7 research outputs found

    Comput Inform Nurs

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    R01 NR015737/NR/NINR NIH HHS/United StatesU01 PS003715/PS/NCHHSTP CDC HHS/United States2017-05-01T00:00:00Z27153226PMC494452

    Design methodologies for M-health innovations: a content analysis

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    Whilst researchers and professionals recognize that m-health offers great opportunities, most existing work has comprised individual project-based developments in specialised areas. Existing review papers generally utilise medical literature and categories: none investigates m-health from an IS design point of view. Identifying application areas, design issues and IS research techniques will demonstrate models, issues, approaches and gaps to inform future research. A comprehensive analysis of up to date literature from this viewpoint is valuable, both for theoretical progression and for guiding real-world innovative developments. Drawing from key IS and multidisciplinary journals we analyse recent (2010-2016) articles concerning m-health application developments and their associated design or development issues. We identify eight application categories, ten design issues (security, privacy, literacy, accessibility, acceptability, reliability, usability, confidentiality, integrity and knowledge sharing) and the stakeholders and development techniques involved. The analysis suggests m-health is an emerging field to which design science is particularly appropriate

    The use of a user-centric smart mobile application prototype for supporting safety and security in a city: a design science method

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    Cities have always been the drivers of innovation, growth and change. Cities around the world are still rapidly expanding, especially on the African and Asian continents. Cape Town is one of those cities, where urbanisation rates are high, and crime is persisting at alarmingly high levels with crime rates being among the worst in the country and the world. Additionally, the city is home to 7 of 10 worst-performing police services in the country. Combining these factors, there is a need to look at ‘smart' ways of growth which includes facilitating a safe and secure city for citizens. Although Cape Town is pursuing smart initiatives, these have failed to place communities and individuals among the key stakeholders in the smart planning process. This research focuses on further researching smart city initiatives in Cape Town, placing citizens at the centre of the development process. As Cape Town's mobile phone penetration rate is high and access to Internet is rapidly expanding, this research aims to use crowdsourcing techniques for developing a smart mobile application prototype that is focused on enhancing community engagement and facilitating increased perceived feelings of safety and security for citizens. The study uses a Design Science Research method with Cape Town citizens as the main stakeholders, to propose an artifact based on their wishes, needs and current issues faced with regards to safety and security in the city. The proposed artifact focuses on enhancing community engagement, through a chat room and user-logged incident reports, as well as a customised safe route planning functionality where users can send emergency signals to comembers with the use of GPS live location tracking. The research shows participants are willing to adopt the use of the mobile application prototype, given there is substantial community buy-in, and the functionalities in the app are easy to use and quickly accessible. The study further identifies the need for better police follow up and involvement, as the city's police system could benefit from crowd-sourced crime-data in reducing the number of crimes in neighbourhoods to make citizens feel more safe and secure

    Towards a mobile application to aid law enforcement in diagnosing and preventing mobile bully-victim behaviour in Eastern Free State High Schools of South Africa

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    Mobile bully-victim behaviour is one cyber aggression that is escalating worldwide. Bully-victims are people who bully others but are also victimised by peers. The behaviour of bully-victims therefore swings between that of pure bullies and pure victims, making it difficult to identify and prevent. Prevention measures require the involvement of a number of stakeholders, including communities. However, there has been a lack of whole-community participation in the fight against cyberbullying and the roles of stakeholders are often unclear. We expect the law enforcement in particular, the police, to play a key role in curbing all forms of bullying. This is a challenging task in South Africa as these law enforcement agents often lack the skills and appropriate legislation to address particularly cyber-related bullying. Literature shows that law enforcement agents need to advance their technological skills and also be equipped with digital interventions if they are to diagnose and prevent mobile bully-victim behaviour effectively. This is particularly important in South Africa, where the rate of crime remains one of the highest in the world. The aim of this study was to develop a mobile application that can aid law enforcement in diagnosing and preventing mobile bully-victim behaviour in high schools. As part of requirements to the application development, it identified the impediments to the law enforcement effectiveness in combating mobile bully-victim behaviour. Extensive literature review on the factors influencing mobile bullying and mobile bully-victim behaviour was conducted and an integrative framework for understanding this behaviour and its prevention was developed. In so doing, the dominant behavioural theories were consulted, including the social-ecological theory, social learning theory, social information processing theories, and the theory of planned behaviour, as well as the general strain theory, and the role theory. The conceptual framework developed in this study extended and tailored the “Cyberbullying Continuum of Harm”, enabling inclusive and moderated diagnosis of bullying categories and severity assessment. That is, instead of focusing on mobile bully-victims only, bullies, victims, and those uninvolved were also identified. Also the physical moderation of the identification process by the police helped to minimise dishonest reporting. This framework informed the design, development and evaluation of a mobile application for the law enforcement agents. The Design Science Research (DSR) methodology within pragmatic paradigm and literature guided the development of the mobile application named mobile bullyvictims response system (M-BRS) and its evaluation for utility. The M-BRS features included functions to enable anonymous reporting and confidential assessments of mobile bully-victims effects in school classrooms. Findings from this study confirmed the utility of the M-BRS to identify learners' involvement in mobile bully-victims behaviour through peer nomination and self-nomination. This study also showed that use of the M-BRS has enabled empowerment of marginalised learners, and mitigation of learners' fear to report, providing them with control over mobile bully-victim reporting. In addition, learners using the M-BRS were inclined to report perpetrators through a safe (anonymous and confidential) reporting platform. With the M-BRS, it was much easier to identify categories of bullies, i.e. mobile bully-victims, bullies, victims, and uninvolved. The practical contributions of this study were skills enhancements in reducing the mobile bully-victims behaviour. These included improvement of the police's technical skills to safely identify mobile bully-victims and their characterisation as propagators and retaliators that enabled targeted interventions. This was particularly helpful in response to courts' reluctance to prosecute teenagers for cyberbullying and the South African lack of legislation thereon so that the police are enabled to restoratively address this behaviour in schools. Also, the identification information was helpful to strengthen evidence for reported cases, which was remarkable because sometimes perpetrators cannot be found due to their concealed online identities. Furthermore, this study made possible the surveillance of mobile bully-victims through the M-BRS, which provided the police some control to reducing the mobile bully-victim behaviour. This study provided a practical way for implementing targeted prevention and interventions programmes using relevant resources towards a most efficient solution for mobile bully-victims problem. Since there are not many mobile-based interventions for mobile bully-victim behaviour, this study provided a way in which artefacts' development could be informed by theory, as a new, innovative and practical contribution in research. In so doing, this study contributed to technology applications' ability to modify desired behaviour