4 research outputs found

    An MDE-based framework to support the development of Mixed Interactive Systems

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    International audienceIn the domain of Human Computer Interaction (HCI), recent advances in sensors, communication technologies, miniaturization and computing capabilities have led to new and advanced forms of interaction. Among them, Mixed Interactive Systems (MIS), form a class of interactive systems that comprises augmented reality, tangible interfaces and ambient computing; MIS aim to take advantage of physical and digital worlds to promote a more transparent integration of interactive systems with the user's environment. Due to the constant change of technologies and the multiplicity of these interaction forms, specific development approaches have been developed. As a result, numerous taxonomies, frameworks, API and models have emerged, each one covering a specific and limited aspect of the development of MIS. To support a coherent use of these multiple development resources and contribute to the increasing popularity of MIS, we have developed a framework based on Model-Driven Engineering. The goal is to take advantage of Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) standards, methodology and tools to support the manipulation of complementary Domain Specific Languages (DSL), to organize and link the use of different design and implementation resources, and to ensure a rationalized implementation based on design choices. In this paper, we first summarize existing uses of MDE in HCI before focusing on five major benefits MDE can provide in a MIS development context. We then detail which MDE tools and resources support these benefits and thus form the pillars of the success of an MDE-based MIS development approach. Based on this analysis, we introduce our framework, called Guide-Me, and illustrate its use through a case study. This framework includes two design models. Model transformations are also included to link one model to another; as a result the frameworks coverage extends from the earliest design step to a software component-based prototyping platform. A toolset based on Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) that supports the use of the framework is also presented. We finally assess our MDE-based development process for MIS based on the five major MDE benefits for MIS

    Literature Reviews in HCI: A Review of Reviews

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    This paper analyses Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) literature reviews to provide a clear conceptual basis for authors, reviewers, and readers. HCI is multidisciplinary and various types of literature reviews exist, from systematic to critical reviews in the style of essays. Yet, there is insufficient consensus of what to expect of literature reviews in HCI. Thus, a shared understanding of literature reviews and clear terminology is needed to plan, evaluate, and use literature reviews, and to further improve review methodology. We analysed 189 literature reviews published at all SIGCHI conferences and ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) up until August 2022. We report on the main dimensions of variation: (i) contribution types and topics; and (ii) structure and methodologies applied. We identify gaps and trends to inform future meta work in HCI and provide a starting point on how to move towards a more comprehensive terminology system of literature reviews in HCI

    Literature Reviews in HCI: A Review of Reviews

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    This paper analyses Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) literature reviews to provide a clear conceptual basis for authors, reviewers, and readers. HCI is multidisciplinary and various types of literature reviews exist, from systematic to critical reviews in the style of essays. Yet, there is insufficient consensus of what to expect of literature reviews in HCI. Thus, a shared understanding of literature reviews and clear terminology is needed to plan, evaluate, and use literature reviews, and to further improve review methodology. We analysed 189 literature reviews published at all SIGCHI conferences and ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) up until August 2022. We report on the main dimensions of variation: (i) contribution types and topics; and (ii) structure and methodologies applied. We identify gaps and trends to inform future meta work in HCI and provide a starting point on how to move towards a more comprehensive terminology system of literature reviews in HCI

    Diretrizes para o design de mídias em realidade aumentada: situar a aprendizagem colaborativa online

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do ConhecimentoA Realidade Aumentada possibilita a visualização do mundo real sobreposto por entidades digitais. O seu uso vem ocorrendo em diversas áreas, por exemplo: no treinamento técnico e profissional; na aprendizagem; Arquitetura; Engenharia e Medicina. Esta tecnologia estabelece uma nova maneira do homem interagir com os computadores, tanto fisicamente quanto cognitivamente. Ela modifica a práxis de execução de tarefas, por apresentar características diferenciadas das interfaces gráficas convencionais (Graphical User Interface). Estas características determinam uma forma mais direta e natural de manipulação dos dispositivos de interação (Tangible User Interface). São dispositivos táteis (ou de contato físico), que necessitam de estudos, para que se compreendam suas implicações na Interação Humano Computador. Deste ponto de vista, este trabalho tem por objetivo desenvolver diretrizes para o design de interação da Realidade Aumentada, considerando as características da aprendizagem colaborativa online. Parte-se do pressuposto que à Cognição Situada pode contribuir com o desenvolvimento de diretrizes de design de interface em Realidade Aumentada. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho é "desenvolver diretrizes para o design de interação da Realidade Aumentada, considerando a aprendizagem colaborativa online". A pesquisa de literatura e a pesquisa de campo, com análise qualitativa, de um estudo de caso abordado pela etnografia, campo de estudo que se origina da Antropologia e é compatível com a Cognição Situada, foram os métodos para se atingir o objetivo. Como resultado se desenvolveu as diretrizes, compostas pelas recomendações de usabilidade já existentes e pelos resultados da pesquisa de campo. Espera-se, também, contribuir para melhorar os processos do Design Instrucional, pois as teorias de aprendizagem, a didática e os métodos de aprendizagem foram considerados durante todo o percurso da pesquisa