5 research outputs found

    Performance analysis of a two-level polling control system based on LSTM and attention mechanism for wireless sensor networks

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    A continuous-time exhaustive-limited (K = 2) two-level polling control system is proposed to address the needs of increasing network scale, service volume and network performance prediction in the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network and an attention mechanism is used for its predictive analysis. First, the central site uses the exhaustive service policy and the common site uses the Limited K = 2 service policy to establish a continuous-time exhaustive-limited (K = 2) two-level polling control system. Second, the exact expressions for the average queue length, average delay and cycle period are derived using probability generating functions and Markov chains and the MATLAB simulation experiment. Finally, the LSTM neural network and an attention mechanism model is constructed for prediction. The experimental results show that the theoretical and simulated values basically match, verifying the rationality of the theoretical analysis. Not only does it differentiate priorities to ensure that the central site receives a quality service and to ensure fairness to the common site, but it also improves performance by 7.3 and 12.2%, respectively, compared with the one-level exhaustive service and the one-level limited K = 2 service; compared with the two-level gated- exhaustive service model, the central site length and delay of this model are smaller than the length and delay of the gated- exhaustive service, indicating a higher priority for this model. Compared with the exhaustive-limited K = 1 two-level model, it increases the number of information packets sent at once and has better latency performance, providing a stable and reliable guarantee for wireless network services with high latency requirements. Following on from this, a fast evaluation method is proposed: Neural network prediction, which can accurately predict system performance as the system size increases and simplify calculations

    Upstream Polling Protocols for Flow Control in PON/xDSL Hybrid Access Networks

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    Localized Application for Video Capture for a Multimedia Sensor Node with Name-Based Segment Streaming

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    abstract: The Internet of Things (IoT) has become a more pervasive part of everyday life. IoT networks such as wireless sensor networks, depend greatly on the limiting unnecessary power consumption. As such, providing low-power, adaptable software can greatly improve network design. For streaming live video content, Wireless Video Sensor Network Platform compatible Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (WVSNP-DASH) aims to revolutionize wireless segmented video streaming by providing a low-power, adaptable framework to compete with modern DASH players such as Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG-DASH) and Apple’s Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Live Streaming (HLS). Each segment is independently playable, and does not depend on a manifest file, resulting in greatly improved power performance. My work was to show that WVSNP-DASH is capable of further power savings at the level of the wireless sensor node itself if a native capture program is implemented at the camera sensor node. I created a native capture program in the C language that fulfills the name-based segmentation requirements of WVSNP-DASH. I present this program with intent to measure its power consumption on a hardware test-bed in future. To my knowledge, this is the first program to generate WVSNP-DASH playable video segments. The results show that our program could be utilized by WVSNP-DASH, but there are issues with the efficiency, so provided are an additional outline for further improvements.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Computer Engineering 201

    Determination of Multimedia Services Properties in Hybrid Networks with Implemented Optical Amplifiers in Line

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá řešením aktuálního tématu na poli poskytovatelů internetového připojení a multimediálních služeb, kteří řeší konvergenci optických a metalických sítí. Cílem práce je sestavení a konfigurace experimentálního zapojení gigabitové pasivní optické sítě s vysokorychlostní digitální účastnickou přípojkou a tedy vytvoření hybridní přístupové sítě GPON/VDSL2, na které budou měřeny parametry multimediálních služeb SD, HD a Full HD videí. Na hybridní topologii je rovněž provedeno základní měření výkonu, útlumu a disperzí. Dále následuje implementace optických zesilovačů a nalezení maximální dosahu sítě. V rámci měření integrity sítě jsou provedeny testy dle doporučení RFC 6349 a normy ITU-T Y.1564. Práce je rozdělena do desíti kapitol, přičemž prvních šest řeší teoretickou část práce a další čtyři se zabývají praktickou částí. V teoretické části jsou popsány gigabitové pasivní optické sítě, digitální účastnické přípojky, optické zesilovače, hybridní fotonické sítě a sítě s velmi vysokou kapacitou. Praktická část práce se zabývá realizací reálného zapojení hybridní fotonické sítě v rámci laboratoří, dále implementací optických zesilovačů do této hybridní fotonické sítě, porovnáním jednotlivých výsledků a závěrem.The thesis deals with the solution of the current topic in the field of providers of internet connection and multimedia services, which solves the convergence of optical and metallic networks. The aim of the thesis is to build and configure an experimental connection of a gigabit passive optical network with a high-speed digital subscriber connection and thus to create a hybrid access network GPON/VDSL2, on which parameters of multimedia services of SD, HD and Full HD videos will be measured. On the hybrid topology, basic measurement of performance, attenuation and dispersion is also performed. Next comes the implementation of optical amplifiers and finding the maximum network range. Within the framework of the measurement of network integrity, tests are carried out according to the recommendation of RFC 6349 and the ITU-T Y.1564 standard. The thesis is divided into ten chapters, the first six solve the theoretical part of the thesis and the next four deal with the practical part. The theoretical part describes gigabit passive optical networks, digital subscriber connections, optical amplifiers, hybrid photonic networks and networks with very high capacity. The practical part of the work deals with the implementation of the real connection of the hybrid photonic network within laboratories, implementation of optical amplifiers into this hybrid photonic network, comparison of individual results and conclusion.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvýborn