4 research outputs found

    Unraveling condition specific gene transcriptional regulatory networks in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    BACKGROUND: Gene expression and transcription factor (TF) binding data have been used to reveal gene transcriptional regulatory networks. Existing knowledge of gene regulation can be presented using gene connectivity networks. However, these composite connectivity networks do not specify the range of biological conditions of the activity of each link in the network. RESULTS: We present a novel method that utilizes the expression and binding patterns of the neighboring nodes of each link in existing experimentally-based, literature-derived gene transcriptional regulatory networks and extend them in silico using TF-gene binding motifs and a compendium of large expression data from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Using this method, we predict several hundreds of new transcriptional regulatory TF-gene links, along with experimental conditions in which known and predicted links become active. This approach unravels new links in the yeast gene transcriptional regulatory network by utilizing the known transcriptional regulatory interactions, and is particularly useful for breaking down the composite transcriptional regulatory network to condition specific networks. CONCLUSION: Our methods can facilitate future binding experiments, as they can considerably help focus on the TFs that must be surveyed to understand gene regulation. (Supplemental material and the latest version of the MATLAB implementation of the United Signature Algorithm is available online at [1] or [see Additional files 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

    Origin of Co-Expression Patterns in E.coli and S.cerevisiae Emerging from Reverse Engineering Algorithms

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    BACKGROUND: The concept of reverse engineering a gene network, i.e., of inferring a genome-wide graph of putative gene-gene interactions from compendia of high throughput microarray data has been extensively used in the last few years to deduce/integrate/validate various types of "physical" networks of interactions among genes or gene products. RESULTS: This paper gives a comprehensive overview of which of these networks emerge significantly when reverse engineering large collections of gene expression data for two model organisms, E. coli and S. cerevisiae, without any prior information. For the first organism the pattern of co-expression is shown to reflect in fine detail both the operonal structure of the DNA and the regulatory effects exerted by the gene products when co-participating in a protein complex. For the second organism we find that direct transcriptional control (e.g., transcription factor-binding site interactions) has little statistical significance in comparison to the other regulatory mechanisms (such as co-sharing a protein complex, co-localization on a metabolic pathway or compartment), which are however resolved at a lower level of detail than in E. coli. CONCLUSION: The gene co-expression patterns deduced from compendia of profiling experiments tend to unveil functional categories that are mainly associated to stable bindings rather than transient interactions. The inference power of this systematic analysis is substantially reduced when passing from E. coli to S. cerevisiae. This extensive analysis provides a way to describe the different complexity between the two organisms and discusses the critical limitations affecting this type of methodologies

    High-resolution analysis of condition-specific regulatory modules in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    A novel approach for identifying condition-specific regulatory modules in yeast reveals functionally distinct coregulated submodules

    Learning condition-specific networks

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    Condition-specific cellular networks are networks of genes and proteins that describe functional interactions among genes occurring under different environmental conditions. These networks provide a systems-level view of how the parts-list (genes and proteins) interact within the cell as it functions under changing environmental conditions and can provide insight into mechanisms of stress response, cellular differentiation and disease susceptibility. The principle challenge, however, is that cellular networks remain unknown for most conditions and must be inferred from activity levels of genes (mRNA levels) under different conditions. This dissertation aims to develop computational approaches for inferring, analyzing and validating cellular networks of genes from expression data. This dissertation first describes an unsupervised machine learning framework for inferring cellular networks using expression data from a single condition. Here cellular networks are represented as undirected probabilistic graphical models and are learned using a novel, data-driven algorithm. Then several approaches are described that can learn networks using data from multiple conditions. These approaches apply to cases where the condition may or may not be known and, therefore, must be inferred as part of the learning problem. For the latter, the condition variable is allowed to influence expression of genes at different levels of granularity: condition variable per gene to a single condition variable for all genes. Results on simulated data suggest that the algorithm performance depends greatly on the size and number of connected components of the union network of all conditions. These algorithms are also applied to microarray data from two yeast populations, quiescent and non-quiescent, isolated from glucose starved cultures. Our results suggest that by sharing information across multiple conditions, better networks can be learned for both conditions, with many more biologically meaningful dependencies, than if networks were learned for these conditions independently. In particular, processes that were shared among both cell populations were involved in response to glucose starvation, whereas the processes specific to individual populations captured characteristics unique to each population. These algorithms were also applied for learning networks across multiple species: yeast (S. cerevisiae) and fly (D. melanogaster). Preliminary analysis suggests that sharing patterns across species is much more complex than across different populations of the same species and basic metabolic processes are shared across the two species. Finally, this dissertation focuses on validation of cellular networks. This validation framework describes scores for measuring how well network learning algorithms capture higher-order dependencies. This framework also introduces a measure for evaluating the entire inferred network structure based on the extent to which similarly functioning genes are close together on the network