8 research outputs found

    Cast together: inclusive and unobtrusive mobile interactions with a situated display

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    We describe our Cast Together prototype that demonstrates inclusive and unobtrusive mobile interactions with a situated display. The prototype consists of a mobile and web application, and a Google Chromecast connected to a situated display. An inclusive and unobtrusive experience is encouraged for co-located persons by sharing notifications on the display, allowing users to decide at a glance if an alert requires further attention, and sharing app launches provides others with insight into private smartphone interactions. Music and photo collections generated from social media profiles can project personalities without active engagement with a personal device. Profiles can be linked to physical objects with NFC tags, and the act of exploring collections can become a visible performance by explicitly scanning objects with the smartphone. Shared information can also be managed implicitly by hiding details when a user steps out of the room, or by reacting to a change of place. A user study with two colleagues in an office setting leads to initial insights with our Cast Together probe


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    This paper investigates how individual perceptions and attitudes about an organization influence multitasking behaviors in the workplace. While we know that individuals’ behaviors are influenced by the characteristics of their organizations (e.g., ICTs, physical layout), we still do not know much about how the way individuals interpret their organization influences their multitasking behaviors. We first hypothesize that individual perceptions of organizational preferences for multitasking (i.e. organizational polychronicity) have impacts on actually enacted multitasking behaviors. We also hypothesize that the attachment to the organization (i.e. organizational identification) moderates the above relationship. We conducted a mixed method study in two knowledge intensive organizations and collected data through a survey, diaries, and semi-structured interviews. Our findings support the first hypothesis but not the moderating role of organizational identification. However, this latter seems to be directly related on how much a person is willing to work on different activities, but not on how much she interrupts others or accepts being interrupted. Further, our study suggests that not only the organizational context should be investigated in the study of multitasking behaviors, but also the larger work context, including the individuals’ professional communities

    The interplay between organizational polychronicity, multitasking behaviors and organizational identification: A mixed-methods study in knowledge intensive organizations

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    This paper investigates how individual perceptions and attitudes about an organization influence multitasking behaviors in the workplace. While we know that individuals are significantly influenced in their behaviors by the characteristics of their organizations (e.g. ICTs, organizational structure, physical layout), we still do not know much about how the way individuals interpret their organization influences their multitasking behaviors. Thus, we specifically hypothesize that the individual perception of the organizational preferences for multitasking (i.e. organizational polychronicity) engenders the actual multitasking behaviors that an individual enacts in the workplace. We also hypothesize that the attachment to the organization (i.e. organizational identification) moderates the above relationship. We conducted a mixed method study in two knowledge intensive organizations (an R&D unit and a university department) and collected data through a survey, diaries, and semi-structured interviews. Our findings support the first hypothesis but not the moderating role of organizational identification. However, this latter is directly related to how much a person is willing to work on multiple activities on a single day. Further, our study suggests that not only the organizational context should be investigated in the study of multitasking behaviors, but also the larger work context, including the individuals’ professional communities. We conclude with a discussion of theoretical and practical implications as well as methodological reflections on mixing methods in the study of multitasking in organizations

    Diminished Control in Crowdsourcing: An Investigation of Crowdworker Multitasking Behavior

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    Obtaining high-quality data from crowds can be difficult if contributors do not give tasks sufficient attention. Attention checks are often used to mitigate this problem, but, because the roots of inattention are poorly understood, checks often compel attentive contributors to complete unnecessary work. We investigated a potential source of inattentiveness during crowdwork: multitasking. We found that workers switched to other tasks every five minutes, on average. There were indications that increasing switch frequency negatively affected performance. To address this, we tested an intervention that encouraged workers to stay focused on our task after multitasking was detected. We found that our intervention reduced the frequency of task-switching. It also improves on existing attention checks because it does not place additional demands on workers who are already focused. Our approach shows that crowds can help to overcome some of the limitations of laboratory studies by affording access to naturalistic multitasking behavior

    Interruption science as a research field: Towards a taxonomy of interruptions as a foundation for the field

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    Interruptions have become ubiquitous in both our personal and professional lives. Accordingly, research on interruptions has also increased steadily over time, and research published in various scientific disciplines has produced different perspectives, fundamental ideas, and conceptualizations of interruptions. However, the current state of research hampers a comprehensive overview of the concept of interruption, predominantly due to the fragmented nature of the existing literature. Reflecting on its genesis in the 1920s and the longstanding research on interruptions, along with recent technological, behavioral, and organizational developments, this paper provides a comprehensive interdisciplinary overview of the various attributes of an interruption, which facilitates the establishment of interruption science as an interdisciplinary research field in the scientific landscape. To obtain an overview of the different interruption attributes, we conducted a systematic literature review with the goal of classifying interruptions. The outcome of our research process is a taxonomy of interruptions, constituting an important foundation for the field. Based on the taxonomy, we also present possible avenues for future research

    Mediating ICU patient situation-awareness with visual and tactile notifications

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)Healthcare providers in hospital intensive care units (ICUs) maintain patient situation awareness by following task management and communication practices. They create and manipulate several paper-based and digital information sources, with the overall aim to constantly inform themselves and their colleagues of dynamically evolving patient conditions. However, when increased communication means that healthcare providers potentially interrupt each other, enhanced patient-situation awareness comes at a price. Prior research discusses both the use of technology to support increased communication and its unintended consequence of (wanted and unwanted) notification interruptions. Using qualitative research techniques, I investigated work practices that enhance the patient-situation awareness of physicians, fellows, residents, nurses, students, and pharmacists in a medical ICU. I used the Locales Framework to understand the observed task management and communication work practices. In this study, paper notes were observed to act as transitional artifacts that are later digitized to organize and coordinate tasks, goals, and patient-centric information at a team and organizational level. Non digital information is often not immediately digitized, and only select information is communicated between certain ICU team members through synchronous mechanisms such as face-to-face or telephone conversations. Thus, although ICU providers are exceptionally skilled at working together to improve a critically ill patient’s condition, the use of paper-based artifacts and synchronous communication mechanisms induces several interruptions while contextually situating a clinical team for patient care. In this dissertation, I also designed and evaluated a mobile health technology tool, known as PANI (Patient-centered Notes and Information Manager), guided by the Locales framework and the participatory involvement of ICU healthcare providers as co designers. PANI-supported task management induces minimal interruptions by: (1) rapidly generating, managing, and sharing clinical notes and action-items among clinicians and (2) supporting the collaboration and communication needs of clinicians through a novel visual and tactile notification system. The long-term contribution of this research suggests guidelines for designing mobile health technology interventions that enhance ICU patient situation-awareness and reduce unwanted interruptions to clinical workflow