6 research outputs found

    Multi-modal Blind Source Separation with Microphones and Blinkies

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    We propose a blind source separation algorithm that jointly exploits measurements by a conventional microphone array and an ad hoc array of low-rate sound power sensors called blinkies. While providing less information than microphones, blinkies circumvent some difficulties of microphone arrays in terms of manufacturing, synchronization, and deployment. The algorithm is derived from a joint probabilistic model of the microphone and sound power measurements. We assume the separated sources to follow a time-varying spherical Gaussian distribution, and the non-negative power measurement space-time matrix to have a low-rank structure. We show that alternating updates similar to those of independent vector analysis and Itakura-Saito non-negative matrix factorization decrease the negative log-likelihood of the joint distribution. The proposed algorithm is validated via numerical experiments. Its median separation performance is found to be up to 8 dB more than that of independent vector analysis, with significantly reduced variability.Comment: Accepted at IEEE ICASSP 2019, Brighton, UK. 5 pages. 3 figure

    An interactive audio source separation framework based on non-negative matrix factorization

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    Enhanced independent vector analysis for audio separation in a room environment

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    Independent vector analysis (IVA) is studied as a frequency domain blind source separation method, which can theoretically avoid the permutation problem by retaining the dependency between different frequency bins of the same source vector while removing the dependency between different source vectors. This thesis focuses upon improving the performance of independent vector analysis when it is used to solve the audio separation problem in a room environment. A specific stability problem of IVA, i.e. the block permutation problem, is identified and analyzed. Then a robust IVA method is proposed to solve this problem by exploiting the phase continuity of the unmixing matrix. Moreover, an auxiliary function based IVA algorithm with an overlapped chain type source prior is proposed as well to mitigate this problem. Then an informed IVA scheme is proposed which combines the geometric information of the sources from video to solve the problem by providing an intelligent initialization for optimal convergence. The proposed informed IVA algorithm can also achieve a faster convergence in terms of iteration numbers and better separation performance. A pitch based evaluation method is defined to judge the separation performance objectively when the information describing the mixing matrix and sources is missing. In order to improve the separation performance of IVA, an appropriate multivariate source prior is needed to better preserve the dependency structure within the source vectors. A particular multivariate generalized Gaussian distribution is adopted as the source prior. The nonlinear score function derived from this proposed source prior contains the fourth order relationships between different frequency bins, which provides a more informative and stronger dependency structure compared with the original IVA algorithm and thereby improves the separation performance. Copula theory is a central tool to model the nonlinear dependency structure. The t copula is proposed to describe the dependency structure within the frequency domain speech signals due to its tail dependency property, which means if one variable has an extreme value, other variables are expected to have extreme values. A multivariate student's t distribution constructed by using a t copula with the univariate student's t marginal distribution is proposed as the source prior. Then the IVA algorithm with the proposed source prior is derived. The proposed algorithms are tested with real speech signals in different reverberant room environments both using modelled room impulse response and real room recordings. State-of-the-art criteria are used to evaluate the separation performance, and the experimental results confirm the advantage of the proposed algorithms

    Enhanced independent vector analysis for speech separation in room environments

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    PhD ThesisThe human brain has the ability to focus on a desired sound source in the presence of several active sound sources. The machine based method lags behind in mimicking this particular skill of human beings. In the domain of digital signal processing this problem is termed as the cocktail party problem. This thesis thus aims to further the eld of acoustic source separation in the frequency domain based on exploiting source independence. The main challenge in such frequency domain algorithms is the permutation problem. Independent vector analysis (IVA) is a frequency domain blind source separation algorithm which can theoretically obviate the permutation problem by preserving the dependency structure within each source vector whilst eliminating the dependency between the frequency bins of di erent source vectors. This thesis in particular focuses on improving the separation performance of IVA algorithms which are used for frequency domain acoustic source separation in real room environments. The source prior is crucial to the separation performance of the IVA algorithm as it is used to model the nonlinear dependency structure within the source vectors. An alternative multivariate Student's t distribution source prior is proposed for the IVA algorithm as it is known to be well suited for modelling certain speech signals due to its heavy tail nature. Therefore the nonlinear score function that is derived from the proposed Student's t source prior can better model the dependency structure within the frequency bins and thereby enhance the separation performance and the convergence speed of the IVA and the Fast version of the IVA (FastIVA) algorithms. 4 5 A novel energy driven mixed Student's t and the original super Gaussian source prior is also proposed for the IVA algorithms. As speech signals can be composed of many high and low amplitude data points, therefore the Student's t distribution in the mixed source prior can account for the high amplitude data points whereas the original su- per Gaussian distribution can cater for the other information in the speech signals. Furthermore, the weight of both distributions in the mixed source prior can be ad- justed according to the energy of the observed mixtures. Therefore the mixed source prior adapts the measured signals and further enhances the performance of the IVA algorithm. A common approach within the IVA algorithm is to model di erent speech sources with an identical source prior, however this does not account for the unique characteristics of each speech signal. Therefore dependency modelling for di erent speech sources can be improved by modelling di erent speech sources with di erent source priors. Hence, the Student's t mixture model (SMM) is introduced as a source prior for the IVA algorithm. This new source prior can adapt according to the nature of di erent speech signals and the parameters for the proposed SMM source prior are estimated by deriving an e cient expectation maximization (EM) algorithm. As a result of this study, a novel EM framework for the IVA algorithm with the SMM as a source prior is proposed which is capable of separating the sources in an e cient manner. The proposed algorithms are tested in various realistic reverberant room environments with real speech signals. All the experiments and evaluation demonstrate the robustness and enhanced separation performance of the proposed algorithms