1,665 research outputs found

    Unraveling condition specific gene transcriptional regulatory networks in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    BACKGROUND: Gene expression and transcription factor (TF) binding data have been used to reveal gene transcriptional regulatory networks. Existing knowledge of gene regulation can be presented using gene connectivity networks. However, these composite connectivity networks do not specify the range of biological conditions of the activity of each link in the network. RESULTS: We present a novel method that utilizes the expression and binding patterns of the neighboring nodes of each link in existing experimentally-based, literature-derived gene transcriptional regulatory networks and extend them in silico using TF-gene binding motifs and a compendium of large expression data from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Using this method, we predict several hundreds of new transcriptional regulatory TF-gene links, along with experimental conditions in which known and predicted links become active. This approach unravels new links in the yeast gene transcriptional regulatory network by utilizing the known transcriptional regulatory interactions, and is particularly useful for breaking down the composite transcriptional regulatory network to condition specific networks. CONCLUSION: Our methods can facilitate future binding experiments, as they can considerably help focus on the TFs that must be surveyed to understand gene regulation. (Supplemental material and the latest version of the MATLAB implementation of the United Signature Algorithm is available online at [1] or [see Additional files 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

    Inferring Transcriptional Interactions by the Optimal Integration of ChIP-chip and Knock-out Data

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    How to combine heterogeneous data sources for reliable prediction of transcriptional regulation is a challenge. Here we present an easy but powerful method to integrate Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)-chip and knock-out data. Since these two types of data provide complementary (physical and functional) information about transcription, the method combining them is expected to achieve high detection rates and very low false positive rates. We try to seek the optimal integration of these two data using hyper-geometric distribution. We evaluate our method on yeast data and compare our predictions with YEASTRACT, high-quality ChIP-chip data, and literature. The results show that even using low-quality ChIP-chip data, our method uncovers more relations than those inferred before from high-quality data. Furthermore our method achieves a low false positive rate. We find experimental and computational evidence in literature for most transcription factor (TF)-gene relations uncovered by our method

    Contribution of Network Connectivity in Determining the Relationship between Gene Expression and Metabolite Concentration Changes

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    One of the primary mechanisms through which a cell exerts control over its metabolic state is by modulating expression levels of its enzyme-coding genes. However, the changes at the level of enzyme expression allow only indirect control over metabolite levels, for two main reasons. First, at the level of individual reactions, metabolite levels are non-linearly dependent on enzyme abundances as per the reaction kinetics mechanisms. Secondly, specific metabolite pools are tightly interlinked with the rest of the metabolic network through their production and consumption reactions. While the role of reaction kinetics in metabolite concentration control is well studied at the level of individual reactions, the contribution of network connectivity has remained relatively unclear. Here we report a modeling framework that integrates both reaction kinetics and network connectivity constraints for describing the interplay between metabolite concentrations and mRNA levels. We used this framework to investigate correlations between the gene expression and the metabolite concentration changes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae during its metabolic cycle, as well as in response to three fundamentally different biological perturbations, namely gene knockout, nutrient shock and nutrient change. While the kinetic constraints applied at the level of individual reactions were found to be poor descriptors of the mRNA-metabolite relationship, their use in the context of the network enabled us to correlate changes in the expression of enzyme-coding genes to the alterations in metabolite levels. Our results highlight the key contribution of metabolic network connectivity in mediating cellular control over metabolite levels, and have implications towards bridging the gap between genotype and metabolic phenotype

    High-resolution analysis of condition-specific regulatory modules in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    A novel approach for identifying condition-specific regulatory modules in yeast reveals functionally distinct coregulated submodules

    Simultaneous Genome-Wide Inference of Physical, Genetic, Regulatory, and Functional Pathway Components

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    Biomolecular pathways are built from diverse types of pairwise interactions, ranging from physical protein-protein interactions and modifications to indirect regulatory relationships. One goal of systems biology is to bridge three aspects of this complexity: the growing body of high-throughput data assaying these interactions; the specific interactions in which individual genes participate; and the genome-wide patterns of interactions in a system of interest. Here, we describe methodology for simultaneously predicting specific types of biomolecular interactions using high-throughput genomic data. This results in a comprehensive compendium of whole-genome networks for yeast, derived from ∼3,500 experimental conditions and describing 30 interaction types, which range from general (e.g. physical or regulatory) to specific (e.g. phosphorylation or transcriptional regulation). We used these networks to investigate molecular pathways in carbon metabolism and cellular transport, proposing a novel connection between glycogen breakdown and glucose utilization supported by recent publications. Additionally, 14 specific predicted interactions in DNA topological change and protein biosynthesis were experimentally validated. We analyzed the systems-level network features within all interactomes, verifying the presence of small-world properties and enrichment for recurring network motifs. This compendium of physical, synthetic, regulatory, and functional interaction networks has been made publicly available through an interactive web interface for investigators to utilize in future research at http://function.princeton.edu/bioweaver/

    Unraveling transcription regulatory networks by protein-DNA and protein-protein interaction mapping

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    Metazoan genomes contain thousands of protein-coding and noncoding RNA genes, most of which are differentially expressed, i.e., at different locations or at different times during development, function, or pathology of the organism. Differential gene expression is achieved in part by the action of regulatory transcription factors (TFs) that bind to cis-regulatory elements that are often located in or near their target genes. Each TF likely regulates many targets in the context of intricate transcription regulatory networks. Up to 10% of a genome may encode TFs, but only a handful of these have been studied in detail. Here, I will discuss the different steps involved in the mapping and analysis of transcription regulatory networks, including the identification of network nodes (TFs and their target sequences) and edges (TF-TF dimers and TF-DNA target interactions), integration with other data types, and network properties and emerging principles that provide insights into differential gene expression

    A novel yeast hybrid modeling framework integrating Boolean and enzyme-constrained networks enables exploration of the interplay between signaling and metabolism

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    The interplay between nutrient-induced signaling and metabolism plays an important role in maintaining homeostasis and its malfunction has been implicated in many different human diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and neurological disorders. Therefore, unraveling the role of nutrients as signaling molecules and metabolites together with their interconnectivity may provide a deeper understanding of how these conditions occur. Both signaling and metabolism have been extensively studied using various systems biology approaches. However, they are mainly studied individually and in addition, current models lack both the complexity of the dynamics and the effects of the crosstalk in the signaling system. To gain a better understanding of the interconnectivity between nutrient signaling and metabolism in yeast cells, we developed a hybrid model, combining a Boolean module, describing the main pathways of glucose and nitrogen signaling, and an enzyme-constrained model accounting for the central carbon metabolism of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, using a regulatory network as a link. The resulting hybrid model was able to capture a diverse utalization of isoenzymes and to our knowledge outperforms constraint-based models in the prediction of individual enzymes for both respiratory and mixed metabolism. The model showed that during fermentation, enzyme utilization has a major contribution in governing protein allocation, while in low glucose conditions robustness and control are prioritized. In addition, the model was capable of reproducing the regulatory effects that are associated with the Crabtree effect and glucose repression, as well as regulatory effects associated with lifespan increase during caloric restriction. Overall, we show that our hybrid model provides a comprehensive framework for the study of the non-trivial effects of the interplay between signaling and metabolism, suggesting connections between the Snf1 signaling pathways and processes that have been related to chronological lifespan of yeast cells