355 research outputs found

    Domain Conditioned Adaptation Network

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    Tremendous research efforts have been made to thrive deep domain adaptation (DA) by seeking domain-invariant features. Most existing deep DA models only focus on aligning feature representations of task-specific layers across domains while integrating a totally shared convolutional architecture for source and target. However, we argue that such strongly-shared convolutional layers might be harmful for domain-specific feature learning when source and target data distribution differs to a large extent. In this paper, we relax a shared-convnets assumption made by previous DA methods and propose a Domain Conditioned Adaptation Network (DCAN), which aims to excite distinct convolutional channels with a domain conditioned channel attention mechanism. As a result, the critical low-level domain-dependent knowledge could be explored appropriately. As far as we know, this is the first work to explore the domain-wise convolutional channel activation for deep DA networks. Moreover, to effectively align high-level feature distributions across two domains, we further deploy domain conditioned feature correction blocks after task-specific layers, which will explicitly correct the domain discrepancy. Extensive experiments on three cross-domain benchmarks demonstrate the proposed approach outperforms existing methods by a large margin, especially on very tough cross-domain learning tasks.Comment: Accepted by AAAI 202

    Disentanglement by Cyclic Reconstruction

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    Deep neural networks have demonstrated their ability to automatically extract meaningful features from data. However, in supervised learning, information specific to the dataset used for training, but irrelevant to the task at hand, may remain encoded in the extracted representations. This remaining information introduces a domain-specific bias, weakening the generalization performance. In this work, we propose splitting the information into a task-related representation and its complementary context representation. We propose an original method, combining adversarial feature predictors and cyclic reconstruction, to disentangle these two representations in the single-domain supervised case. We then adapt this method to the unsupervised domain adaptation problem, consisting of training a model capable of performing on both a source and a target domain. In particular, our method promotes disentanglement in the target domain, despite the absence of training labels. This enables the isolation of task-specific information from both domains and a projection into a common representation. The task-specific representation allows efficient transfer of knowledge acquired from the source domain to the target domain. In the single-domain case, we demonstrate the quality of our representations on information retrieval tasks and the generalization benefits induced by sharpened task-specific representations. We then validate the proposed method on several classical domain adaptation benchmarks and illustrate the benefits of disentanglement for domain adaptation

    PoliTO-IIT Submission to the EPIC-KITCHENS-100 Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Challenge for Action Recognition

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    In this report, we describe the technical details of our submission to the EPIC-Kitchens-100 Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) Challenge in Action Recognition. To tackle the domain-shift which exists under the UDA setting, we first exploited a recent Domain Generalization (DG) technique, called Relative Norm Alignment (RNA). It consists in designing a model able to generalize well to any unseen domain, regardless of the possibility to access target data at training time. Then, in a second phase, we extended the approach to work on unlabelled target data, allowing the model to adapt to the target distribution in an unsupervised fashion. For this purpose, we included in our framework existing UDA algorithms, such as Temporal Attentive Adversarial Adaptation Network (TA3N), jointly with new multi-stream consistency losses, namely Temporal Hard Norm Alignment (T-HNA) and Min-Entropy Consistency (MEC). Our submission (entry 'plnet') is visible on the leaderboard and it achieved the 1st position for 'verb', and the 3rd position for both 'noun' and 'action'.Comment: 3rd place in the 2021 EPIC-KITCHENS-100 Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Challenge for Action Recognitio
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