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    In wireless communications, the improvement of spectral efficiency isrequired due to the shortage of frequency resource. As an effectivesolution, spectrum sharing has been attracted attention. A cognitiveradio is promising technology for realization of spectrum sharing. Inthe spectrum sharing, cognitive user (secondary user) has to protectlicensed user (primary user) according to the interference constraint.However, conventional metric of interference constraint cannot avoidlarge performance degradation in primary system with widely rangeof Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) such as a cellular system. Additionally,conventional interference constraints do not considers schedulingbehavior in cellular system. In order to solve these problems, thispaper proposes novel metric of the interference constraint whichsupports the widely SNR region of the primary system, so calledcapacity conservation ratio (CCR). The CCR is defined as the ratio ofthe capacity of the Primary receiver without interference from thesecondary transmitter, to the decreased primary capacity due tointerference. Proposed interference constraint based on CCR canprotect primary capacities over the widely SNR region. In addition,scheduling behavior of the primary system can be protected by usingproposed interference constraint. In addition, we propose transmitpower control schemes: exact and simplified power control. The exactpower control can satisfy requirement of interference constraintwithout large margin; however, transmit power cannot be derivewithout numerical analysis. In contrast, transmit power isclosed-form solution in the simplified power control with satisfyingthe interference constraint. Finally, this thesis proposes the resourcescheduling under the interference constraint. Proposed schedulingachieves the high throughput and high user fairness in the secondarysystem without increasing feedback information compared withconventional algorithm.現在、無線通信において周波数リソース不足が深刻な問題となっており、抜本的な対策技術としてコグニティブ周波数共用が注目されている。本論文では、周波数共用において既存システムの周波数帯を他システム(2 次システム)が二次利用するために干渉制限指標及びリソース割り当てに関する研究を行った。一つ目の研究では、既存システムに与える与干渉状態の評価指標について提案を行い,幅広い通信品質の既存システムを保護可能な干渉制限について評価を行った.評価ではシステムのリンクが静的モデルおよび動的なリソース配分で変更される動的モデルを用いた.二つ目の研究では,その干渉制限達成可能な送信電力制御の検討を行った。送信電力制御を行う際に,外部からチャネル情報の一部のみが得られると仮定し,確率的に変動するフェージング要素について所望のアウテージ確率を満足できるように数値解析を行い,厳密設計および簡易設計について提案を行った.三つ目の研究では、既存システムが複数端末に対して無線リソースをスケジューリングするモデルへと拡張し,2 次システムが干渉を回避しつつ,効率的リソース割り当てに関する検討を行った。電気通信大学201

    Power efficient dynamic resource scheduling algorithms for LTE

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    Packet scheduling algorithms in LTE systems

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.There has been a huge increase in demand towards improving the Quality of Service (QoS) of wireless services. Long Term Evolution (LTE) is a development of the Third-Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) with the aim to meet the needs of International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Some of its aspects are highlighted as follows: increase in data rate, scalable bandwidth, reduced latency and increase in coverage and capacity that result in better quality of service in communication. LTE employs Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) to simultaneously deliver multimedia services at a high speed rate. Packet switching is used by LTE to support different media services. To meet the QoS requirements for LTE networks, packet scheduling has been employed. Packet scheduling decides when and how different packets are delivered to the receiver. It is responsible for smart user packet selection to allocate radio resources appropriately. Therefore, packet scheduling should be cleverly designed to achieve QoS that is similar to fixed line services. eNodeB is a node in LTE network which is responsible for radio resource management that involves packet scheduling. There are two main categories of application in multimedia services: RT (Real Time) and NRT (None Real Time) services. RT services are either delay sensitive (e.g. voice over IP), loss sensitive (e.g. Buffered Video) or both (delay &loss sensitive) for example video conferencing. Best effort users are an example of NRT services that do not have exact requisites and have been allocated to spare resources. Reaching higher throughput has sometimes resulted in unfair allocation to users who are located far from the base station or users who suffer from bad channel conditions. Therefore, a sufficient trade-off between throughput and fairness is essential. The scarce bandwidth, fading radio channels and the QoS requirement of the users, makes resource allocation a demanding issue. Different scheduling approaches have been suggested for different service demands described briefly throughout the thesis. Initially, a comprehensive literature review of existing work on the packet scheduling topic has been accomplished in this thesis to realize the characteristics of packet scheduling and the resource allocation for the wireless network. Many packet scheduling algorithms developed to provide satisfactory QoS for multimedia services in downlink LTE systems. Several algorithms considered in this thesis include time and frequency domain algorithms and their way of approach has been investigated. The next objective of this thesis is to improve the performance of packet scheduling in LTE downlink systems. A new packet scheduling algorithm has been introduced in this thesis. A study on VoLTE (Voice over LTE), video streaming and best effort traffic under three different scheduling algorithms has been conducted. Heterogeneous traffic based on precise modelling of packets has been used in the simulation. The main resource allocation and assignment technique used in this work namely Dynamic Subcarrier Allocation scheme is shown to provide a solution to solve the cross layer optimisation problem. It depends on Channel Quality Information (CQI) and has been broadly investigated for single carrier and multicarrier wireless networks. The problem is based on the maximisation of average utility functions. Different scheduling algorithms in this method consider to be utility functions. The throughput, fairness and Packet Loss Ratio have been considered as the requirements for examining the performance of algorithms. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm significantly increases the performance of streaming and best effort users in terms of PLR and throughput. Fairness has also been improved with less computational complexity compared to previous algorithms that have been introduced in this thesis