17,335,787 research outputs found

    Is slow what the slow university's about

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    This is the first of a trio of posts about the Slow University that started life as presentations in a seminar at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Durham University. In it, guest blogger Luke Martell, argues that we shouldn’t fetishise speed at the fast university. This distracts from what’s behind it. And we should ask whether slow is what the slow university’s really about

    Extending the CAPM model

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    This paper extends the well known Capital Asset Pricing Model by Sharpe and Lintner to a multi-period context with possibly price dependent preferences. The model is built from individual forward looking agents adopting a portfolio selection scheme similar to the portfolio selection theory devised by Markowitz. We allow agents to use past and present price information to forecast both the expected return and the variance of asset returns, but with possibly different econometric forecasting techniques. Since the effects of price dependent preferences of agents are complicated, we use Microscopic Simulations to investigate the effects on equilibrium asset prices and on returns over an extended time period in a temporary equilibrium context. We also test whether the assumption of rational expectations makes sensemultiperiod CAPM, heterogeneous agents, price dependent preferences, microscopic simulations


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    University Optical Fibre Network Access Optimisation: A Case Study

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    For network access, it is always desired that a fibre optic network connectivity be the major area of cost minimization, while keeping quality of service as high as possible. This is because overall cost of setting up a fibre optic cable route is usually very high in relation to other components of the network. In this study, three buildings clusters were mapped to the University Network Operating Center, and the network was developed as a fail-safe network, so that in the case of damage to a cable or connecting component, users are not cut out. The problem was formulated as a Mathematical Programming problem and solved the resulting transportation problem using MATLAB linear programming solution. Results from the mathematical model shows an optimized cost for which a fibre Optic network connectivity can be further develope

    Fighting for the public university

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    Unless we act against education privatisation it will set in and be difficult to reverse. It’s unrolling nationally, and local responses need to operate in a way which engages with this. We shouldn’t be negotiating privatisation. We should be turning it back

    Dialect Geography of Shallots Agriculture’s Language Variation in Brebes Regency

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    The purpose of this study was to find out whether there was the significant relationship between digital media literacy and students' perception of hoax. This research uses descriptive correlation methods with surveys as data collection. Respondents in this study were students of diploma, undergraduate, and graduate from 18 study programs at the Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang. This study uses surveys conducted online using the Google Form website. The data were then analyzed by using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation in SPSS software. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between the level of digital media literacy and the perception of hoaxes, and it was in the moderate correlation. Based on the review of related literature, moderate correlation was occur due to several factors such as biased thinking, easily provoked age group, and difficulties in finding accurate media agencies.

    Impact of Micro-Finance on Women’s Economic Empowerment: A Case study in Gimbo Woreda, South Nation, Nationalities and Peoples Region, Ethiopia

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    In a subsistence agriculture and low income developing countries, microfinance provision to rural areas is taken as a mechanism to reduce poverty and to empower women economically. MFI have made important contributions to poor people particularly to women, by providing a financial service to those who are excluded from the formal financial sector. The study aims to assess the impact of microfinance on women economic empowerment with a case study of Omo Microfinance Institution in Gimbo woreda. By using multi-stage sampling method, the primary data was collected from a total of 200 rural women of which 115 of them are non-clients of Omo Microfinance Institution, which are used as control group. The control groups are future clients that are very similar to clients in their overall characteristics. The empirical analysis of this research was carried out both by descriptive statistics and regression analysis. The regression analysis part was used propensity score matching method of analysis. The estimated logistic regression result depict that women’s involvement in major decision making is significantly affected by age, women’s spouse level of education, number of family size, head of the house hold, being member of other MFI and amount of initial wealth.  Women’s level of education, marital status and ecology were variables that are insignificant in affecting women’s economic empowerment. The propensity score matching estimation result reveals that OMFI has significant effect in increasing average yearly household income and personal cash saving of its client but it is insignificant in affecting positively women’s access and ownership and control over assets. Thus, the program intervention has been resulted a positive impact on women’s economic empowerment in the study area. Therefore, it is recommended that credit provision of OMFI should give priority in asset formation, access to resources, acquire asset and able to control over it


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    Abstrak: Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) adalah kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang harus dilakukan oleh mahasiswa dan dosen dalam rangka mencapai tri dharma perguruan tinggi. COVID-19 memaksa civitas akademika untuk melaksanakan KKN secara bauran antara daring dengan luring dalam Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru (AKB). KKN dilakukan melalui kegiatan pelatihan penulisan artikel ilmiah nasional dengan tujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman ilmu menulis artikel pada jurnal nasional terindeks SINTA (Science and Technology Index). Metode pelatihan dilakukan melalui kegiatan webinar nasional dengan melibatkan perserta terdiri dari dosen, mahasiswa, guru, pengawas, penilik dan kepala sekolah dari 15 provinsi di Indonesia. Hasil pelatihan menyatakan bahwa kegiatan webinar memberikan pengetahuan kepada peserta untuk memahami dan mampu menulis artikel ilmiah pada jurnal nasional terindeks SINTA. Hal tersebut terlihat dari data yang diberikan peserta pelatihan kepada panitia sebanyak 60% setelah mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan dapat mensubmit artikel pada jurnal pengabdian kepada masyarakat.Abstract: Actual Work Lecture (KKN) is a community service activity that students and lecturers must carry out to achieve the tri-dharma of higher education. COVID-19 has forced the academic community to carry out KKN in a mixed manner between online and offline in the Adaptation of New Habits (AKB). KKN is carried out through national scientific article writing training activities to provide an understanding of the science of writing articles in national journals indexed by SINTA (Science and Technology Index). The training method is carried out through national webinar activities involving lecturers, students, teachers, supervisors, supervisors, and school principals from 15 provinces in Indonesia. The training results stated that the webinar activity gave participants the knowledge to understand and write scientific articles in the SINTA-indexed national journal. This can be seen from the data provided by the training participants to the committee; as much as 60%, after participating in the training activities, can submit articles to community service journals


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    This research aimed to identify the types of circumstances used in Joe Biden’s inauguration speech. This research used the transcript in English version and Indonesian version of Joe Biden’s inauguration speech on January 21, 2021 in Washington DC as the source of the data. Furthermore, the researcher applied a qualitative descriptive method of this research. This result of research showed that there are 37 data found in the type of circumstances such as (2) extent, (2) location, manner divided into (3) means, (7) quality, (3) comparison, (3) degree, cause divided into (4) reason, (4) purpose, and (2) behalf. Moreover, accompaniment consists of (1) comitative. Role has (4) guise category, (1) matter, and angle has (1) in viewpoint category. Moreover, the dominant circumstances that present are quality categories in circumstances of manner.


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    PAI students are required to have good religiosity values in every aspect. However, in reality there are still many PAI students who have not met the criteria for religiosity. The purpose of this study was to improve the quality of Islamic Education students by correlating social media and self-concept. This research is a library research. The analysis obtained in this study is that PAI students can learn Islamic religious sciences more widely, and preach their knowledge through social media. But apart from positive influences, social media also has negative influences. So that to increase the religiosity of PAI students requires a self-concept. Self-concept is a view or assessment, as well as an introduction to oneself. By having a good self-concept, PAI students can realize that they are studying Islamic religious sciences which apart from being required to understand, are also required to practice it to others. So that their mindset is no longer just a mere value or diploma. So with this correlation it can improve the quality of PAI students for the better.Keywords: social media, self-concept, PAI studentsAbstrakMahasiswa PAI dituntut untuk memiliki nilai-nilai religiusitas yang baik dalam setiap aspeknya. Namun realitanya masih banyak ditemukan mahasiswa PAI yang belum memenuhi kriteria religiusitas tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas mahasiswa PAI dengan mengkorelasikan antara media sosial dan konsep diri. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan. Analisis yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa PAI dapat belajar ilmu-ilmu agama Islam dengan lebih luas, dan berdakwah mengamalkan kembali ilmu-ilmunya tersebut melalui media sosial. Namun selain pengaruh positif, media sosial juga memiliki pengaruh negatif. Sehingga untuk meningkatkan religiusitas mahasiswa PAI memerlukan konsep diri. Konsep diri adalah pandangan atau penilaian, serta pengenalan terhadap diri sendiri. Dengan memiliki konsep diri yang baik mahasiswa PAI dapat menyadari bahwa ia sedang mempelajari ilmu-ilmu agama Islam yang selain dituntut untuk paham, juga dituntut untuk mengamalkannya kepada orang lain. Sehingga mindset mereka bukan lagi hanya sebatas nilai atau ijazah belaka. Maka dengan korelasi ini dapat meningkatkan kualitas mahasiswa PAI menjadi lebih baik.Kata Kunci: media sosial, konsep diri, mahasiswa PA
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