8 research outputs found

    3D Face Style Transfer with a Hybrid Solution of NeRF and Mesh Rasterization

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    Style transfer for human face has been widely researched in recent years. Majority of the existing approaches work in 2D image domain and have 3D inconsistency issue when applied on different viewpoints of the same face. In this paper, we tackle the problem of 3D face style transfer which aims at generating stylized novel views of a 3D human face with multi-view consistency. We propose to use a neural radiance field (NeRF) to represent 3D human face and combine it with 2D style transfer to stylize the 3D face. We find that directly training a NeRF on stylized images from 2D style transfer brings in 3D inconsistency issue and causes blurriness. On the other hand, training a NeRF jointly with 2D style transfer objectives shows poor convergence due to the identity and head pose gap between style image and content image. It also poses challenge in training time and memory due to the need of volume rendering for full image to apply style transfer loss functions. We therefore propose a hybrid framework of NeRF and mesh rasterization to combine the benefits of high fidelity geometry reconstruction of NeRF and fast rendering speed of mesh. Our framework consists of three stages: 1. Training a NeRF model on input face images to learn the 3D geometry; 2. Extracting a mesh from the trained NeRF model and optimizing it with style transfer objectives via differentiable rasterization; 3. Training a new color network in NeRF conditioned on a style embedding to enable arbitrary style transfer to the 3D face. Experiment results show that our approach generates high quality face style transfer with great 3D consistency, while also enabling a flexible style control

    Brainomaly: Unsupervised Neurologic Disease Detection Utilizing Unannotated T1-weighted Brain MR Images

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    Harnessing the power of deep neural networks in the medical imaging domain is challenging due to the difficulties in acquiring large annotated datasets, especially for rare diseases, which involve high costs, time, and effort for annotation. Unsupervised disease detection methods, such as anomaly detection, can significantly reduce human effort in these scenarios. While anomaly detection typically focuses on learning from images of healthy subjects only, real-world situations often present unannotated datasets with a mixture of healthy and diseased subjects. Recent studies have demonstrated that utilizing such unannotated images can improve unsupervised disease and anomaly detection. However, these methods do not utilize knowledge specific to registered neuroimages, resulting in a subpar performance in neurologic disease detection. To address this limitation, we propose Brainomaly, a GAN-based image-to-image translation method specifically designed for neurologic disease detection. Brainomaly not only offers tailored image-to-image translation suitable for neuroimages but also leverages unannotated mixed images to achieve superior neurologic disease detection. Additionally, we address the issue of model selection for inference without annotated samples by proposing a pseudo-AUC metric, further enhancing Brainomaly's detection performance. Extensive experiments and ablation studies demonstrate that Brainomaly outperforms existing state-of-the-art unsupervised disease and anomaly detection methods by significant margins in Alzheimer's disease detection using a publicly available dataset and headache detection using an institutional dataset. The code is available from https://github.com/mahfuzmohammad/Brainomaly.Comment: Accepted in WACV 202

    Rethinking CycleGAN: Improving Quality of GANs for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation

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    An unpaired image-to-image (I2I) translation technique seeks to find a mapping between two domains of data in a fully unsupervised manner. While the initial solutions to the I2I problem were provided by the generative adversarial neural networks (GANs), currently, diffusion models (DM) hold the state-of-the-art status on the I2I translation benchmarks in terms of FID. Yet, they suffer from some limitations, such as not using data from the source domain during the training, or maintaining consistency of the source and translated images only via simple pixel-wise errors. This work revisits the classic CycleGAN model and equips it with recent advancements in model architectures and model training procedures. The revised model is shown to significantly outperform other advanced GAN- and DM-based competitors on a variety of benchmarks. In the case of Male2Female translation of CelebA, the model achieves over 40% improvement in FID score compared to the state-of-the-art results. This work also demonstrates the ineffectiveness of the pixel-wise I2I translation faithfulness metrics and suggests their revision. The code and trained models are available at https://github.com/LS4GAN/uvcgan

    BioGAN: An unpaired GAN-based image to image translation model for microbiological images

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    Background and objective: A diversified dataset is crucial for training a well-generalized supervised computer vision algorithm. However, in the field of microbiology, generation and annotation of a diverse dataset including field-taken images are time-consuming, costly, and in some cases impossible. Image to image translation frameworks allow us to diversify the dataset by transferring images from one domain to another. However, most existing image translation techniques require a paired dataset (original image and its corresponding image in the target domain), which poses a significant challenge in collecting such datasets. In addition, the application of these image translation frameworks in microbiology] is rarely discussed . In this study, we aim to develop an unpaired GAN-based (Generative Adversarial Network) image to image translation model for microbiological images, and study how it can improve generalization ability of object detection models. Methods: In this paper, we present an unpaired and unsupervised image translation model to translate laboratory-taken microbiological images to field images, building upon the recent advances in GAN networks and Perceptual loss function. We propose a novel design for a GAN model, BioGAN, by utilizing Adversarial and Perceptual loss in order to transform high level features of laboratory-taken images of Prototheca bovis into field images, while keeping their spatial features. Results: We studied the contribution of Adversarial and Perceptual loss in the generation of realistic field images. We used the synthetic field images, generated by BioGAN, to train an object-detection framework, and compared the results with those of an object-detection framework trained with laboratory images; this resulted in up to 68.1% and 75.3% improvement on F1score and mAP, respectively. We also present the results of a qualitative evaluation test, performed by experts, of the similarity of BioGAN synthetic images with field images