3,311 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Learning of Long-Term Motion Dynamics for Videos

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    We present an unsupervised representation learning approach that compactly encodes the motion dependencies in videos. Given a pair of images from a video clip, our framework learns to predict the long-term 3D motions. To reduce the complexity of the learning framework, we propose to describe the motion as a sequence of atomic 3D flows computed with RGB-D modality. We use a Recurrent Neural Network based Encoder-Decoder framework to predict these sequences of flows. We argue that in order for the decoder to reconstruct these sequences, the encoder must learn a robust video representation that captures long-term motion dependencies and spatial-temporal relations. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our learned temporal representations on activity classification across multiple modalities and datasets such as NTU RGB+D and MSR Daily Activity 3D. Our framework is generic to any input modality, i.e., RGB, Depth, and RGB-D videos.Comment: CVPR 201

    Skeleton-aided Articulated Motion Generation

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    This work make the first attempt to generate articulated human motion sequence from a single image. On the one hand, we utilize paired inputs including human skeleton information as motion embedding and a single human image as appearance reference, to generate novel motion frames, based on the conditional GAN infrastructure. On the other hand, a triplet loss is employed to pursue appearance-smoothness between consecutive frames. As the proposed framework is capable of jointly exploiting the image appearance space and articulated/kinematic motion space, it generates realistic articulated motion sequence, in contrast to most previous video generation methods which yield blurred motion effects. We test our model on two human action datasets including KTH and Human3.6M, and the proposed framework generates very promising results on both datasets.Comment: ACM MM 201

    Deep representation learning for human motion prediction and classification

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    Generative models of 3D human motion are often restricted to a small number of activities and can therefore not generalize well to novel movements or applications. In this work we propose a deep learning framework for human motion capture data that learns a generic representation from a large corpus of motion capture data and generalizes well to new, unseen, motions. Using an encoding-decoding network that learns to predict future 3D poses from the most recent past, we extract a feature representation of human motion. Most work on deep learning for sequence prediction focuses on video and speech. Since skeletal data has a different structure, we present and evaluate different network architectures that make different assumptions about time dependencies and limb correlations. To quantify the learned features, we use the output of different layers for action classification and visualize the receptive fields of the network units. Our method outperforms the recent state of the art in skeletal motion prediction even though these use action specific training data. Our results show that deep feedforward networks, trained from a generic mocap database, can successfully be used for feature extraction from human motion data and that this representation can be used as a foundation for classification and prediction.Comment: This paper is published at the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 201