494 research outputs found

    Weakly Supervised Domain-Specific Color Naming Based on Attention

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    The majority of existing color naming methods focuses on the eleven basic color terms of the English language. However, in many applications, different sets of color names are used for the accurate description of objects. Labeling data to learn these domain-specific color names is an expensive and laborious task. Therefore, in this article we aim to learn color names from weakly labeled data. For this purpose, we add an attention branch to the color naming network. The attention branch is used to modulate the pixel-wise color naming predictions of the network. In experiments, we illustrate that the attention branch correctly identifies the relevant regions. Furthermore, we show that our method obtains state-of-the-art results for pixel-wise and image-wise classification on the EBAY dataset and is able to learn color names for various domains.Comment: Accepted at ICPR201

    3D Robotic Sensing of People: Human Perception, Representation and Activity Recognition

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    The robots are coming. Their presence will eventually bridge the digital-physical divide and dramatically impact human life by taking over tasks where our current society has shortcomings (e.g., search and rescue, elderly care, and child education). Human-centered robotics (HCR) is a vision to address how robots can coexist with humans and help people live safer, simpler and more independent lives. As humans, we have a remarkable ability to perceive the world around us, perceive people, and interpret their behaviors. Endowing robots with these critical capabilities in highly dynamic human social environments is a significant but very challenging problem in practical human-centered robotics applications. This research focuses on robotic sensing of people, that is, how robots can perceive and represent humans and understand their behaviors, primarily through 3D robotic vision. In this dissertation, I begin with a broad perspective on human-centered robotics by discussing its real-world applications and significant challenges. Then, I will introduce a real-time perception system, based on the concept of Depth of Interest, to detect and track multiple individuals using a color-depth camera that is installed on moving robotic platforms. In addition, I will discuss human representation approaches, based on local spatio-temporal features, including new “CoDe4D” features that incorporate both color and depth information, a new “SOD” descriptor to efficiently quantize 3D visual features, and the novel AdHuC features, which are capable of representing the activities of multiple individuals. Several new algorithms to recognize human activities are also discussed, including the RG-PLSA model, which allows us to discover activity patterns without supervision, the MC-HCRF model, which can explicitly investigate certainty in latent temporal patterns, and the FuzzySR model, which is used to segment continuous data into events and probabilistically recognize human activities. Cognition models based on recognition results are also implemented for decision making that allow robotic systems to react to human activities. Finally, I will conclude with a discussion of future directions that will accelerate the upcoming technological revolution of human-centered robotics

    Data Clustering And Visualization Through Matrix Factorization

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    Clustering is traditionally an unsupervised task which is to find natural groupings or clusters in multidimensional data based on perceived similarities among the patterns. The purpose of clustering is to extract useful information from unlabeled data. In order to present the extracted useful knowledge obtained by clustering in a meaningful way, data visualization becomes a popular and growing area of research field. Visualization can provide a qualitative overview of large and complex data sets, which help us the desired insight in truly understanding the phenomena of interest in data. The contribution of this dissertation is two-fold: Semi-Supervised Non-negative Matrix Factorization (SS-NMF) for data clustering/co-clustering and Exemplar-based data Visualization (EV) through matrix factorization. Compared to traditional data mining models, matrix-based methods are fast, easy to understand and implement, especially suitable to solve large-scale challenging problems in text mining, image grouping, medical diagnosis, and bioinformatics. In this dissertation, we present two effective matrix-based solutions in the new directions of data clustering and visualization. First, in many practical learning domains, there is a large supply of unlabeled data but limited labeled data, and in most cases it might be expensive to generate large amounts of labeled data. Traditional clustering algorithms completely ignore these valuable labeled data and thus are inapplicable to these problems. Consequently, semi-supervised clustering, which can incorporate the domain knowledge to guide a clustering algorithm, has become a topic of significant recent interest. Thus, we develop a Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) based framework to incorporate prior knowledge into data clustering. Moreover, with the fast growth of Internet and computational technologies in the past decade, many data mining applications have advanced swiftly from the simple clustering of one data type to the co-clustering of multiple data types, usually involving high heterogeneity. To this end, we extend SS-NMF to perform heterogeneous data co-clustering. From a theoretical perspective, SS-NMF for data clustering/co-clustering is mathematically rigorous. The convergence and correctness of our algorithms are proved. In addition, we discuss the relationship between SS-NMF with other well-known clustering and co-clustering models. Second, most of current clustering models only provide the centroids (e.g., mathematical means of the clusters) without inferring the representative exemplars from real data, thus they are unable to better summarize or visualize the raw data. A new method, Exemplar-based Visualization (EV), is proposed to cluster and visualize an extremely large-scale data. Capitalizing on recent advances in matrix approximation and factorization, EV provides a means to visualize large scale data with high accuracy (in retaining neighbor relations), high efficiency (in computation), and high flexibility (through the use of exemplars). Empirically, we demonstrate the superior performance of our matrix-based data clustering and visualization models through extensive experiments performed on the publicly available large scale data sets

    Derivation of a Novel Efficient Supervised Learning Algorithm from Cortical-Subcortical Loops

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    Although brain circuits presumably carry out powerful perceptual algorithms, few instances of derived biological methods have been found to compete favorably against algorithms that have been engineered for specific applications. We forward a novel analysis of a subset of functions of cortical-subcortical loops, which constitute more than 80% of the human brain, thus likely underlying a broad range of cognitive functions. We describe a family of operations performed by the derived method, including a non-standard method for supervised classification, which may underlie some forms of cortically dependent associative learning. The novel supervised classifier is compared against widely used algorithms for classification, including support vector machines (SVM) and k-nearest neighbor methods, achieving corresponding classification rates - at a fraction of the time and space costs. This represents an instance of a biologically derived algorithm comparing favorably against widely used machine learning methods on well-studied tasks

    A Discriminative Representation of Convolutional Features for Indoor Scene Recognition

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    Indoor scene recognition is a multi-faceted and challenging problem due to the diverse intra-class variations and the confusing inter-class similarities. This paper presents a novel approach which exploits rich mid-level convolutional features to categorize indoor scenes. Traditionally used convolutional features preserve the global spatial structure, which is a desirable property for general object recognition. However, we argue that this structuredness is not much helpful when we have large variations in scene layouts, e.g., in indoor scenes. We propose to transform the structured convolutional activations to another highly discriminative feature space. The representation in the transformed space not only incorporates the discriminative aspects of the target dataset, but it also encodes the features in terms of the general object categories that are present in indoor scenes. To this end, we introduce a new large-scale dataset of 1300 object categories which are commonly present in indoor scenes. Our proposed approach achieves a significant performance boost over previous state of the art approaches on five major scene classification datasets