13 research outputs found

    Spiking Neural Networks for Computational Intelligence:An Overview

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    Deep neural networks with rate-based neurons have exhibited tremendous progress in the last decade. However, the same level of progress has not been observed in research on spiking neural networks (SNN), despite their capability to handle temporal data, energy-efficiency and low latency. This could be because the benchmarking techniques for SNNs are based on the methods used for evaluating deep neural networks, which do not provide a clear evaluation of the capabilities of SNNs. Particularly, the benchmarking of SNN approaches with regards to energy efficiency and latency requires realization in suitable hardware, which imposes additional temporal and resource constraints upon ongoing projects. This review aims to provide an overview of the current real-world applications of SNNs and identifies steps to accelerate research involving SNNs in the future

    A hardware-deployable neuromorphic solution for encoding and classification of electronic nose data

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    In several application domains, electronic nose systems employing conventional data processing approaches incur substantial power and computational costs and limitations, such as significant latency and poor accuracy for classification. Recent developments in spike-based bio-inspired approaches have delivered solutions for the highly accurate classification of multivariate sensor data with minimized computational and power requirements. Although these methods have addressed issues related to efficient data processing and classification accuracy, other areas, such as reducing the processing latency to support real-time application and deploying spike-based solutions on supported hardware, have yet to be studied in detail. Through this investigation, we proposed a spiking neural network (SNN)-based classifier, implemented in a chip-emulation-based development environment, that can be seamlessly deployed on a neuromorphic system-on-a-chip (NSoC). Under three different scenarios of increasing complexity, the SNN was determined to be able to classify real-valued sensor data with greater than 90% accuracy and with a maximum latency of 3 s on the software-based platform. Highlights of this work included the design and implementation of a novel encoder for artificial olfactory systems, implementation of unsupervised spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) for learning, and a foundational study on early classification capability using the SNN-based classifier

    A Soft-Pruning Method Applied During Training of Spiking Neural Networks for In-memory Computing Applications

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    Inspired from the computational efficiency of the biological brain, spiking neural networks (SNNs) emulate biological neural networks, neural codes, dynamics, and circuitry. SNNs show great potential for the implementation of unsupervised learning using in-memory computing. Here, we report an algorithmic optimization that improves energy efficiency of online learning with SNNs on emerging non-volatile memory (eNVM) devices. We develop a pruning method for SNNs by exploiting the output firing characteristics of neurons. Our pruning method can be applied during network training, which is different from previous approaches in the literature that employ pruning on already-trained networks. This approach prevents unnecessary updates of network parameters during training. This algorithmic optimization can complement the energy efficiency of eNVM technology, which offers a unique in-memory computing platform for the parallelization of neural network operations. Our SNN maintains ~90% classification accuracy on the MNIST dataset with up to ~75% pruning, significantly reducing the number of weight updates. The SNN and pruning scheme developed in this work can pave the way toward applications of eNVM based neuro-inspired systems for energy efficient online learning in low power applications