45 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Person Re-identification by Soft Multilabel Learning

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    Although unsupervised person re-identification (RE-ID) has drawn increasing research attentions due to its potential to address the scalability problem of supervised RE-ID models, it is very challenging to learn discriminative information in the absence of pairwise labels across disjoint camera views. To overcome this problem, we propose a deep model for the soft multilabel learning for unsupervised RE-ID. The idea is to learn a soft multilabel (real-valued label likelihood vector) for each unlabeled person by comparing (and representing) the unlabeled person with a set of known reference persons from an auxiliary domain. We propose the soft multilabel-guided hard negative mining to learn a discriminative embedding for the unlabeled target domain by exploring the similarity consistency of the visual features and the soft multilabels of unlabeled target pairs. Since most target pairs are cross-view pairs, we develop the cross-view consistent soft multilabel learning to achieve the learning goal that the soft multilabels are consistently good across different camera views. To enable effecient soft multilabel learning, we introduce the reference agent learning to represent each reference person by a reference agent in a joint embedding. We evaluate our unified deep model on Market-1501 and DukeMTMC-reID. Our model outperforms the state-of-the-art unsupervised RE-ID methods by clear margins. Code is available at https://github.com/KovenYu/MAR.Comment: CVPR19, ora

    Exploiting Sample Uncertainty for Domain Adaptive Person Re-Identification

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    Many unsupervised domain adaptive (UDA) person re-identification (ReID) approaches combine clustering-based pseudo-label prediction with feature fine-tuning. However, because of domain gap, the pseudo-labels are not always reliable and there are noisy/incorrect labels. This would mislead the feature representation learning and deteriorate the performance. In this paper, we propose to estimate and exploit the credibility of the assigned pseudo-label of each sample to alleviate the influence of noisy labels, by suppressing the contribution of noisy samples. We build our baseline framework using the mean teacher method together with an additional contrastive loss. We have observed that a sample with a wrong pseudo-label through clustering in general has a weaker consistency between the output of the mean teacher model and the student model. Based on this finding, we propose to exploit the uncertainty (measured by consistency levels) to evaluate the reliability of the pseudo-label of a sample and incorporate the uncertainty to re-weight its contribution within various ReID losses, including the identity (ID) classification loss per sample, the triplet loss, and the contrastive loss. Our uncertainty-guided optimization brings significant improvement and achieves the state-of-the-art performance on benchmark datasets.Comment: 9 pages. Accepted to 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2021