2,261 research outputs found

    Binocular Rivalry Oriented Predictive Auto-Encoding Network for Blind Stereoscopic Image Quality Measurement

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    Stereoscopic image quality measurement (SIQM) has become increasingly important for guiding stereo image processing and commutation systems due to the widespread usage of 3D contents. Compared with conventional methods which are relied on hand-crafted features, deep learning oriented measurements have achieved remarkable performance in recent years. However, most existing deep SIQM evaluators are not specifically built for stereoscopic contents and consider little prior domain knowledge of the 3D human visual system (HVS) in network design. In this paper, we develop a Predictive Auto-encoDing Network (PAD-Net) for blind/No-Reference stereoscopic image quality measurement. In the first stage, inspired by the predictive coding theory that the cognition system tries to match bottom-up visual signal with top-down predictions, we adopt the encoder-decoder architecture to reconstruct the distorted inputs. Besides, motivated by the binocular rivalry phenomenon, we leverage the likelihood and prior maps generated from the predictive coding process in the Siamese framework for assisting SIQM. In the second stage, quality regression network is applied to the fusion image for acquiring the perceptual quality prediction. The performance of PAD-Net has been extensively evaluated on three benchmark databases and the superiority has been well validated on both symmetrically and asymmetrically distorted stereoscopic images under various distortion types

    Stereoscopic image quality assessment method based on binocular combination saliency model

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    The objective quality assessment of stereoscopic images plays an important role in three-dimensional (3D) technologies. In this paper, we propose an effective method to evaluate the quality of stereoscopic images that are afflicted by symmetric distortions. The major technical contribution of this paper is that the binocular combination behaviours and human 3D visual saliency characteristics are both considered. In particular, a new 3D saliency map is developed, which not only greatly reduces the computational complexity by avoiding calculation of the depth information, but also assigns appropriate weights to the image contents. Experimental results indicate that the proposed metric not only significantly outperforms conventional 2D quality metrics, but also achieves higher performance than the existing 3D quality assessment models

    Quality assessment for virtual reality technology based on real scene

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    Virtual reality technology is a new display technology, which provides users with real viewing experience. As known, most of the virtual reality display through stereoscopic images. However, image quality will be influenced by the collection, storage and transmission process. If the stereoscopic image quality in the virtual reality technology is seriously damaged, the user will feel uncomfortable, and this can even cause healthy problems. In this paper, we establish a set of accurate and effective evaluations for the virtual reality. In the preprocessing, we segment the original reference and distorted image into binocular regions and monocular regions. Then, the Information-weighted SSIM (IW-SSIM) or Information-weighted PSNR (IW-PSNR) values over the monocular regions are applied to obtain the IW-score. At the same time, the Stereo-weighted-SSIM (SW-SSIM) or Stereo-weighted-PSNR (SW-PSNR) can be used to calculate the SW-score. Finally, we pool the stereoscopic images score by combing the IW-score and SW-score. Experiments show that our method is very consistent with human subjective judgment standard in the evaluation of virtual reality technology

    Quality Assessment of Stereoscopic 360-degree Images from Multi-viewports

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    Objective quality assessment of stereoscopic panoramic images becomes a challenging problem owing to the rapid growth of 360-degree contents. Different from traditional 2D image quality assessment (IQA), more complex aspects are involved in 3D omnidirectional IQA, especially unlimited field of view (FoV) and extra depth perception, which brings difficulty to evaluate the quality of experience (QoE) of 3D omnidirectional images. In this paper, we propose a multi-viewport based fullreference stereo 360 IQA model. Due to the freely changeable viewports when browsing in the head-mounted display (HMD), our proposed approach processes the image inside FoV rather than the projected one such as equirectangular projection (ERP). In addition, since overall QoE depends on both image quality and depth perception, we utilize the features estimated by the difference map between left and right views which can reflect disparity. The depth perception features along with binocular image qualities are employed to further predict the overall QoE of 3D 360 images. The experimental results on our public Stereoscopic OmnidirectionaL Image quality assessment Database (SOLID) show that the proposed method achieves a significant improvement over some well-known IQA metrics and can accurately reflect the overall QoE of perceived images

    Quality assessment metric of stereo images considering cyclopean integration and visual saliency

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    In recent years, there has been great progress in the wider use of three-dimensional (3D) technologies. With increasing sources of 3D content, a useful tool is needed to evaluate the perceived quality of the 3D videos/images. This paper puts forward a framework to evaluate the quality of stereoscopic images contaminated by possible symmetric or asymmetric distortions. Human visual system (HVS) studies reveal that binocular combination models and visual saliency are the two key factors for the stereoscopic image quality assessment (SIQA) metric. Therefore inspired by such findings in HVS, this paper proposes a novel saliency map in SIQA metric for the cyclopean image called “cyclopean saliency”, which avoids complex calculations and produces good results in detecting saliency regions. Moreover, experimental results show that our metric significantly outperforms conventional 2D quality metrics and yields higher correlations with human subjective judgment than the state-of-art SIQA metrics. 3D saliency performance is also compared with “cyclopean saliency” in SIQA. It is noticed that the proposed metric is applicable to both symmetric and asymmetric distortions. It can thus be concluded that the proposed SIQA metric can provide an effective evaluation tool to assess stereoscopic image quality

    Towards Top-Down Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment via Stereo Attention

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    Stereoscopic image quality assessment (SIQA) plays a crucial role in evaluating and improving the visual experience of 3D content. Existing binocular properties and attention-based methods for SIQA have achieved promising performance. However, these bottom-up approaches are inadequate in exploiting the inherent characteristics of the human visual system (HVS). This paper presents a novel network for SIQA via stereo attention, employing a top-down perspective to guide the quality assessment process. Our proposed method realizes the guidance from high-level binocular signals down to low-level monocular signals, while the binocular and monocular information can be calibrated progressively throughout the processing pipeline. We design a generalized Stereo AttenTion (SAT) block to implement the top-down philosophy in stereo perception. This block utilizes the fusion-generated attention map as a high-level binocular modulator, influencing the representation of two low-level monocular features. Additionally, we introduce an Energy Coefficient (EC) to account for recent findings indicating that binocular responses in the primate primary visual cortex are less than the sum of monocular responses. The adaptive EC can tune the magnitude of binocular response flexibly, thus enhancing the formation of robust binocular features within our framework. To extract the most discriminative quality information from the summation and subtraction of the two branches of monocular features, we utilize a dual-pooling strategy that applies min-pooling and max-pooling operations to the respective branches. Experimental results highlight the superiority of our top-down method in simulating the property of visual perception and advancing the state-of-the-art in the SIQA field. The code of this work is available at https://github.com/Fanning-Zhang/SATNet.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    A blind stereoscopic image quality evaluator with segmented stacked autoencoders considering the whole visual perception route

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    Most of the current blind stereoscopic image quality assessment (SIQA) algorithms cannot show reliable accuracy. One reason is that they do not have the deep architectures and the other reason is that they are designed on the relatively weak biological basis, compared with findings on human visual system (HVS). In this paper, we propose a Deep Edge and COlor Signal INtegrity Evaluator (DECOSINE) based on the whole visual perception route from eyes to the frontal lobe, and especially focus on edge and color signal processing in retinal ganglion cells (RGC) and lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN). Furthermore, to model the complex and deep structure of the visual cortex, Segmented Stacked Auto-encoder (S-SAE) is used, which has not utilized for SIQA before. The utilization of the S-SAE complements weakness of deep learning-based SIQA metrics that require a very long training time. Experiments are conducted on popular SIQA databases, and the superiority of DECOSINE in terms of prediction accuracy and monotonicity is proved. The experimental results show that our model about the whole visual perception route and utilization of S-SAE are effective for SIQA

    No reference quality assessment of stereo video based on saliency and sparsity

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    With the popularity of video technology, stereoscopic video quality assessment (SVQA) has become increasingly important. Existing SVQA methods cannot achieve good performance because the videos' information is not fully utilized. In this paper, we consider various information in the videos together, construct a simple model to combine and analyze the diverse features, which is based on saliency and sparsity. First, we utilize the 3-D saliency map of sum map, which remains the basic information of stereoscopic video, as a valid tool to evaluate the videos' quality. Second, we use the sparse representation to decompose the sum map of 3-D saliency into coefficients, then calculate the features based on sparse coefficients to obtain the effective expression of videos' message. Next, in order to reduce the relevance between the features, we put them into stacked auto-encoder, mapping vectors to higher dimensional space, and adding the sparse restraint, then input them into support vector machine subsequently, and finally, get the quality assessment scores. Within that process, we take the advantage of saliency and sparsity to extract and simplify features. Through the later experiment, we can see the proposed method is fitting well with the subjective scores
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