2 research outputs found

    Unambiguous Turn Position and Rational Trace Languages

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    We show the existence of rational trace languages defined over direct products of free monoids that have inherent ambiguity of the order of log n and n 1/2 . This result is obtained by studying the relationship between trace languages and linear context-free grammars that satisfy a special unambiguity condition on the position of the last step of derivation

    Universal Inherence of cycle-free context-free Ambiguity Functions

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    It is shown that the set of inherent ambiguity functions for context-free languages and the set of ambiguity functions for cycle-free context-free grammars coincide. Moreover for each census function of an unambiguous context-free language the least monotone function larger than or equal to is an inherent ambiguity function. Both results are based on a more general theorem. Informally it states that the loss of information induced by a length preserving homomorphism on an unambiguous context-free language can be turned into inherent ambiguity