7 research outputs found

    Wireless Network Code Design and Performance Analysis using Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff

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    Network coding and cooperative communication have received considerable attention from the research community recently in order to mitigate the adverse effects of fading in wireless transmissions and at the same time to achieve high throughput and better spectral efficiency. In this work, we design and analyze deterministic and random network coding schemes for a cooperative communication setup with multiple sources and destinations. We show that our schemes outperform conventional cooperation in terms of the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff (DMT). Specifically, it achieves the full-diversity order at the expense of a slightly reduced multiplexing rate. We establish the link between the parity-check matrix for a (N+M,M,N+1)(N+M,M,N+1) systematic MDS code and the network coding coefficients in a cooperative communication system of NN source-destination pairs and MM relays. We present two ways to generate the network coding matrix: using the Cauchy matrices and the Vandermonde matrices, and establish that they both offer the maximum diversity order

    Relay Selection with Network Coding in Two-Way Relay Channels

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    In this paper, we consider the design of joint network coding (NC)and relay selection (RS) in two-way relay channels. In the proposed schemes, two users first sequentially broadcast their respective information to all the relays. We propose two RS schemes, a single relay selection with NC and a dual relay selection with NC. For both schemes, the selected relay(s) perform NC on the received signals sent from the two users and forward them to both users. The proposed schemes are analyzed and the exact bit error rate (BER) expressions are derived and verified through Monte Carlo simulations. It is shown that the dual relay selection with NC outperforms other considered relay selection schemes in two-way relay channels. The results also reveal that the proposed NC relay selection schemes provide a selection gain compared to a NC scheme with no relay selection, and a network coding gain relative to a conventional relay selection scheme with no NC.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Network coding cooperation performance analysis in wireless network over a lossy channel, M users and a destination scenario

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    Network coding (NC), introduced at the turn of the century, enables nodes in a network to combine data algebraically before either sending or forwarding them. Random network coding has gained popularity over the years by combining the received packet randomly before forwarding them, resulting in a complex Jordan Gaussian Elimination (JGE) decoding process. The effectiveness of random NC is through cooperation among nodes. In this paper, we propose a simple, low-complexity cooperative protocol that exploits NC in a deterministic manner resulting in improved diversity, data rate, and less complex JGE decoding process. The proposed system is applied over a lossy wireless network. The scenario under investigation is as follows: M users must send their information to a common destination D and to exchange the information between each others, over erasure channels; typically the channels between the users and the destination are worse than the channels between users. It is possible to significantly reduce the traffic amon g users and destination, achieving significant bandwidth savings, by combining packets from different users in simple, deterministic ways without resorting to extensive header information before being forwarded to the destination and the M users. The key problem we try to address is how to efficiently combine the packets at each user while exploiting user cooperation and the probability of successfully recovering information from all users at D with k < 2M unique linear equations, accounting for the fact that the remaining packets will be lost in the network and there are two transmission stages. Simulation results show the behaviour for two and three transmission stages. Our results show that applying NC protocols in two or three stages decreases the traffic significantly, beside the fact that the proposed protocols enable the system to retrieve the lost packets rather than asking for ARQ, resulting in improved data flow, and less power consumption. In fact, in some protocols the ARQ dropped from the rate 10-1 to 10-4, because of the proposed combining algorithm that enables the nodes to generate additional unique linear equations to broadcast rather than repeating the same ones via ARQ. Moreover, the number of the transmitted packets in each cooperative stage dropped from M (M − 1) to just M packets, resulting to 2 M packets instead 2 (M2 −  1) when three stages of transmission system are used instead of one stage (two cooperative stages)

    Network Coding for Wireless and Wired Networks: Design, Performance and Achievable Rates

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    Many point-to-point communication problems are relatively well understood in the literature. For example, in addition to knowing what the capacity of a point-to-point channel is, we also know how to construct codes that will come arbitrarily close to the capacity of these channels. However, we know very little about networks. For example, we do not know the capacity of the two-way relay channel which consists of only three transmitters. The situation is not so different in the wired networks except special cases like multicasting. To understand networks better, in this thesis we study network coding which is considered to be a promising technique since the time it was shown to achieve the single-source multicast capacity. First we design and analyze deterministic and random network coding schemes for a cooperative communication setup with multiple sources and destinations. We show that our schemes outperform conventional cooperation in terms of the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff (DMT). Specifically, it can offer the maximum diversity order at the expense of a slightly reduced multiplexing rate. We derive the necessary and sufficient conditions to achieve the maximum diversity order. We show that when the parity-check matrix for a systematic maximum distance separable (MDS) code is used as the network coding matrix, the maximum diversity is achieved. We present two ways to generate full-diversity network coding matrices: namely using the Cauchy matrices and the Vandermonde matrices. We also analyze a selection relaying scheme and prove that a multiplicative diversity order is possible with enough number of relay selection rounds. In addition to the above scheme for wireless networks, we also study wired networks, and apply network coding together with interference alignment. We consider networks with KK source nodes and JJ destination nodes with arbitrary message demands. We first consider a simple network consisting of three source nodes and four destination nodes and show that each user can achieve a rate of one half. Then we extend the result for the general case which states that when the min-cut between each source-destination pair is one, it is possible to achieve a sum rate that is arbitrarily close to the min-cut between the source nodes whose messages are demanded and the destination node where the sum rate is the summation of all the demanded source message rates plus the biggest interferer\u27s rate

    Performance and optimization of network-coded cooperative diversity systems

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    In this paper, we study network–coded cooperative diversity (NCCD) systems comprising multiple sources, one relay, and one destination, where the relay detects the packets received from all sources and performs Galois ïŹeld (GF) network coding over GF(2m) before forwarding a single packet to the destination. Assuming independent Rayleigh fading for all links of the network, we derive simple and accurate closed–formapproximations for the asymptotic symbol and bit error rates of NCCD systems. The derived error rate expressions are valid for arbitrary numbers of sources, arbitrary modulation schemes, and arbitrary constellation mappings and provide signiïŹcantinsight into the impact of various system and channel parameters on performance. Moreover, these expressions can be exploited for optimization of the constellation mapping as well as for formulation of various NCCD system optimization problemsincluding optimal power allocation, relay selection, and relay placement.NSERC Strategic Project Grantpre-prin

    Towards reliable communication in LTE-A connected heterogeneous machine to machine network

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    Machine to machine (M2M) communication is an emerging technology that enables heterogeneous devices to communicate with each other without human intervention and thus forming so-called Internet of Things (IoTs). Wireless cellular networks (WCNs) play a significant role in the successful deployment of M2M communication. Specially the ongoing massive deployment of long term evolution advanced (LTE-A) makes it possible to establish machine type communication (MTC) in most urban and remote areas, and by using LTE-A backhaul network, a seamless network communication is being established between MTC-devices and-applications. However, the extensive network coverage does not ensure a successful implementation of M2M communication in the LTE-A, and therefore there are still some challenges. Energy efficient reliable transmission is perhaps the most compelling demand for various M2M applications. Among the factors affecting reliability of M2M communication are the high endto-end delay and high bit error rate. The objective of the thesis is to provide reliable M2M communication in LTE-A network. In this aim, to alleviate the signalling congestion on air interface and efficient data aggregation we consider a cluster based architecture where the MTC devices are grouped into number of clusters and traffics are forwarded through some special nodes called cluster heads (CHs) to the base station (BS) using single or multi-hop transmissions. In many deployment scenarios, some machines are allowed to move and change their location in the deployment area with very low mobility. In practice, the performance of data transmission often degrades with the increase of distance between neighboring CHs. CH needs to be reselected in such cases. However, frequent re-selection of CHs results in counter effect on routing and reconfiguration of resource allocation associated with CH-dependent protocols. In addition, the link quality between a CH-CH and CH-BS are very often affected by various dynamic environmental factors such as heat and humidity, obstacles and RF interferences. Since CH aggregates the traffic from all cluster members, failure of the CH means that the full cluster will fail. Many solutions have been proposed to combat with error prone wireless channel such as automatic repeat request (ARQ) and multipath routing. Though the above mentioned techniques improve the communication reliability but intervene the communication efficiency. In the former scheme, the transmitter retransmits the whole packet even though the part of the packet has been received correctly and in the later one, the receiver may receive the same information from multiple paths; thus both techniques are bandwidth and energy inefficient. In addition, with retransmission, overall end to end delay may exceed the maximum allowable delay budget. Based on the aforementioned observations, we identify CH-to-CH channel is one of the bottlenecks to provide reliable communication in cluster based multihop M2M network and present a full solution to support fountain coded cooperative communications. Our solution covers many aspects from relay selection to cooperative formation to meet the user’s QoS requirements. In the first part of the thesis, we first design a rateless-coded-incremental-relay selection (RCIRS) algorithm based on greedy techniques to guarantee the required data rate with a minimum cost. After that, we develop fountain coded cooperative communication protocols to facilitate the data transmission between two neighbor CHs. In the second part, we propose joint network and fountain coding schemes for reliable communication. Through coupling channel coding and network coding simultaneously in the physical layer, joint network and fountain coding schemes efficiently exploit the redundancy of both codes and effectively combat the detrimental effect of fading conditions in wireless channels. In the proposed scheme, after correctly decoding the information from different sources, a relay node applies network and fountain coding on the received signals and then transmits to the destination in a single transmission. Therefore, the proposed schemes exploit the diversity and coding gain to improve the system performance. In the third part, we focus on the reliable uplink transmission between CHs and BS where CHs transmit to BS directly or with the help of the LTE-A relay nodes (RN). We investigate both type-I and type-II enhanced LTE-A networks and propose a set of joint network and fountain coding schemes to enhance the link robustness. Finally, the proposed solutions are evaluated through extensive numerical simulations and the numerical results are presented to provide a comparison with the related works found in the literature