3 research outputs found

    Face Detection And Lip Localization

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    Integration of audio and video signals for automatic speech recognition has become an important field of study. The Audio-Visual Speech Recognition (AVSR) system is known to have accuracy higher than audio-only or visual-only system. The research focused on the visual front end and has been centered around lip segmentation. Experiments performed for lip feature extraction were mainly done in constrained environment with controlled background noise. In this thesis we focus our attention to a database collected in the environment of a moving car which hampered the quality of the imagery. We first introduce the concept of illumination compensation, where we try to reduce the dependency of light from over- or under-exposed images. As a precursor to lip segmentation, we focus on a robust face detection technique which reaches an accuracy of 95%. We have detailed and compared three different face detection techniques and found a successful way of concatenating them in order to increase the overall accuracy. One of the detection techniques used was the object detection algorithm proposed by Viola-Jones. We have experimented with different color spaces using the Viola-Jones algorithm and have reached interesting conclusions. Following face detection we implement a lip localization algorithm based on the vertical gradients of hybrid equations of color. Despite the challenging background and image quality, success rate of 88% was achieved for lip segmentation

    Statistical facial feature extraction and lip segmentation

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    Facial features such as lip corners, eye corners and nose tip are critical points in a human face. Robust extraction of such facial feature locations is an important problem which is used in a wide range of applications including audio-visual speech recognition, human-computer interaction, emotion recognition, fatigue detection and gesture recognition. In this thesis, we develop a probabilistic method for facial feature extraction. This technique is able to automatically learn location and texture information of facial features from a training set. Facial feature locations are extracted from face regions using joint distributions of locations and textures represented with mixtures of Gaussians. This formulation results in a maximum likelihood (ML) optimization problem which can be solved using either a gradient ascent or Newton type algorithm. Extracted lip corner locations are then used to initialize a lip segmentation algorithm to extract the lip contours. We develop a level-set based method that utilizes adaptive color distributions and shape priors for lip segmentation. More precisely, an implicit curve representation which learns the color information of lip and non-lip points from a training set is employed. The model can adapt itself to the image of interest using a coarse elliptical region. Extracted lip contour provides detailed information about the lip shape. Both methods are tested using different databases for facial feature extraction and lip segmentation. It is shown that the proposed methods achieve better results compared to conventional methods. Our facial feature extraction method outperforms the active appearance models in terms of pixel errors, while our lip segmentation method outperforms region based level-set curve evolutions in terms of precision and recall results

    Unsupervised lips segmentation based on ROI optimisation and parametric model

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    International audienceLips segmentation is a very important step in many applications such as automatic speech reading, MPEG-4 compression, special effects, facial analysis and emotion recognition. In this paper, we present a robust method for unsupervised lips segmentation. First the color of the lips area is estimated using expectation maximization and a membership map of the lips is computed from the skin color distribution. The region of interest (ROI) is then found by automatic thresholding on the membership map. Given a mask of the ROI, we initialize a snake that is fitted on the upper and lower contour of the mouth by multi level gradient flow maximization. Finally to find the mouth corners and the final contour of the mouth, we use a parametric model composed of cubic curves and Bezier curves