21,113 research outputs found

    On certain non-unique solutions of the Stieltjes moment problem

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    We construct explicit solutions of a number of Stieltjes moment problems based on moments of the form (2rn)! and [(rn)!]2. It is shown using criteria for uniqueness and non-uniqueness (Carleman, Krein, Berg, Pakes, Stoyanov) that for r > 1 both forms give rise to non-unique solutions. Examples of such solutions are constructed using the technique of the inverse Mellin transform supplemented by a Mellin convolution. We outline a general method of generating non-unique solutions for moment problems

    Unique Solutions to Hartree-Fock Equations for Closed Shell Atoms

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    In this paper we study the problem of uniqueness of solutions to the Hartree and Hartree-Fock equations of atoms. We show, for example, that the Hartree-Fock ground state of a closed shell atom is unique provided the atomic number ZZ is sufficiently large compared to the number NN of electrons. More specifically, a two-electron atom with atomic number Z≄35Z\geq 35 has a unique Hartree-Fock ground state given by two orbitals with opposite spins and identical spatial wave functions. This statement is wrong for some Z>1Z>1, which exhibits a phase segregation.Comment: 18 page

    Unique Solutions of Some Recursive Equations in Economic Dynamics

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    We study unique and globally attracting solutions of a general nonlinear equation that has as special cases some recursive equations widely used in Economics.Recursive equations, Intertemporal consumption

    A Lagrangian approach for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with variable density

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    Here we investigate the Cauchy problem for the inhomogeneous Navier-Stokes equations in the whole nn-dimensional space. Under some smallness assumption on the data, we show the existence of global-in-time unique solutions in a critical functional framework. The initial density is required to belong to the multiplier space of B˙p,1n/p−1(Rn)\dot B^{n/p-1}_{p,1}(\R^n). In particular, piecewise constant initial densities are admissible data \emph{provided the jump at the interface is small enough}, and generate global unique solutions with piecewise constant densities. Using Lagrangian coordinates is the key to our results as it enables us to solve the system by means of the basic contraction mapping theorem. As a consequence, conditions for uniqueness are the same as for existence

    Quasibounded plurisubharmonic functions

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    We extend the notion of quasibounded harmonic functions to the plurisubharmonic setting. As an application, using the theory of Jensen measures, we show that certain generalized Dirichlet problems with unbounded boundary data admit unique solutions, and that these solutions are continuous outside a pluripolar set
