5,430 research outputs found

    Universal polar coding and sparse recovery

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    This paper investigates universal polar coding schemes. In particular, a notion of ordering (called convolutional path) is introduced between probability distributions to determine when a polar compression (or communication) scheme designed for one distribution can also succeed for another one. The original polar decoding algorithm is also generalized to an algorithm allowing to learn information about the source distribution using the idea of checkers. These tools are used to construct a universal compression algorithm for binary sources, operating at the lowest achievable rate (entropy), with low complexity and with guaranteed small error probability. In a second part of the paper, the problem of sketching high dimensional discrete signals which are sparse is approached via the polarization technique. It is shown that the number of measurements required for perfect recovery is competitive with the O(klog⁥(n/k))O(k \log (n/k)) bound (with optimal constant for binary signals), meanwhile affording a deterministic low complexity measurement matrix

    Polarization of the Renyi Information Dimension with Applications to Compressed Sensing

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    In this paper, we show that the Hadamard matrix acts as an extractor over the reals of the Renyi information dimension (RID), in an analogous way to how it acts as an extractor of the discrete entropy over finite fields. More precisely, we prove that the RID of an i.i.d. sequence of mixture random variables polarizes to the extremal values of 0 and 1 (corresponding to discrete and continuous distributions) when transformed by a Hadamard matrix. Further, we prove that the polarization pattern of the RID admits a closed form expression and follows exactly the Binary Erasure Channel (BEC) polarization pattern in the discrete setting. We also extend the results from the single- to the multi-terminal setting, obtaining a Slepian-Wolf counterpart of the RID polarization. We discuss applications of the RID polarization to Compressed Sensing of i.i.d. sources. In particular, we use the RID polarization to construct a family of deterministic ±1\pm 1-valued sensing matrices for Compressed Sensing. We run numerical simulations to compare the performance of the resulting matrices with that of random Gaussian and random Hadamard matrices. The results indicate that the proposed matrices afford competitive performances while being explicitly constructed.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Computational Complexity versus Statistical Performance on Sparse Recovery Problems

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    We show that several classical quantities controlling compressed sensing performance directly match classical parameters controlling algorithmic complexity. We first describe linearly convergent restart schemes on first-order methods solving a broad range of compressed sensing problems, where sharpness at the optimum controls convergence speed. We show that for sparse recovery problems, this sharpness can be written as a condition number, given by the ratio between true signal sparsity and the largest signal size that can be recovered by the observation matrix. In a similar vein, Renegar's condition number is a data-driven complexity measure for convex programs, generalizing classical condition numbers for linear systems. We show that for a broad class of compressed sensing problems, the worst case value of this algorithmic complexity measure taken over all signals matches the restricted singular value of the observation matrix which controls robust recovery performance. Overall, this means in both cases that, in compressed sensing problems, a single parameter directly controls both computational complexity and recovery performance. Numerical experiments illustrate these points using several classical algorithms.Comment: Final version, to appear in information and Inferenc

    Geometric approach to error correcting codes and reconstruction of signals

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    We develop an approach through geometric functional analysis to error correcting codes and to reconstruction of signals from few linear measurements. An error correcting code encodes an n-letter word x into an m-letter word y in such a way that x can be decoded correctly when any r letters of y are corrupted. We prove that most linear orthogonal transformations Q from R^n into R^m form efficient and robust robust error correcting codes over reals. The decoder (which corrects the corrupted components of y) is the metric projection onto the range of Q in the L_1 norm. An equivalent problem arises in signal processing: how to reconstruct a signal that belongs to a small class from few linear measurements? We prove that for most sets of Gaussian measurements, all signals of small support can be exactly reconstructed by the L_1 norm minimization. This is a substantial improvement of recent results of Donoho and of Candes and Tao. An equivalent problem in combinatorial geometry is the existence of a polytope with fixed number of facets and maximal number of lower-dimensional facets. We prove that most sections of the cube form such polytopes.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Universal Source Polarization and an Application to a Multi-User Problem

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    We propose a scheme that universally achieves the smallest possible compression rate for a class of sources with side information, and develop an application of this result for a joint source channel coding problem over a broadcast channel.Comment: to be presented at Allerton 201
