10 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Acoustic Unit Representation Learning for Voice Conversion using WaveNet Auto-encoders

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    Unsupervised representation learning of speech has been of keen interest in recent years, which is for example evident in the wide interest of the ZeroSpeech challenges. This work presents a new method for learning frame level representations based on WaveNet auto-encoders. Of particular interest in the ZeroSpeech Challenge 2019 were models with discrete latent variable such as the Vector Quantized Variational Auto-Encoder (VQVAE). However these models generate speech with relatively poor quality. In this work we aim to address this with two approaches: first WaveNet is used as the decoder and to generate waveform data directly from the latent representation; second, the low complexity of latent representations is improved with two alternative disentanglement learning methods, namely instance normalization and sliced vector quantization. The method was developed and tested in the context of the recent ZeroSpeech challenge 2020. The system output submitted to the challenge obtained the top position for naturalness (Mean Opinion Score 4.06), top position for intelligibility (Character Error Rate 0.15), and third position for the quality of the representation (ABX test score 12.5). These and further analysis in this paper illustrates that quality of the converted speech and the acoustic units representation can be well balanced.Comment: To be presented in Interspeech 202

    Unsupervised acoustic unit representation learning for voice conversion using WaveNet auto-encoders

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    Unsupervised representation learning of speech has been of keen interest in recent years, which is for example evident in the wide interest of the ZeroSpeech challenges. This work presents a new method for learning frame level representations based on WaveNet auto-encoders. Of particular interest in the ZeroSpeech Challenge 2019 were models with discrete latent variable such as the Vector Quantized Variational Auto-Encoder (VQVAE). However these models generate speech with relatively poor quality. In this work we aim to address this with two approaches: first WaveNet is used as the decoder and to generate waveform data directly from the latent representation; second, the low complexity of latent representations is improved with two alternative disentanglement learning methods, namely instance normalization and sliced vector quantization. The method was developed and tested in the context of the recent ZeroSpeech challenge 2020. The system output submitted to the challenge obtained the top position for naturalness (Mean Opinion Score 4.06), top position for intelligibility (Character Error Rate 0.15), and third position for the quality of the representation (ABX test score 12.5). These and further analysis in this paper illustrates that quality of the converted speech and the acoustic units representation can be well balanced

    Phonetic aware techniques for Speaker Verification

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    The goal of this thesis is to improve current state-of-the-art techniques in speaker verification (SV), typically based on âidentity-vectorsâ (i-vectors) and deep neural network (DNN), by exploiting diverse (phonetic) information extracted using various techniques such as automatic speech recognition (ASR). Different speakers span different subspaces within a universal acoustic space, usually modelled by âuniversal background modelâ. The speaker-specific subspace depends on the speakerâs voice characteristics, but also on the verbalised text of a speaker. In current state-of-the-art SV systems, i-vectors are extracted by applying a factor analysis technique to obtain low dimensional speaker-specific representation. Furthermore, DNN output is also employed in a conventional i-vector framework to model phonetic information embedded in the speech signal. This thesis proposes various techniques to exploit phonetic knowledge of speech to further enrich speaker characteristics. More specifically, the techniques proposed in this thesis are applied to various SV tasks, namely, text-independent and text-dependent SV. For text-independent SV task, several ASR systems are developed and applied to compute phonetic posterior probabilities, subsequently exploited to enhance the speaker-specific information included in i-vectors. These approaches are then extended for text-dependent SV task, exploiting temporal information in a principled way, i.e., by using dynamic time warping applied on speaker informative vectors. Finally, as opposed to train DNN with phonetic information, DNN is trained in an end-to-end fashion to directly discriminate speakers. The baseline end-to-end SV approach consists of mapping a variable length speech segment to a fixed dimensional speaker vector by estimating the mean of hidden representations in DNN structure. We improve upon this technique by computing a distance function between two utterances which takes into account common phonetic units. The whole network is optimized by employing a triplet-loss objective function. The proposed approaches are evaluated on commonly used datasets such as NIST SRE 2010 and RSR2015. Significant improvements are observed over the baseline systems on both the text-dependent and text-independent SV tasks by applying phonetic knowledge

    Neural Networks for Analysing Music and Environmental Audio

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    PhDIn this thesis, we consider the analysis of music and environmental audio recordings with neural networks. Recently, neural networks have been shown to be an effective family of models for speech recognition, computer vision, natural language processing and a number of other statistical modelling problems. The composite layer-wise structure of neural networks allows for flexible model design, where prior knowledge about the domain of application can be used to inform the design and architecture of the neural network models. Additionally, it has been shown that when trained on sufficient quantities of data, neural networks can be directly applied to low-level features to learn mappings to high level concepts like phonemes in speech and object classes in computer vision. In this thesis we investigate whether neural network models can be usefully applied to processing music and environmental audio. With regards to music signal analysis, we investigate 2 different problems. The fi rst problem, automatic music transcription, aims to identify the score or the sequence of musical notes that comprise an audio recording. We also consider the problem of automatic chord transcription, where the aim is to identify the sequence of chords in a given audio recording. For both problems, we design neural network acoustic models which are applied to low-level time-frequency features in order to detect the presence of notes or chords. Our results demonstrate that the neural network acoustic models perform similarly to state-of-the-art acoustic models, without the need for any feature engineering. The networks are able to learn complex transformations from time-frequency features to the desired outputs, given sufficient amounts of training data. Additionally, we use recurrent neural networks to model the temporal structure of sequences of notes or chords, similar to language modelling in speech. Our results demonstrate that the combination of the acoustic and language model predictions yields improved performance over the acoustic models alone. We also observe that convolutional neural networks yield better performance compared to other neural network architectures for acoustic modelling. For the analysis of environmental audio recordings, we consider the problem of acoustic event detection. Acoustic event detection has a similar structure to automatic music and chord transcription, where the system is required to output the correct sequence of semantic labels along with onset and offset times. We compare the performance of neural network architectures against Gaussian mixture models and support vector machines. In order to account for the fact that such systems are typically deployed on embedded devices, we compare performance as a function of the computational cost of each model. We evaluate the models on 2 large datasets of real-world recordings of baby cries and smoke alarms. Our results demonstrate that the neural networks clearly outperform the other models and they are able to do so without incurring a heavy computation cost