5 research outputs found

    Properties of Steiner triple systems of order 21

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    Properties of the 62,336,617 Steiner triple systems of order 21 with a non-trivial automorphism group are examined. In particular, there are 28 which have no parallel class, six that are 4-chromatic, five that are 3-balanced, 20 that avoid the mitre, 21 that avoid the crown, one that avoids the hexagon and two that avoid the prism. All systems contain the grid. None have a block intersection graph that is 3-existentially closed.Comment: 12 page

    Ramsey goodness of <i>k</i>-uniform paths, or the lack thereof

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    Given a pair of k-uniform hypergraphs (G,H), the Ramsey number of (G,H), denoted by R(G,H), is the smallest integer n such that in every red/blue-colouring of the edges of Kn(k) there exists a red copy of G or a blue copy of ~H. Burr showed that, for any pair of graphs (G,H), where G is large and connected, R(G,H)≥(v(G)−1)(χ(H)−1)+σ(H), where σ(H) stands for the minimum size of a colour class over all proper χ(H)-colourings of H. We say that G is H-good if R(G,H) is equal to the general lower bound. Burr showed that, for any graph ~H, every sufficiently long path is H-good.Our goal is to explore the notion of Ramsey goodness in the setting of k-uniform hypergraphs. We demonstrate that, in stark contrast to the graph case, k-uniform ℓ-paths are not H-good for a large class of k-graphs. On the other hand, we prove that long loose paths are always at least asymptotically H-good for every H and derive lower and upper bounds that are best possible in a certain sense.In the 3-uniform setting, we complement our negative result with a positive one, in which we determine the Ramsey number asymptotically for pairs containing a long tight path and a 3-graph H when H belongs to a certain family of hypergraphs. This extends a result of Balogh, Clemen, Skokan, and Wagner for the Fano plane asymptotically to a much larger family of 3-graphs

    Uniquely 3-colourable Steiner triple systems

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    A Steiner triple system (STS(v)) is said to be 3-balanced if every 3-colouring of it is equitable; that is, if the cardinalities of the colour classes differ by at most one. A 3-colouring, φ, of an STS(v) is unique if there is no other way of 3-colouring the STS(v) except possibly by permuting the colours of φ. We show that for every admissible v⩾25, there exists a 3-balanced STS(v) with a unique 3-colouring and an STS(v) which has a unique, non-equitable 3-colouring