307 research outputs found

    A unified fluctuation formula for one-cut β\beta-ensembles of random matrices

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    Using a Coulomb gas approach, we compute the generating function of the covariances of power traces for one-cut β\beta-ensembles of random matrices in the limit of large matrix size. This formula depends only on the support of the spectral density, and is therefore universal for a large class of models. This allows us to derive a closed-form expression for the limiting covariances of an arbitrary one-cut β\beta-ensemble. As particular cases of the main result we consider the classical β\beta-Gaussian, β\beta-Wishart and β\beta-Jacobi ensembles, for which we derive previously available results as well as new ones within a unified simple framework. We also discuss the connections between the problem of trace fluctuations for the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble and the enumeration of planar maps.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables. Revised version where references have been added and typos correcte

    Probability densities and distributions for spiked and general variance Wishart β\beta-ensembles

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    A Wishart matrix is said to be spiked when the underlying covariance matrix has a single eigenvalue bb different from unity. As bb increases through b=2b=2, a gap forms from the largest eigenvalue to the rest of the spectrum, and with b2b-2 of order N1/3N^{-1/3} the scaled largest eigenvalues form a well defined parameter dependent state. Recent works by Bloemendal and Vir\'ag [BV], and Mo, have quantified this parameter dependent state for real Wishart matrices from different viewpoints, and the former authors have done similarly for the spiked Wishart β\beta-ensemble. The latter is defined in terms of certain random bidiagonal matrices. We use a recursive structure to give an alternative construction of the spiked and more generally the general variance Wishart β\beta-ensemble, and we give the exact form of the joint eigenvalue PDF for the two matrices in the recurrence. In the case of real quaternion Wishart matrices (β=4\beta = 4) the latter is recognised as having appeared in earlier studies on symmetrized last passage percolation, allowing the exact form of the scaled distribution of the largest eigenvalue to be given. This extends and simplifies earlier work of Wang, and is an alternative derivation to a result in [BV]. We also use the construction of the spiked Wishart β\beta-ensemble from [BV] to give a simple derivation of the explicit form of the eigenvalue PDF.Comment: 18 page

    On the probability that all eigenvalues of Gaussian, Wishart, and double Wishart random matrices lie within an interval

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    We derive the probability that all eigenvalues of a random matrix M\bf M lie within an arbitrary interval [a,b][a,b], ψ(a,b)Pr{aλmin(M),λmax(M)b}\psi(a,b)\triangleq\Pr\{a\leq\lambda_{\min}({\bf M}), \lambda_{\max}({\bf M})\leq b\}, when M\bf M is a real or complex finite dimensional Wishart, double Wishart, or Gaussian symmetric/Hermitian matrix. We give efficient recursive formulas allowing the exact evaluation of ψ(a,b)\psi(a,b) for Wishart matrices, even with large number of variates and degrees of freedom. We also prove that the probability that all eigenvalues are within the limiting spectral support (given by the Mar{\v{c}}enko-Pastur or the semicircle laws) tends for large dimensions to the universal values 0.69210.6921 and 0.93970.9397 for the real and complex cases, respectively. Applications include improved bounds for the probability that a Gaussian measurement matrix has a given restricted isometry constant in compressed sensing.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 201

    Fluctuations of the extreme eigenvalues of finite rank deformations of random matrices

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    Consider a deterministic self-adjoint matrix X_n with spectral measure converging to a compactly supported probability measure, the largest and smallest eigenvalues converging to the edges of the limiting measure. We perturb this matrix by adding a random finite rank matrix with delocalized eigenvectors and study the extreme eigenvalues of the deformed model. We give necessary conditions on the deterministic matrix X_n so that the eigenvalues converging out of the bulk exhibit Gaussian fluctuations, whereas the eigenvalues sticking to the edges are very close to the eigenvalues of the non-perturbed model and fluctuate in the same scale. We generalize these results to the case when X_n is random and get similar behavior when we deform some classical models such as Wigner or Wishart matrices with rather general entries or the so-called matrix models.Comment: 42 pages, Electron. J. Prob., Vol. 16 (2011), Paper no. 60, pages 1621-166

    The Wasteland of Random Supergravities

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    We show that in a general \cal{N} = 1 supergravity with N \gg 1 scalar fields, an exponentially small fraction of the de Sitter critical points are metastable vacua. Taking the superpotential and Kahler potential to be random functions, we construct a random matrix model for the Hessian matrix, which is well-approximated by the sum of a Wigner matrix and two Wishart matrices. We compute the eigenvalue spectrum analytically from the free convolution of the constituent spectra and find that in typical configurations, a significant fraction of the eigenvalues are negative. Building on the Tracy-Widom law governing fluctuations of extreme eigenvalues, we determine the probability P of a large fluctuation in which all the eigenvalues become positive. Strong eigenvalue repulsion makes this extremely unlikely: we find P \propto exp(-c N^p), with c, p being constants. For generic critical points we find p \approx 1.5, while for approximately-supersymmetric critical points, p \approx 1.3. Our results have significant implications for the counting of de Sitter vacua in string theory, but the number of vacua remains vast.Comment: 39 pages, 9 figures; v2: fixed typos, added refs and clarification