5 research outputs found


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    Android applications in smart phones are generally towards provide greater flexibility and convince for users. Considering the fact that the Android applications are having privilege to access data and resources in mobile after it gets installed (one time permission provided by end user on the time installation), these application may also lead to issues in security for the user data as well as issues relate smart phone with peripheral environment. A practical example for an issue which relates smart phone with peripheral environment can be even an Android smart phone application of a college student use camera resource to capture photos of R&D cell and transfer without user or organization permission. The security of the organization and user should be prevented by providing an adoptable solution. The proposed concept of CBAA-AAC (Context Based Android Application Administrative Access Control) is used to control the privileges of any Android application over a corresponding longitude and latitude by the organization administrator. In this way, administrator is able to block malicious application of every individual smart phone which can have activity towards utilizing services and resources that may affect the security of the organization, such an move is must for assuring security of any organization and educational institutions while they allow users to “bring their own smart phones/mobile devices” into the campus

    IdentiDroid: Android can finally Wear its Anonymous Suit

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    Because privacy today is a major concern for mobile applications, network anonymizers are widely available on smartphones, such as Android. However despite the use of such anonymizers, in many cases applications are still able to identify the user and the device by different means than the IP address. The reason is that very often applications require device services and information that go beyond the capabilities of anonymous networks in protecting users' identity and privacy. In this paper, we propose two solutions that address this problem. The first solution is based on an approach that shadows user and application data, device information, and resources that can reveal the user identity. Data shadowing is executed when the smartphone switches to the 'anonymous modality'. Once the smartphone returns to work in the normal (i.e. non-anonymous) modality, application data, device information and resources are returned back to the state they had before the anonymous connection. The second solution is based on run-time modifications of Android application permissions. Permissions associated with sensitive information are dynamically revoked at run-time from applications when the smartphone is used under the anonymous modality. They are re-instated back when the smartphone returns to work in the normal modality. In addition, both solutions offer protection from applications that identify their users through traces left in the application's data storage or through exchanging identifying data messages. We developed IdentiDroid, a customized Android operating system, to deploy these solutions and built IdentiDroid Profile Manager, a profile-based configuration tool that allows one to set different configurations for each installed Android application. With this tool, applications running within the same device are configured to be given different identifications and privileges to limit the uniqueness of device and user information. We analyzed 250 Android applications to determine what information, services, and permissions can identify users and devices. Our experiments show that when IdentiDroid is deployed and properly configured on Android devices, users' anonymity is better guaranteed by either of the proposed solutions with no significant impact on most device applications

    Supporting lay users in privacy decisions when sharing sensitive data

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    The first part of the thesis focuses on assisting users in choosing their privacy settings, by using machine learning to derive the optimal set of privacy settings for the user. In contrast to other work, our approach uses context factors as well as individual factors to provide a personalized set of privacy settings. The second part consists of a set of intelligent user interfaces to assist the users throughout the complete privacy journey, from defining friend groups that allow targeted information sharing; through user interfaces for selecting information recipients, to find possible errors or unusual settings, and to refine them; up to mechanisms to gather in-situ feedback on privacy incidents, and investigating how to use these to improve a user’s privacy in the future. Our studies have shown that including tailoring the privacy settings significantly increases the correctness of the predicted privacy settings; whereas the user interfaces have been shown to significantly decrease the amount of unwanted disclosures.Insbesondere nach den jüngsten Datenschutzskandalen in sozialen Netzwerken wird der Datenschutz für Benutzer immer wichtiger. Obwohl die meisten Benutzer behaupten Wert auf Datenschutz zu legen, verhalten sie sich online allerdings völlig anders: Sie lassen die meisten Datenschutzeinstellungen der online genutzten Dienste, wie z. B. von sozialen Netzwerken oder Diensten zur Standortfreigabe, unberührt und passen sie nicht an ihre Datenschutzanforderungen an. In dieser Arbeit werde ich einen Ansatz zur Lösung dieses Problems vorstellen, der auf zwei verschiedenen Säulen basiert. Der erste Teil konzentriert sich darauf, Benutzer bei der Auswahl ihrer Datenschutzeinstellungen zu unterstützen, indem maschinelles Lernen verwendet wird, um die optimalen Datenschutzeinstellungen für den Benutzer abzuleiten. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Arbeiten verwendet unser Ansatz Kontextfaktoren sowie individuelle Faktoren, um personalisierte Datenschutzeinstellungen zu generieren. Der zweite Teil besteht aus einer Reihe intelligenter Benutzeroberflächen, die die Benutzer in verschiedene Datenschutzszenarien unterstützen. Dies beginnt bei einer Oberfläche zur Definition von Freundesgruppen, die im Anschluss genutzt werden können um einen gezielten Informationsaustausch zu ermöglichen, bspw. in sozialen Netzwerken; über Benutzeroberflächen um die Empfänger von privaten Daten auszuwählen oder mögliche Fehler oder ungewöhnliche Datenschutzeinstellungen zu finden und zu verfeinern; bis hin zu Mechanismen, um In-Situ- Feedback zu Datenschutzverletzungen zum Zeitpunkt ihrer Entstehung zu sammeln und zu untersuchen, wie diese verwendet werden können, um die Privatsphäreeinstellungen eines Benutzers anzupassen. Unsere Studien haben gezeigt, dass die Verwendung von individuellen Faktoren die Korrektheit der vorhergesagten Datenschutzeinstellungen erheblich erhöht. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass die Benutzeroberflächen die Anzahl der Fehler, insbesondere versehentliches Teilen von Daten, erheblich verringern

    User Centric Policy Management in Online Social Networks

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