1,307 research outputs found

    Stochastic Dynamics for Video Infilling

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    In this paper, we introduce a stochastic dynamics video infilling (SDVI) framework to generate frames between long intervals in a video. Our task differs from video interpolation which aims to produce transitional frames for a short interval between every two frames and increase the temporal resolution. Our task, namely video infilling, however, aims to infill long intervals with plausible frame sequences. Our framework models the infilling as a constrained stochastic generation process and sequentially samples dynamics from the inferred distribution. SDVI consists of two parts: (1) a bi-directional constraint propagation module to guarantee the spatial-temporal coherence among frames, (2) a stochastic sampling process to generate dynamics from the inferred distributions. Experimental results show that SDVI can generate clear frame sequences with varying contents. Moreover, motions in the generated sequence are realistic and able to transfer smoothly from the given start frame to the terminal frame. Our project site is https://xharlie.github.io/projects/project_sites/SDVI/video_results.htmlComment: Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2020

    Deep Video Generation, Prediction and Completion of Human Action Sequences

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    Current deep learning results on video generation are limited while there are only a few first results on video prediction and no relevant significant results on video completion. This is due to the severe ill-posedness inherent in these three problems. In this paper, we focus on human action videos, and propose a general, two-stage deep framework to generate human action videos with no constraints or arbitrary number of constraints, which uniformly address the three problems: video generation given no input frames, video prediction given the first few frames, and video completion given the first and last frames. To make the problem tractable, in the first stage we train a deep generative model that generates a human pose sequence from random noise. In the second stage, a skeleton-to-image network is trained, which is used to generate a human action video given the complete human pose sequence generated in the first stage. By introducing the two-stage strategy, we sidestep the original ill-posed problems while producing for the first time high-quality video generation/prediction/completion results of much longer duration. We present quantitative and qualitative evaluation to show that our two-stage approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods in video generation, prediction and video completion. Our video result demonstration can be viewed at https://iamacewhite.github.io/supp/index.htmlComment: Under review for CVPR 2018. Haoye and Chunyan have equal contributio

    Learning to Generate 3D Training Data

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    Human-level visual 3D perception ability has long been pursued by researchers in computer vision, computer graphics, and robotics. Recent years have seen an emerging line of works using synthetic images to train deep networks for single image 3D perception. Synthetic images rendered by graphics engines are a promising source for training deep neural networks because it comes with perfect 3D ground truth for free. However, the 3D shapes and scenes to be rendered are largely made manual. Besides, it is challenging to ensure that synthetic images collected this way can help train a deep network to perform well on real images. This is because graphics generation pipelines require numerous design decisions such as the selection of 3D shapes and the placement of the camera. In this dissertation, we propose automatic generation pipelines of synthetic data that aim to improve the task performance of a trained network. We explore both supervised and unsupervised directions for automatic optimization of 3D decisions. For supervised learning, we demonstrate how to optimize 3D parameters such that a trained network can generalize well to real images. We first show that we can construct a pure synthetic 3D shape to achieve state-of-the-art performance on a shape-from-shading benchmark. We further parameterize the decisions as a vector and propose a hybrid gradient approach to efficiently optimize the vector towards usefulness. Our hybrid gradient is able to outperform classic black-box approaches on a wide selection of 3D perception tasks. For unsupervised learning, we propose a novelty metric for 3D parameter evolution based on deep autoregressive models. We show that without any extrinsic motivation, the novelty computed from autoregressive models alone is helpful. Our novelty metric can consistently encourage a random synthetic generator to produce more useful training data for downstream 3D perception tasks.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163240/1/ydawei_1.pd
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