5 research outputs found

    Innovation capabilities, organisational culture, and organisational performance in the UAE

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    The organisational performance comprises real results or outputs compared to intended outcomes, depending on various factors. Organisational capacity and organisational culture are among the factors that influence work performance. Each affects differently to work performance of many countries due to different prevailing conditions of the countries. Despite the fact that this issue has been studied in many countries until today, issues on the influence of organisational innovation capabilities and culture on organisational performance are rarely studied in the UAE. Therefore, this study sought to identify the effect of organisational culture on innovation capabilities to improve the organisational performance of the economic development department in the UAE. In order to achieve the objective, this study employed a quantitative approach. A survey was conducted using a structured questionnaire to gather data involving 246 UAE economic development department employees. The instrument was developed based on literature reviews, consisting of three main elements: (1) innovation-related categories: vision and strategy, ivrganizational intelligence, creativity and idea management, management of technology, ivrganizational structure and system; (2) ivrganizational culture, and (3) organisational performance. The data were analysed using Moment Structure Modeling (AMOS-SEM). The findings revealed that organisational innovation capability influences work performance. The mediating effect of organisational culture has a substantial and direct effect on the performance of the UAE's economic development department. The R2 (coefficient of determination) obtained indicated that the effect of the study groups on innovation capability was medium. Thus, the operating performance of the economic development department in the execution by the UAE can be strengthened by taking into account the corporate atmosphere and capacity for growth

    A framework for enhancing government service delivery using mobile technologies: an African countries context

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    Electronic government (e-government) is how the providers of public services interact with the citizen and business via electronic means. The internet is the most commonly used electronic channel. E-government can provide major benefits to citizens and businesses by making the delivery of public services more efficient and effective. However, recent advances in mobile technology have offered the potential to support government services at various levels. This has made it possible to deliver services to the citizens who have no convenient physical access to government services, for example, people living in rural areas and those who are continually on the move, such as business professionals. This study explores the possibilities of effectiveness, resistance, opportunities and issues related to supporting government services delivery through using mobile cellular technologies. This research study focused on the South African and Nigerian contexts. The focus was to explore various ways that the government can use mobile technologies to improve the provision of government services. A major output of this research work is a conceptual framework to guide mobile government implementation as a vehicle for delivery of government services. Literature from both academic and professional domains were consulted throughout the study. Furthermore, a case study research was conducted in two organisations, which are different in terms of cultural and transformative settings (one in South Africa and another in Nigeria). The study followed an interpretive research approach, and collected data through semi-structured interviews in the two organizations. The data gathered were relevant to the implementation of m-government systems. The study relied on two underpinning theoretical frameworks, namely Structuration Theory and Actor Network Theory to understand the socio-technical factors affecting the implementation of m-government systems in government organisations. The perspective of duality of structure and moments of translation from both Structuration Theory and Actor Network Theory were adopted to analyse the data collected in the case study organisations

    Factors influencing access to electronic government information and e-government adoption in selected districts of Tanzania

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    E-government is a means of improving provision of government information and services to citizens. The aim of this study was to investigate the current situation and factors influencing access of e-government information and e-government adoption in Tanzania. A triangulation approach for data gathering was adopted. Specifically, a semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 448 respondents. In addition, interviews involving five policy makers were conducted to complement the questionnaire survey. Factor analyses were performed and multiple linear regression analyses were carried out to assess the relationships between variables. The findings revealed that, the current state of e-government in the selected districts of Tanzania is characterized by web presence stage. Various enhancing factors and challenges for e-government were noted in this study. The enhancing factors include necessary knowledge, necessary resources, awareness, confidence to use the website, availability and reliability of internet connections, positive incentives that have resulted from using the internet to search for government information, and getting information on demand. Other enhancing factors are guidance for internet use, possession of ICTs, availability of up-to-date information in the website, education, income and social influence. There are some e-government adoption barriers that include worrying about security and privacy of information, lack of support from the government, unreliable power supply, inaccessibility of internet services due to geographical locations, and people not getting as much information about the services as possible. Other barriers are system quality, cultural barriers, age, and information content produced in English, which is a language that the majority do not understand. The study has implications for policy makers and to e-government project teams. Policy makers should consider e-government adoption barriers in order to formulate policies of eliminating them. Likewise, e-government project teams should consider these barriers in order overcome them before the implementation of e-government systems.Information ScienceD. Litt et. Phil. (Information Science