built with nanosynapses that performs both on-chip projection and regression operations. To address time-dynamic tasks, the hidden neurons of our system perform spatio-temporal integration and can be further enhanced with variable sampling or multiple activation windows. We detail the system and show its use in conjunction with a highly analog nanosynapse device on a standard task with intrinsic timing dynamics- the TI-46 battery of spoken digits. The system achieves nearly perfect (99%) accuracy at sufficient hidden layer size, which compares favorably with software results. In addition, the model is extended to a larger dataset, the MNIST database of handwritten digits. By translating the database into the time domain and using variable integration windows, up to 95% classification accuracy is achieved. In addition to an intrinsically low-power programming style, the proposed architecture learns very quickly and can easily be converted into a spiking system with negligible loss in performance- all features that confer significant energy efficiency.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Presented at 2017 IEEE/ACM Symposium on Nanoscale architectures (NANOARCH

    Online self-repair of FIR filters

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    Chip-level failure detection has been a target of research for some time, but today's very deep-submicron technology is forcing such research to move beyond detection. Repair, especially self-repair, has become very important for containing the susceptibility of today's chips. This article introduces a self-repair-solution for the digital FIR filter, one of the key blocks used in DSPs

    Human factors issues associated with the use of speech technology in the cockpit

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    The human factors issues associated with the use of voice technology in the cockpit are summarized. The formulation of the LHX avionics suite is described and the allocation of tasks to voice in the cockpit is discussed. State-of-the-art speech recognition technology is reviewed. Finally, a questionnaire designed to tap pilot opinions concerning the allocation of tasks to voice input and output in the cockpit is presented. This questionnaire was designed to be administered to operational AH-1G Cobra gunship pilots. Half of the questionnaire deals specifically with the AH-1G cockpit and the types of tasks pilots would like to have performed by voice in this existing rotorcraft. The remaining portion of the questionnaire deals with an undefined rotorcraft of the future and is aimed at determining what types of tasks these pilots would like to have performed by voice technology if anything was possible, i.e. if there were no technological constraints

    The development and implementation of a single-line intelligent digital telephone answering unit on a personal computer

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    ThesisCommercial telephone answering machines are limited to some extent by one or more of the following factors: • limited facilities • difficult to upgrade • nonstandard telephone interfacing • expensive • lack of user-friendliness • lack of dialogue and intelligence The purpose of this study is to design an intelligent digital telephone system which will overcome as many of the above-mentioned problems as possible. The following features are proposed and will be discussed: The use of a commonly available, but powerful, personal computer processor and memory instead of the elementary and rigid processor and magnetic tape storage units of the commercial telephone answering machine . This allows the quick storage and retrieval of digitized messages, each with its individual name, time and date stamp. Using the personal computer's hardware and not duplicating the processor and memory units allows a more cost-effective system upgrade. Upgrades mainly consist of software changes and minor hardware changes. This means that an upgrade does not implicate a total hardware redesign. Standards as prescribed by the local switching network standards and the Department of Post and Telecommunications, apply to this design and are applicable for licensing of the product. It is evident that the cost of this project and design is kept minimal by not duplicating expensive components like the microprocessor and the memory units, although these are used in the design. In this respect upgrades are software orientated to further limit the costs. The personal computer is equipped with a display which allows the user to make easy selections in order to execute the required instructions or to obtain information by using the help functions. This real-time help function eliminates the need for a user manual. Dialogue between user and personal computer over the telephone network offers a simple method of delivering information without the need for any extra equipment such as modems, keyboards or display units. The software used on the personal computer is designed in such a way that the system is intelligent and capable of decision making. Communication from the public telephone network is possible by using the telephone keypad and Dual Tone Multifrequency (DTMF) signalling


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    The trouble with traditional banking system service resulted difficulties, latency and low quality of service, not suitable for disable people and require extra manpower to perform simple bank activities. The goal of this project is to build a voice recognition based system which specifies on the banking activities element and specializes in using voice as a medium to run bank activities via telephony network system. Three fundamental objectives were addressed in the study. First, to develop two-way interactive program of banking system, which use voice as importantmechanism to receive instruction and response to user. Second, it support to first objective which to develop such a user friendly andhighsecurity voice banking system which requires the user first logs on to the system by furnishing the assigned customer identification number and personal identification number before user proceed for further actions. And therefore, there must have a strong database structure development of the application in the voice banking system that purposely to maintain the integrity of the data stored and responds to authorized user only. For third objective, is to determine the best programming in order to implement in telephony network system. There is a study and architecture on how voice can be accepted, manipulated and generated by using combination two types of programming which are Cold Fusion and VoiceXML, which is goes to the third objective. The functions of this system is proved and demanded by user as it provides such convenience and easy services with just use voice to transmit the instruction. Hence, this strategy will grab large number of customers and simultaneously will generate huge profit too to the bank institution that applies this system. It is hoping that, by developing this system it will be a platform for next developer to host the system and can be use a large number of customers simultaneously and efficiently. Keyword: Voice based, telephony, combination of programming, architectur

    Digital Signal Processing Research Program

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    Contains table of contents for Section 2, an introduction, reports on twenty-two research projects and a list of publications.Sanders, a Lockheed-Martin Corporation Contract BZ4962U.S. Army Research Laboratory Contract DAAL01-96-2-0001U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-93-1-0686National Science Foundation Grant MIP 95-02885U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-96-1-0930National Defense Science and Engineering FellowshipU.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research Grant F49620-96-1-0072U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-95-1-0362National Science Foundation Graduate Research FellowshipAT&T Bell Laboratories Graduate Research FellowshipU.S. Army Research Laboratory Contract DAAL01-96-2-0002National Science Foundation Graduate FellowshipU.S. Army Research Laboratory/Advanced Sensors Federated Lab Program Contract DAAL01-96-2-000

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 19. Number 4.

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    Anti- Forensics: The Tampering of Media

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    In the context of forensic investigations, the traditional understanding of evidence is changing where nowadays most prosecutors, lawyers and judges heavily rely on multimedia signs. This modern shift has allowed the law enforcement to better reconstruct the crime scenes or reveal the truth of any critical event.In this paper we shed the light on the role of video, audio and photos as forensic evidences presenting the possibility of their tampering by various easy-to-use, available anti-forensics softwares. We proved that along with the forensic analysis, digital processing, enhancement and authentication via forgery detection algorithms to testify the integrity of the content and the respective source of each, differentiating between an original and altered evidence is now feasible. These operations assist the court to attain higher degree of intelligibility of the multimedia data handled and assert the information retrieved from each that support the success of the investigation process

    Table of Contents

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    Contains the table of contents