4 research outputs found

    Interoperabilidade semântica em redes de sensores sem fio

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    Wireless sensors are present in our lives, are studied and used in many areas of knowledge . We can use a wireless sensor network ( WSN ) to detect and identify problems that require decisions about simple activities , or with high criticality . Areas such as meteorology, traffic engineering , medicine, security, among other has become increasingly more important as it is able to interoperate and interpret data arising from these devices correctly . The present study aims to analyze the possibilities for data interoperability in a heterogeneous network of wireless sensors under the semantic approach . By conducting a literature review of possible paths for data interoperability among heterogeneous sensors , by using the concepts of semantic web and ontologies. Could indicate a likely advantage of the strengths of each approach in future work .Sensores sem fio encontram-se presentes em nossas vidas, são estudados e utilizados em diversas áreas do conhecimento. É possível usar uma rede de sensores sem fio (RSSF) para detectar e identificar problemas, que demandam decisões acerca atividades simples, ou com elevado grau criticidade. Áreas como a meteorologia, a engenharia de trânsito, a medicina, a segurança, dentre outra vem se mostrado cada vez mais, como é importantes poder interoperar e interpretar dados, oriundos destes dispositivos de maneira correta. O presente estudo tem o objetivo de Analisar as possibilidades de interoperabilidade de dados em uma rede de sensores heterogêneos, sob o enfoque semântico. Por meio da realização de uma revisão de literatura acerca de possíveis caminhos para interoperabilidade de dados entre sensores heterogêneos, por meio do uso de conceitos de web semântica e ontologias. Foi possível indicar um provável aproveitamento dos pontos fortes de cada abordagem em trabalhos futuros

    An Extended Ambient Intelligence Implementation for Enhanced Human-Space Interaction

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    Design and Implementation of a Prototype with a Standardized Interface for Transducers in Ambient Assisted Living

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    Solutions in the field of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) do not generally use standards to implement a communication interface between sensors and actuators. This makes these applications isolated solutions because it is so difficult to integrate them into new or existing systems. The objective of this research was to design and implement a prototype with a standardized interface for sensors and actuators to facilitate the integration of different solutions in the field of AAL. Our work is based on the roadmap defined by AALIANCE, using motes with TinyOS telosb, 6LoWPAN, sensors, and the IEEE 21451 standard protocol. This prototype allows one to upgrade sensors to a smart status for easy integration with new applications and already existing ones. The prototype has been evaluated for autonomy and performance. As a use case, the prototype has been tested in a serious game previously designed for people with mobility problems, and its advantages and disadvantages have been analysed.Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-363

    Success and failure in eHealth

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    Introduction In the field of eHealth, there seems to be a gap between promising research and clinical reality. This master thesis aims to give insight in patterns that can be found regarding the possible outcome in terms of success and/or failure. An in-depth review of workflow will be done, to get an understanding of the implications of eHealth on workflow. Methods Using a systematic article search, papers have been collected regarding the subject of this thesis. Through multiple search strategies, one final search string has been formulated. This final search string led to 903 papers. These papers have been assessed on relevance using qualitative methods. This resulted in 258 papers, which have been categorised by topic, entity and success or failure. After categorisation, the topic of workflow has been selected for an additional in-depth full-text review. Results The categorisation led to 27 categories. The categories are separated among the following entities: patient, health professional, health system and all. The first three have been separated in terms of success and failure as well. This led to a quantitative overview of different categories, for different actors in terms of success and failure. Workflow appeared to be essential for the possible success or failure of eHealth implementations. It is important to include workflow in the design of the tool as well. Conclusion Different categories show a unique combination in success and failure, and to what entity they belong. The category costs appeared to be mostly based on the health system and is attributed to failure. Therefore it is a pre-requisite for the implementation of eHealth. Other categories like quality healthcare and user expectations seem to target on success. The category legal was smaller than anticipated, which could have been caused by categories that are closely linked to each other