2 research outputs found

    Uniqueness of Optimal Mod 3 Circuits for Parity

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    We prove that the quadratic polynomials modulo 33 with the largest correlation with parity are unique up to permutation of variables and constant factors. As a consequence of our result, we completely characterize the smallest MAJ~circmboxMOD3circmAND2circ mbox{MOD}_3 circ { m AND}_2 circuits that compute parity, where a MAJ~circmboxMOD3circmAND2circ mbox{MOD}_3 circ { m AND}_2 circuit is one that has a majority gate as output, a middle layer of MOD3_3 gates and a bottom layer of AND gates of fan-in 22. We also prove that the sub-optimal circuits exhibit a stepped behavior: any sub-optimal circuits of this class that compute parity must have size at least a factor of frac2sqrt3frac{2}{sqrt{3}} times the optimal size. This verifies, for the special case of m=3m=3, two conjectures made by Due~{n}ez, Miller, Roy and Straubing (Journal of Number Theory, 2006) for general MAJ~circmathrmMODmcircmAND2circ mathrm{MOD}_m circ { m AND}_2 circuits for any odd mm. The correlation and circuit bounds are obtained by studying the associated exponential sums, based on some of the techniques developed by Green (JCSS, 2004). We regard this as a step towards obtaining tighter bounds both for the mot=3m ot = 3 quadratic case as well as for higher degrees

    On Correlation Bounds Against Polynomials

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