75 research outputs found

    A minimalistic look at widening operators

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    We consider the problem of formalizing the familiar notion of widening in abstract interpretation in higher-order logic. It turns out that many axioms of widening (e.g. widening sequences are ascending) are not useful for proving correctness. After keeping only useful axioms, we give an equivalent characterization of widening as a lazily constructed well-founded tree. In type systems supporting dependent products and sums, this tree can be made to reflect the condition of correct termination of the widening sequence

    Fr\'echet Quantum Supergroups

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    In this paper, we introduce Fr\'echet quantum supergroups and their representations. By using the universal deformation formula of the abelian supergroups R^{m|n} we construct various classes of Fr\'echet quantum supergroups that are deformation of classical ones. For such quantum supergroups, we find an analog of Kac-Takesaki operators that are superunitary and satisfy the pentagonal relation.Comment: 21 pages, published versio


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    Environmental Economics and Policy, International Development,

    Absoluteness via Resurrection

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    The resurrection axioms are forcing axioms introduced recently by Hamkins and Johnstone, developing on ideas of Chalons and Velickovi\'c. We introduce a stronger form of resurrection axioms (the \emph{iterated} resurrection axioms RAα(Γ)\textrm{RA}_\alpha(\Gamma) for a class of forcings Γ\Gamma and a given ordinal α\alpha), and show that RAω(Γ)\textrm{RA}_\omega(\Gamma) implies generic absoluteness for the first-order theory of Hγ+H_{\gamma^+} with respect to forcings in Γ\Gamma preserving the axiom, where γ=γΓ\gamma=\gamma_\Gamma is a cardinal which depends on Γ\Gamma (γΓ=ω1\gamma_\Gamma=\omega_1 if Γ\Gamma is any among the classes of countably closed, proper, semiproper, stationary set preserving forcings). We also prove that the consistency strength of these axioms is below that of a Mahlo cardinal for most forcing classes, and below that of a stationary limit of supercompact cardinals for the class of stationary set preserving posets. Moreover we outline that simultaneous generic absoluteness for Hγ0+H_{\gamma_0^+} with respect to Γ0\Gamma_0 and for Hγ1+H_{\gamma_1^+} with respect to Γ1\Gamma_1 with γ0=γΓ0≠γΓ1=γ1\gamma_0=\gamma_{\Gamma_0}\neq\gamma_{\Gamma_1}=\gamma_1 is in principle possible, and we present several natural models of the Morse Kelley set theory where this phenomenon occurs (even for all HγH_\gamma simultaneously). Finally, we compare the iterated resurrection axioms (and the generic absoluteness results we can draw from them) with a variety of other forcing axioms, and also with the generic absoluteness results by Woodin and the second author.Comment: 34 page

    Extensions of SystemC^FL for mixed-signal systems and formal verification

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    The formal language SystemC^FL is the formalization of SystemC. The language semantics of SystemC^FL was formally defined in a standard structured operational semantics (SOS) style. In this paper, we first provide an overview of the current status of the formal language SystemC^FL and show some practical applications of SystemC^FL.Then, we give an outline for the latest developments of SystemC^FL. These developments include extensions of SystemC^FL for modeling mixed-signal systems and formal verification
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