4 research outputs found

    Probabilistic sophistication and multiple priors.

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    We show that under fairly mild conditions, a maximin expected utility preference relation is probabilistically sophisticated if and only if it is subjective expected utility.

    A Characterization of Exact Non-atomic Market Games

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    Continuous exact non-atomic games are naturally associated to certain operators between Banach spaces. It thus makes sense to study games by means of the corresponding operators. We characterize non-atomic exact market games in terms of the properties of the associated operators. We also prove a separation theorem for weak compact sets of countably additive measures, which is of independent interest

    Law-Invariant Functionals that Collapse to the Mean: Beyond Convexity

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    We establish general "collapse to the mean" principles that provide conditions under which a law-invariant functional reduces to an expectation. In the convex setting, we retrieve and sharpen known results from the literature. However, our results also apply beyond the convex setting. We illustrate this by providing a complete account of the "collapse to the mean" for quasiconvex functionals. In the special cases of consistent risk measures and Choquet integrals, we can even dispense with quasiconvexity. In addition, we relate the "collapse to the mean" to the study of solutions of a broad class of optimisation problems with law-invariant objectives that appear in mathematical finance, insurance, and economics. We show that the corresponding quantile formulations studied in the literature are sometimes illegitimate and require further analysis

    Upper probabilities and additivity

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