135 research outputs found

    Applications of Nature-Inspired Algorithms for Dimension Reduction: Enabling Efficient Data Analytics

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    In [1], we have explored the theoretical aspects of feature selection and evolutionary algorithms. In this chapter, we focus on optimization algorithms for enhancing data analytic process, i.e., we propose to explore applications of nature-inspired algorithms in data science. Feature selection optimization is a hybrid approach leveraging feature selection techniques and evolutionary algorithms process to optimize the selected features. Prior works solve this problem iteratively to converge to an optimal feature subset. Feature selection optimization is a non-specific domain approach. Data scientists mainly attempt to find an advanced way to analyze data n with high computational efficiency and low time complexity, leading to efficient data analytics. Thus, by increasing generated/measured/sensed data from various sources, analysis, manipulation and illustration of data grow exponentially. Due to the large scale data sets, Curse of dimensionality (CoD) is one of the NP-hard problems in data science. Hence, several efforts have been focused on leveraging evolutionary algorithms (EAs) to address the complex issues in large scale data analytics problems. Dimension reduction, together with EAs, lends itself to solve CoD and solve complex problems, in terms of time complexity, efficiently. In this chapter, we first provide a brief overview of previous studies that focused on solving CoD using feature extraction optimization process. We then discuss practical examples of research studies are successfully tackled some application domains, such as image processing, sentiment analysis, network traffics / anomalies analysis, credit score analysis and other benchmark functions/data sets analysis

    A novel unsupervised bee colony optimization (UBCO) method for remote sensing image classification:a case study in a heterogeneous marsh area

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    Unsupervised image classification is an important means to obtain land use/cover information in the field of remote sensing, since it does not require initial knowledge (training samples) for classification. Traditional methods such as k-means and ISODATA have limitations in solving this NP-hard unsupervised classification problem, mainly due to their strict assumptions about the data distribution. The bee colony optimization (BCO) is a new type of swarm intelligence, based upon which a simple and novel unsupervised bee colony optimization (UBCO) method is proposed for remote sensing image classification. UBCO possesses powerful exploitation and exploration capacities that are carried out by employed bees, onlookers and scouts. This enables the promising regions to be globally searched quickly and thoroughly, without becoming trapped on local optima. In addition, it has no restrictions on data distribution, and thus is especially suitable for handling complex remote sensing data. We tested the method on the Zhalong National Nature Reserve (ZNNR)—a typical inland wetland ecosystem in China, whose landscape is heterogeneous. The preliminary results showed that UBCO (overall accuracy = 80.81%) achieved statistically significant better classification result (McNemar test) in comparison with traditional k-means (63.11%) and other intelligent clustering methods built on genetic algorithm (UGA, 71.49%), differential evolution (UDE, 77.57%) and particle swarm optimization (UPSO, 69.86%). The robustness and superiority of UBCO were also demonstrated from the two other study sites next to the ZNNR with distinct landscapes (urban and natural landscapes). Enabling to consistently find the optimal or nearly optimal global solution in image clustering, the UBCO is thus suggested as a robust method for unsupervised remote sensing image classification, especially in the case of heterogeneous areas

    A novel unsupervised Levy flight particle swarm optimization (ULPSO) method for multispectral remote-sensing image classification

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    The rapid development of earth observation technology has produced large quantities of remote-sensing data. Unsupervised classification (i.e. clustering) of remote-sensing images, an important means to acquire land-use/cover information, has become increasingly in demand due to its simplicity and ease of application. Traditional methods, such as k-means, struggle to solve this NP-hard (Non-deterministic Polynomial hard) image classification problem. Particle swarm optimization (PSO), always achieving better result than k-means, has recently been applied to unsupervised image classification. However, PSO was also found to be easily trapped on local optima. This article proposes a novel unsupervised Levy flight particle swarm optimization (ULPSO) method for image classification with balanced exploitation and exploration capabilities. It benefits from a new searching strategy: the worst particle in the swarm is targeted and its position is updated with Levy flight at each iteration. The effectiveness of the proposed method was tested with three types of remote-sensing imagery (Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM), Flightline C1 (FLC), and QuickBird) that are distinct in terms of spatial and spectral resolution and landscape. Our results showed that ULPSO is able to achieve significantly better and more stable classification results than k-means and the other two intelligent methods based on genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) over all of the experiments. ULPSO is, therefore, recommended as an effective alternative for unsupervised remote-sensing image classification

    Train Support Vector Machine Using Fuzzy C-means Without a Prior Knowledge for Hyperspectral Image Content Classification

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    In this paper, a new cooperative classification method called auto-train support vector machine (SVM) is proposed. This new method converts indirectly SVM to an unsupervised classification method. The main disadvantage of conventional SVM is that it needs a priori knowledge about the data to train it. To avoid using this knowledge that is strictly required to train SVM, in this cooperative method, the data, that is, hyperspectral images (HSIs), are first clustered using Fuzzy C-means (FCM); then, the created labels are used to train SVM. At this stage, the image content is classified using the auto-trained SVM. Using FCM, clustering reveals how strongly a pixel is assigned to a class thanks to the fuzzification process. This information leads to gaining two advantages, the first one is that no prior knowledge about the data (known labels) is needed and the second one is that the training data selection is not done randomly (the training data are selected according to their degree of membership to a class). The proposed method gives very promising results. The method is tested on two HSIs, which are Indian Pines and Pavia University. The results obtained have a very high accuracy of the classification and exceed the existing manually trained methods in the literature

    Survey on Multi-Document Summarization: Systematic Literature Review

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    In this era of information technology, abundant information is available on the internet in the form of web pages and documents on any given topic. Finding the most relevant and informative content out of these huge number of documents, without spending several hours of reading has become a very challenging task. Various methods of multi-document summarization have been developed to overcome this problem. The multi-document summarization methods try to produce high-quality summaries of documents with low redundancy. This study conducts a systematic literature review of existing methods for multi-document summarization methods and provides an in-depth analysis of performance achieved by these methods. The findings of the study show that more effective methods are still required for getting higher accuracy of these methods. The study also identifies some open challenges that can gain the attention of future researchers of this domain

    A review of remotely sensed satellite image classification

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    Satellite image classification has a vital role for the extraction and analysis of the useful satellite image information. This paper comprises the study of the satellite images classification and Remote Sensing along with a brief overview of the previous studies that are proposed in this field. In this paper, the existing work has been explained utilizing the classification techniques on satellite images of Alwar region in India that covers decent land cover features like Vegetation, Water, Urban, Barren, and Rocky regions. The post- implementation of the classification algorithms, the classified image is obtained displaying different classes that are represented by different colours. Each feature is represented by a different colour and can be easily perceived from the image obtained after classification. The focus of this study is on enhancing the classification accuracy by using proper classifiers along with the novel feature extraction techniques and pre-processing steps. Work of different authors is being discussed in a tabular form defining the methods and outcomes of the respective studies


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    The Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) is developed by the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) which was launched in the year 2006 for the Earth observation and exploration purpose. The ALOS was carrying PRISM, AVNIR-2 and PALSAR sensors for this purpose. PALSAR is L-Band synthetic aperture radar (SAR). The PALSAR sensor is designed in a way that it can work in all weather conditions with a resolution of 10 meters. In this research work we have made an investigation on the accuracy obtained from the various supervised classification techniques. We have compared the accuracy obtained by classifying the ALOS PALSAR data of the Roorkee region of Uttarakhand, India. The training ROI’S (Region of Interest) are created manually with the assistance of ArcGIS Earth and for the testing purpose, we have used the Global positioning system (GPS) coordinates of the region. Supervised classification techniques included in this comparison are Parallelepiped classification (PC), Minimum distance classification (MDC), Mahalanobis distance classification (MaDC), Maximum likelihood classification (MLC), Spectral angle mapper (SAM), Spectral information divergence (SID) and Support vector machine (SVM). Later, through the post classification confusion matrix accuracy assessment test is performed and the corresponding value of the kappa coefficient is obtained. In the result, we have concluded MDC as best in term of overall accuracy with 82.3634% and MLC with a kappa value of 0.7591. Finally, a peculiar relationship is developed in between classification accuracy and kappa coefficient

    Introduction to Facial Micro Expressions Analysis Using Color and Depth Images: A Matlab Coding Approach (Second Edition, 2023)

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    The book attempts to introduce a gentle introduction to the field of Facial Micro Expressions Recognition (FMER) using Color and Depth images, with the aid of MATLAB programming environment. FMER is a subset of image processing and it is a multidisciplinary topic to analysis. So, it requires familiarity with other topics of Artifactual Intelligence (AI) such as machine learning, digital image processing, psychology and more. So, it is a great opportunity to write a book which covers all of these topics for beginner to professional readers in the field of AI and even without having background of AI. Our goal is to provide a standalone introduction in the field of MFER analysis in the form of theorical descriptions for readers with no background in image processing with reproducible Matlab practical examples. Also, we describe any basic definitions for FMER analysis and MATLAB library which is used in the text, that helps final reader to apply the experiments in the real-world applications. We believe that this book is suitable for students, researchers, and professionals alike, who need to develop practical skills, along with a basic understanding of the field. We expect that, after reading this book, the reader feels comfortable with different key stages such as color and depth image processing, color and depth image representation, classification, machine learning, facial micro-expressions recognition, feature extraction and dimensionality reduction. The book attempts to introduce a gentle introduction to the field of Facial Micro Expressions Recognition (FMER) using Color and Depth images, with the aid of MATLAB programming environment.Comment: This is the second edition of the boo
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