6 research outputs found

    Review of Technique and Algorithm for Educational Data Mining: Trend and Challenge in Games Design

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    This study reviews techniques and algorithm models often used in the analysis of educational data mining. The review in this study is based on previous studies to provide researchers knowledge about trends and challenges analysis Educational data mining in game design meaningful. However, there is a lot of games design developed without analysis Educational data mining which then will not answer the student problem. The analysis needed periodic data and developing the game required actual student conditions, this is a combination inseparable. Determine Research questions, Search Terms, and filtering for the selection and analysis of the article review. There are some student problems on analysis review, namely prediction student performance, student behavior, student at-riks, and student dropout. The number of Articles in the study was 33 with 21 Articles of research and 12 of Article review. The number of studies 8 with percent 38% used techniques Confusion matric with 33% percent used algorithms Decision Tree in 7 of studies. The section in this study consists of techniques evaluation, model selection, outcome, subject, and algorithm method. Which are recommended techniques and algorithms for analysis Educational data mining and in ideal game design to further research

    Educational data mining: a literature review

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    Com o objetivo de divulgar o potencial e a aptidão do Data Mining Educacional, como um instrumento de análise e de investigação, no apoio à gestão de instituições dedicadas ao ensino, apresenta-se, no presente artigo, uma sucinta descrição de alguns dos estudos mais relevantes da área. A análise efetuada permite evidenciar as inovações que o EDM tem vindo a promover, bem como as tendências de investigação atuais e futuras.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Determinantes de deserción de los estudiantes universitarios : caso del Politécnico Grancolombiano

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    El principal objetivo del presente artículo fue identificar aquellos factores que influyen en el riesgo de deserción de los estudiantes universitarios. Se trabajó con una muestra de 476 estudiantes con información académica, institucional y socioeconómica, entre otras. Se aplicó una regresión logística para identificar las variables de mayor impacto en el riesgo de la deserción y así proponer acciones que ayuden a mitigar este fenómeno. Se encuentra entre los resultados más importante que los estudiantes más jóvenes de la jornada diurna son quienes tienden a abandonar sus estudios durante los primeros cuatro semestres. El modelo predice correctamente el 84% de los casos; adicionalmente, el efecto que ejerce la edad de ingreso, el número de semestres cursados, el promedio acumulado, el total de créditos aprobados, la financiación de estudios y la obtención de auxilios educativos con la institución es superior si se compara con otros factores analizados en el presente estudio.The main objective of this article was to identify those factors that influence the risk of desertion of university students. We worked with a sample of 476 students with academic, institutional and socioeconomic information, among others. It was applied a logistic regression to identify the variables of greater impact in the risk of desertion, and this way, it was proposed actions to help mitigate this phenomenon. It is among the most important results that the youngest students of the daytime are those who tend to abandon their studies during the first four semesters. The model correctly predicts 84% of the cases; additionally, the effect of the entrance age, the number of semesters studied, the accumulated average, the total of approved credits, the financing of studies and the obtaining of educational aids with the institution is higher if it is compared with other factors analyzed in this study.Magíster en MercadeoMaestrí

    Detección de patrones de deserción estudiantil utilizando técnicas predictivas de clasificación y regresión de minería de datos, para la gestión académica de la Universidad Técnica del Norte

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    Detectar patrones de deserción estudiantil utilizando técnicas predictivas de clasificación y regresión en minería de datos para la gestión académica de la Universidad Técnica del Norte.La deserción estudiantil constituye un problema que afecta a las instituciones de educación superior y por ende a sus estándares de calidad; las causas probables que ocasionan esta problemática pueden ser personales, académicas o su situación socioeconómica. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo principal investigar patrones de deserción estudiantil y los principales factores que contribuyen a esta problemática en la Universidad Técnica del Norte (Ecuador), aplicando técnicas predictivas de minería de datos (clasificación y regresión), para procesar datos históricos de los estudiantes desde del año 2017 a 2018. El proceso KDD (Proceso de descubrimiento de conocimiento en bases de datos) sirvió para obtener una vista minable con 11200 registros, para aplicar técnicas bayesianas, árboles de decisión y regresión en el software Weka. Para definir el mejor algoritmo se evaluaron cuantitativamente cada uno de ellos, mediante la matriz de confusión y medidas estadísticas. Los principales resultados demostraron que los mejores algoritmos fueron RandomTree y Logistic, para obtener el conocimiento se tomó en cuenta la intersección de los resultados obtenidos de ambos algoritmos

    Modelo de retención universitaria: Un enfoque de Machine Learning.

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    University retention has become a globally recognized phenomenon, due to its complexity and multiple causes that must be addressed in the university environment; the decrease in its rates generates academic and management difficulties for Higher Education Institutions. It is considered important to analyze retention issues as a means of mitigating problems that affect the student and that allow the successful completion of a career. For this reason, a model is proposed to identify university student retention factors based on the application of Machine Learnign techniques. The data is obtained from an information survey process through a survey of 294 students from a public university in Ecuador, for the development of research the Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD) methodology and supervised learning algorithms with neural networks are used. The results allow to design a conceptual model based on 7 factors that influence the retention of students in universities in universities using Linear Regression. For the prediction, Cluster and Neural Networks algorithms were used, resulting in an accuracy rate of the proposed models of 94.2% with the Multilayer Perceptrom model, which allows to determine that the research developed is based under the experimental procedure that checks the validity of the proposed conceptual model.La retención universitaria se ha convertido en un fenómeno reconocido mundialmente, debido a su complejidad y múltiples causas que deben ser tratadas en el entorno universitario, la disminución de sus tasas genera dificultades de orden académico y de gestión para las Instituciones de Educación Superior. Se considera importante analizar los temas de retención como medio para mitigar problemas que afectan al estudiante y que permita la culminación con éxito de una carrera profesional. Por tal razón, se propone un modelo para identificar factores de retención estudiantil universitaria basada en la aplicación de técnicas de Machine Learnign. Los datos se obtienen de un proceso de levantamiento de información por medio de una encuesta a 294 estudiantes de una universidad pública del Ecuador, para el desarrollo de la investigación se utiliza la metodología Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD) y algoritmos de aprendizaje supervisado como redes neuronales. Los resultados permiten diseñar un modelo conceptual basado en 7 factores que influyen en la retención de los estudiantes en las universidades utilizando Regresión Lineal. Para el proceso de predicción se utilizó algoritmos Clúster y Redes Neuronales, dando como resultado una tasa de precisión del 94.2% con el modelo Multilayer Perceptrom, lo que permite determinar que la investigación desarrollada se sustenta bajo el procedimiento experimental que comprueba la validez del modelo conceptual propuesto

    Desenvolvimento de Modelos Analíticos de Apoio à Gestão em Instituições do Ensino Superior, com Recurso a Data Mining

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    As instituições de ensino superior deparam‐se atualmente com grandes desafios, derivados da concorrência na captação de novos alunos, da globalização da educação e das diretrizes das recentes políticas educativas, quer nacionais quer da união europeia, que exigem intervenções acrescidas em prol do sucesso educativo e da prevenção do abandono académico. Com o objetivo de contribuir para que essas instituições de ensino se transformem em organizações mais pró‐ativas, capazes de enfrentar os atuais desafios, propõem‐se, nesta tese, novos modelos analíticos de previsão, desenvolvidos com recurso a técnicas de data mining, que permitem estimar, com a devida antecedência, quer o nível de sucesso esperado no final do curso, quer a propensão do aluno para o abandono. Esses modelos vão permitir identificar quer os grupos de estudantes de maior risco, que venham a necessitar de uma maior atenção, quer os fatores que mais contribuam para o seu (in)sucesso, conhecimentos de importância primordial para que os agentes de gestão possam adotar as medidas e decisões estratégicas de promoção de sucesso académico mais adequadas. Para prever o sucesso académico global do aluno é proposto um modelo de regressão baseado no algoritmo random forest. Para estimar a sua propensão para o abandono é desenvolvido um modelo de classificação que combina três das mais importantes técnicas de data mining, como são os casos dos algoritmos random forest, máquinas de vetores de suporte e redes neuronais artificiais. Com o objetivo de avaliar e garantir que as metodologias desenvolvidas e os modelos propostos possam ser utilizados em contextos reais, usam‐se, como caso de estudo, os alunos de licenciatura duma instituição pública do ensino superior politécnico. Para além da elevada capacidade de previsão evidenciada pelos modelos desenvolvidos e da própria dimensão e diversidade dos dados analisados, destacam‐se, como contribuições diferenciadoras desta tese, os processos de seleção dos fatores explicativos do sucesso e do abandono académico. A tese também demonstra o potencial das técnicas de data mining quando aplicadas a bases de dados de grande dimensão provenientes de ambientes educacionais, podendo a abordagem metodológica seguida servir de guia a outras instituições de ensino, ajudando‐as a perceber de que forma o data mining as poderá auxiliar na extração de conhecimento útil que suporte melhores decisões.Higher education institutions are currently facing deep challenges stemming from the competition for attracting new students, the globalisation of education, and the directives from recent educational policies adopted both nationally and by the European Union, which require more interventions aiming the attainment of educational success and the prevention of students dropout. With the aim to contribute to the transformation of such institutions into more proactive organisations, capable of facing up to the current challenges, this thesis puts forward new analytical predictive models, developed by means of data mining techniques, which enable the early estimation of a student’s expected level of success at the end of the degree course as well as their propensity to drop out. These models will enable the identification of major risk groups of students, who will need closer attention, and also the identification of the factors mostly contributing to their success or failure. The importance of such information is vital to enable decision‐makers to take the most adequate measures and decisions in order to promote academic success. In order to predict students’ global academic success, we propose a regression model based on random forest algorithm. For the estimation of students’ propensity to drop out, we developed a classification model which combines three of the most popular data mining techniques, namely random forest, support vector machines and artificial neural networks. Aiming to assess and ensure that the methodologies developed and the models proposed can be used in real contexts, the undergraduates of a public polytechnic higher education institution were used as a case study. Besides the high predictive capacity demonstrated by the models developed and the dimension and diversity of the data analysed, other noteworthy differentiating contributions of this thesis are the innovative process of selection of the explanatory factors for academic success and students dropout. The thesis also shows the potential of data mining techniques when applied to large scale datasets deriving from educational environments, and the approach followed in this study may be used as a guideline to other educational institutions on how data mining can support the extraction of useful knowledge with a view to support better decisions