6 research outputs found

    Unsupervised discovery of intentional process models from event logs

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    International audienceResearch on guidance and method engineering has highlighted that many method engineering issues, such as lack of flexibility or adaptation, are solved more effectively when intentions are explicitly specified. However, software engineering process models are most often described in terms of sequences of activities. This paper presents a novel approach, so-called Map Miner Method (MMM), designed to automate the construction of intentional process models from process logs. To do so, MMM uses Hidden Markov Models to model users' activities logs in terms of users' strategies. MMM also infers users' intentions and constructs fine-grained and coarse-grained intentional process models with respect to the Map metamodel syntax (i.e., metamodel that specifies intentions and strategies of process actors). These models are obtained by optimizing a new precision-fitness metric. The result is a software engineering method process specification aligned with state of the art of method engineering approaches. As a case study, the MMM is used to mine the intentional process associated to the Eclipse platform usage. Observations show that the obtained intentional process model offers a new understanding of software processes, and could readily be used for recommender systems

    An Intensive Spectrum for Intention Mining Analysis

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    There is huge volume of data in the social networks. This data can be retrieved and integrated to extract useful meaning and come out with the insights which is called as intentions. This can be used in different fields like business, recommender systems, education, Scientific research, games, etc. Also, there are various intention mining techniques which can be applied to several fields as information retrieval, business, etc. There is no specific definition of intention mining and also there is very less existing literature present. Accordingly, there is need to conduct systematic literature review of the very recent research area. Understanding intention mining, purpose of intention mining, categories and techniques of intention mining is the need. The paper endorses a spectrum for intention mining so that further literature review of intention mining can be completed. We validate our work through dimensions, categories and techniques for intention mining

    CHMM for Discovering Intentional Process Model From Event Logs by Considering Sequence of Activities

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    An intentional process model is known to analyze processes deeply and provide recommendations for the upcoming processes. Nevertheless, the discovery of intentions is a difficult task because the intentions are not recorded in the event log, but they encourage the executable activities in the event log. Map Miner is the latest algorithm to depict the intentional process model. A disadvantage of this algorithm is the inability to determine   strategies   that   contain   same   activities   with   the different sequence with other strategies. This disadvantage leads failure on the intentional process model. This research proposes an  algorithm for  discovering  an intentional  process  model  by considering the sequence of activities and CHMM (Coupled Hidden Markov Model). The probabilities and states of CHMM are utilized for the formation of the intentional process model. The experiment shows that the proposed algorithm with considering the sequence of activities gets an appropriate intentional process model. It also demonstrates that an obtained intentional  process  model  using  proposed  algorithm  gets  the better  validity  than  an  intentional  process  model  using  Map Miner Method

    Automatic Process Model Discovery from Textual Methodologies: An Archaeology Case Study

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    International audience— Process mining has been successfully used in automatic knowledge discovery and in providing guidance or support. The known process mining approaches rely on processes being executed with the help of information systems thus enabling the automatic capture of process traces as event logs. However, there are many other fields such as Humanities, Social Sciences and Medicine where workers follow processes and log their execution manually in textual forms instead. The problem we tackle in this paper is mining process instance models from unstructured, text-based process traces. Using natural language processing with a focus on the verb semantics, we created a novel unsupervised technique TextProcessMiner that discovers process instance models in two steps: 1.ActivityMiner mines the process activities; 2.ActivityRelationshipMiner mines the sequence, parallelism and mutual exclusion relationships between activities. We employed technical action research through which we validated and preliminarily evaluated our proposed technique in an Archaeology case. The results are very satisfactory with 88% correctly discovered activities in the log and a process instance model that adequately reflected the original process. Moreover, the technique we created emerged as domain independent

    Process Mining Concepts for Discovering User Behavioral Patterns in Instrumented Software

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    Process Mining is a technique for discovering “in-use” processes from traces emitted to event logs. Researchers have recently explored applying this technique to documenting processes discovered in software applications. However, the requirements for emitting events to support Process Mining against software applications have not been well documented. Furthermore, the linking of end-user intentional behavior to software quality as demonstrated in the discovered processes has not been well articulated. After evaluating the literature, this thesis suggested focusing on user goals and actual, in-use processes as an input to an Agile software development life cycle in order to improve software quality. It also provided suggestions for instrumenting software applications to support Process Mining techniques