4 research outputs found

    Large spatial datasets: Present Challenges, future opportunities

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    The key advantages of a well-designed multidimensional database is its ability to allow as many users as possible across an organisation to simultaneously gain access and view of the same data. Large spatial datasets evolve from scientific activities (from recent days) that tends to generate large databases which always come in a scale nearing terabyte of data size and in most cases are multidimensional. In this paper, we look at the issues pertaining to large spatial datasets; its feature (for example views), architecture, access methods and most importantly design technologies. We also looked at some ways of possibly improving the performance of some of the existing algorithms for managing large spatial datasets. The study reveals that the major challenges militating against effective management of large spatial datasets is storage utilization and computational complexity (both of which are characterised by the size of spatial big data which now tends to exceeds the capacity of commonly used spatial computing systems owing to their volume, variety and velocity). These problems fortunately can be combated by employing functional programming method or parallelization techniques

    Development of a specific domain language (DSL) graphic for the modeling of spatial databases

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    El modelado de bases de datos espaciales se desarrolla actualmente requiriendo que los usuarios tengan conocimiento en algunas herramientas y lenguajes de propósito general lo que en ocasiones dificulta el proceso de diseño e implementación de estas en entornos computacionales pues se requiere de un gran aprendizaje y conocimiento de esos lenguajes y de procedimientos complejos y engorrosos. Los lenguajes de dominio específico ofrecen una alternativa para facilitar muchos de estos procesos, por ello se evidencia necesario desarrollar una propuesta de metamodelo y su respectivo DSL gráfico que facilite el modelamiento de este tipo de bases de datos espaciales relacionales para los usuarios finales. Para ello se partirá de una propuesta abstracta para luego llevarla a una sintaxis concreta y posteriormente poder transformar los modelos en código para las extensiones Open Source como PostGIS y MySQL Spatial con el fin que los usuarios finales puedan emplear la propuesta de DSL gráfico y experimentar mejoras en el proceso de modelado de su bases de datos.The modeling of Spatial Databases is currently being developed, requiring users to have knowledge in some general purpose tools and languages, which sometimes hinders the process of designing and implementing these in computer environments because it requires a great learning and knowledge of those languages ​​and complex and cumbersome procedures. Specific Domain Languages ​​offer an alternative to facilitate many of these processes, therefore it is necessary to develop a metamodel proposal and its respective DSL graph that facilitates the modeling of this type of Relational Spatial Databases for end users. This will be based on an abstract proposal and then take it to a specific syntax and then transform the models into code for Open Source extensions such as PostGIS and MySQL Spatial so that end users can use the DSL graphic proposal and experience improvements in the process of modeling your Databases