2 research outputs found

    Layer-Adapted Implicit Distribution Alignment Networks for Cross-Corpus Speech Emotion Recognition

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    In this paper, we propose a new unsupervised domain adaptation (DA) method called layer-adapted implicit distribution alignment networks (LIDAN) to address the challenge of cross-corpus speech emotion recognition (SER). LIDAN extends our previous ICASSP work, deep implicit distribution alignment networks (DIDAN), whose key contribution lies in the introduction of a novel regularization term called implicit distribution alignment (IDA). This term allows DIDAN trained on source (training) speech samples to remain applicable to predicting emotion labels for target (testing) speech samples, regardless of corpus variance in cross-corpus SER. To further enhance this method, we extend IDA to layer-adapted IDA (LIDA), resulting in LIDAN. This layer-adpated extention consists of three modified IDA terms that consider emotion labels at different levels of granularity. These terms are strategically arranged within different fully connected layers in LIDAN, aligning with the increasing emotion-discriminative abilities with respect to the layer depth. This arrangement enables LIDAN to more effectively learn emotion-discriminative and corpus-invariant features for SER across various corpora compared to DIDAN. It is also worthy to mention that unlike most existing methods that rely on estimating statistical moments to describe pre-assumed explicit distributions, both IDA and LIDA take a different approach. They utilize an idea of target sample reconstruction to directly bridge the feature distribution gap without making assumptions about their distribution type. As a result, DIDAN and LIDAN can be viewed as implicit cross-corpus SER methods. To evaluate LIDAN, we conducted extensive cross-corpus SER experiments on EmoDB, eNTERFACE, and CASIA corpora. The experimental results demonstrate that LIDAN surpasses recent state-of-the-art explicit unsupervised DA methods in tackling cross-corpus SER tasks

    Unsupervised cross-corpus speech emotion recognition using domain-adaptive subspace learning

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    AbstractIn this paper, we investigate an interesting problem, i.e., unsupervised cross-corpus speech emotion recognition (SER), in which the training and testing speech signals come from two different speech emotion corpora. Meanwhile, the training speech signals are labeled, while the label information of the testing speech signals is entirely unknown. Due to this setting, the training (source) and testing (target) speech signals may have different feature distributions and therefore lots of existing SER methods would not work. To deal with this problem, we propose a domain-adaptive subspace learning (DoSL) method for learning a projection matrix with which we can transform the source and target speech signals from the original feature space to the label space. The transformed source and target speech signals in the label space would have similar feature distributions. Consequently, the classifier learned on the labeled source speech signals can effectively predict the emotional states of the unlabeled target speech signals. To evaluate the performance of the proposed DoSL method, we carry out extensive cross-corpus SER experiments on three speech emotion corpora including EmoDB, eNTERFACE, and AFEW 4.0. Compared with recent state-of-the-art cross-corpus SER methods, the proposed DoSL can achieve more satisfactory overall results