190 research outputs found

    Steganographic Generative Adversarial Networks

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    Steganography is collection of methods to hide secret information ("payload") within non-secret information "container"). Its counterpart, Steganalysis, is the practice of determining if a message contains a hidden payload, and recovering it if possible. Presence of hidden payloads is typically detected by a binary classifier. In the present study, we propose a new model for generating image-like containers based on Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks (DCGAN). This approach allows to generate more setganalysis-secure message embedding using standard steganography algorithms. Experiment results demonstrate that the new model successfully deceives the steganography analyzer, and for this reason, can be used in steganographic applications.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, 5 tables, Workshop on Adversarial Training (NIPS 2016, Barcelona, Spain

    Applications of Nature-Inspired Algorithms for Dimension Reduction: Enabling Efficient Data Analytics

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    In [1], we have explored the theoretical aspects of feature selection and evolutionary algorithms. In this chapter, we focus on optimization algorithms for enhancing data analytic process, i.e., we propose to explore applications of nature-inspired algorithms in data science. Feature selection optimization is a hybrid approach leveraging feature selection techniques and evolutionary algorithms process to optimize the selected features. Prior works solve this problem iteratively to converge to an optimal feature subset. Feature selection optimization is a non-specific domain approach. Data scientists mainly attempt to find an advanced way to analyze data n with high computational efficiency and low time complexity, leading to efficient data analytics. Thus, by increasing generated/measured/sensed data from various sources, analysis, manipulation and illustration of data grow exponentially. Due to the large scale data sets, Curse of dimensionality (CoD) is one of the NP-hard problems in data science. Hence, several efforts have been focused on leveraging evolutionary algorithms (EAs) to address the complex issues in large scale data analytics problems. Dimension reduction, together with EAs, lends itself to solve CoD and solve complex problems, in terms of time complexity, efficiently. In this chapter, we first provide a brief overview of previous studies that focused on solving CoD using feature extraction optimization process. We then discuss practical examples of research studies are successfully tackled some application domains, such as image processing, sentiment analysis, network traffics / anomalies analysis, credit score analysis and other benchmark functions/data sets analysis

    A Comparison of Generalizability for Anomaly Detection

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    In security-related areas there is concern over the novel “zeroday” attack that penetrates system defenses and wreaks havoc. The best methods for countering these threats are recognizing “non-self” as in an Artificial Immune System or recognizing “self” through clustering. For either case, the concern remains that something that looks similar to self could be missed. Given this situation one could logically assume that a tighter fit to self rather than generalizability is important for false positive reduction in this type of learning problem. This article shows that a tight fit, although important, does not supersede having some model generality. This is shown using three systems. The first two use sphere and ellipsoid clusters with a k-means algorithm modified to work on the one-class/blind classification problem. The third is based on wrapping the self points with a multidimensional convex hull (polytope) algorithm capable of learning disjunctive concepts via a thresholding constant. All three of these algorithms are tested on an intrusion detection problem and a steganalysis problem with results exceeding published results using an Artificial Immune System

    Evolutionary Computation, Optimization and Learning Algorithms for Data Science

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    A large number of engineering, science and computational problems have yet to be solved in a computationally efficient way. One of the emerging challenges is how evolving technologies grow towards autonomy and intelligent decision making. This leads to collection of large amounts of data from various sensing and measurement technologies, e.g., cameras, smart phones, health sensors, smart electricity meters, and environment sensors. Hence, it is imperative to develop efficient algorithms for generation, analysis, classification, and illustration of data. Meanwhile, data is structured purposefully through different representations, such as large-scale networks and graphs. We focus on data science as a crucial area, specifically focusing on a curse of dimensionality (CoD) which is due to the large amount of generated/sensed/collected data. This motivates researchers to think about optimization and to apply nature-inspired algorithms, such as evolutionary algorithms (EAs) to solve optimization problems. Although these algorithms look un-deterministic, they are robust enough to reach an optimal solution. Researchers do not adopt evolutionary algorithms unless they face a problem which is suffering from placement in local optimal solution, rather than global optimal solution. In this chapter, we first develop a clear and formal definition of the CoD problem, next we focus on feature extraction techniques and categories, then we provide a general overview of meta-heuristic algorithms, its terminology, and desirable properties of evolutionary algorithms

    Using Set Covering to Generate Databases for Holistic Steganalysis

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    Within an operational framework, covers used by a steganographer are likely to come from different sensors and different processing pipelines than the ones used by researchers for training their steganalysis models. Thus, a performance gap is unavoidable when it comes to out-of-distributions covers, an extremely frequent scenario called Cover Source Mismatch (CSM). Here, we explore a grid of processing pipelines to study the origins of CSM, to better understand it, and to better tackle it. A set-covering greedy algorithm is used to select representative pipelines minimizing the maximum regret between the representative and the pipelines within the set. Our main contribution is a methodology for generating relevant bases able to tackle operational CSM. Experimental validation highlights that, for a given number of training samples, our set covering selection is a better strategy than selecting random pipelines or using all the available pipelines. Our analysis also shows that parameters as denoising, sharpening, and downsampling are very important to foster diversity. Finally, different benchmarks for classical and wild databases show the good generalization property of the extracted databases. Additional resources are available at github.com/RonyAbecidan/HolisticSteganalysisWithSetCovering
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