5,756 research outputs found

    Adversarial Unsupervised Representation Learning for Activity Time-Series

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    Sufficient physical activity and restful sleep play a major role in the prevention and cure of many chronic conditions. Being able to proactively screen and monitor such chronic conditions would be a big step forward for overall health. The rapid increase in the popularity of wearable devices provides a significant new source, making it possible to track the user's lifestyle real-time. In this paper, we propose a novel unsupervised representation learning technique called activity2vec that learns and "summarizes" the discrete-valued activity time-series. It learns the representations with three components: (i) the co-occurrence and magnitude of the activity levels in a time-segment, (ii) neighboring context of the time-segment, and (iii) promoting subject-invariance with adversarial training. We evaluate our method on four disorder prediction tasks using linear classifiers. Empirical evaluation demonstrates that our proposed method scales and performs better than many strong baselines. The adversarial regime helps improve the generalizability of our representations by promoting subject invariant features. We also show that using the representations at the level of a day works the best since human activity is structured in terms of daily routinesComment: Accepted at AAAI'19. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1712.0952

    Disentangling Factors of Variation by Mixing Them

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    We propose an approach to learn image representations that consist of disentangled factors of variation without exploiting any manual labeling or data domain knowledge. A factor of variation corresponds to an image attribute that can be discerned consistently across a set of images, such as the pose or color of objects. Our disentangled representation consists of a concatenation of feature chunks, each chunk representing a factor of variation. It supports applications such as transferring attributes from one image to another, by simply mixing and unmixing feature chunks, and classification or retrieval based on one or several attributes, by considering a user-specified subset of feature chunks. We learn our representation without any labeling or knowledge of the data domain, using an autoencoder architecture with two novel training objectives: first, we propose an invariance objective to encourage that encoding of each attribute, and decoding of each chunk, are invariant to changes in other attributes and chunks, respectively; second, we include a classification objective, which ensures that each chunk corresponds to a consistently discernible attribute in the represented image, hence avoiding degenerate feature mappings where some chunks are completely ignored. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on the MNIST, Sprites, and CelebA datasets.Comment: CVPR 201

    Fader Networks: Manipulating Images by Sliding Attributes

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    This paper introduces a new encoder-decoder architecture that is trained to reconstruct images by disentangling the salient information of the image and the values of attributes directly in the latent space. As a result, after training, our model can generate different realistic versions of an input image by varying the attribute values. By using continuous attribute values, we can choose how much a specific attribute is perceivable in the generated image. This property could allow for applications where users can modify an image using sliding knobs, like faders on a mixing console, to change the facial expression of a portrait, or to update the color of some objects. Compared to the state-of-the-art which mostly relies on training adversarial networks in pixel space by altering attribute values at train time, our approach results in much simpler training schemes and nicely scales to multiple attributes. We present evidence that our model can significantly change the perceived value of the attributes while preserving the naturalness of images.Comment: NIPS 201

    MiniMax Entropy Network: Learning Category-Invariant Features for Domain Adaptation

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    How to effectively learn from unlabeled data from the target domain is crucial for domain adaptation, as it helps reduce the large performance gap due to domain shift or distribution change. In this paper, we propose an easy-to-implement method dubbed MiniMax Entropy Networks (MMEN) based on adversarial learning. Unlike most existing approaches which employ a generator to deal with domain difference, MMEN focuses on learning the categorical information from unlabeled target samples with the help of labeled source samples. Specifically, we set an unfair multi-class classifier named categorical discriminator, which classifies source samples accurately but be confused about the categories of target samples. The generator learns a common subspace that aligns the unlabeled samples based on the target pseudo-labels. For MMEN, we also provide theoretical explanations to show that the learning of feature alignment reduces domain mismatch at the category level. Experimental results on various benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method over existing state-of-the-art baselines.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure
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