365 research outputs found

    Shape restricted regression with random Bernstein polynomials

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    Shape restricted regressions, including isotonic regression and concave regression as special cases, are studied using priors on Bernstein polynomials and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. These priors have large supports, select only smooth functions, can easily incorporate geometric information into the prior, and can be generated without computational difficulty. Algorithms generating priors and posteriors are proposed, and simulation studies are conducted to illustrate the performance of this approach. Comparisons with the density-regression method of Dette et al. (2006) are included.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/074921707000000157 in the IMS Lecture Notes Monograph Series (http://www.imstat.org/publications/lecnotes.htm) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    A semi-parametric model for circular data based on mixtures of beta distributions

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    This paper introduces a new, semi-parametric model for circular data, based on mixtures of shifted, scaled, beta (SSB) densities. This model is more general than the Bernstein polynomial density model which is well known to provide good approximations to any density with finite support and it is shown that, as for the Bernstein polynomial model, the trigonometric moments of the SSB mixture model can all be derived. Two methods of fitting the SSB mixture model are considered. Firstly, a classical, maximum likelihood approach for fitting mixtures of a given number of SSB components is introduced. The Bayesian information criterion is then used for model selection. Secondly, a Bayesian approach using Gibbs sampling is considered. In this case, the number of mixture components is selected via an appropriate deviance information criterion. Both approaches are illustrated with real data sets and the results are compared with those obtained using Bernstein polynomials and mixtures of von Mises distributions

    Profiling time course expression of virus genes---an illustration of Bayesian inference under shape restrictions

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    There have been several studies of the genome-wide temporal transcriptional program of viruses, based on microarray experiments, which are generally useful in the construction of gene regulation network. It seems that biological interpretations in these studies are directly based on the normalized data and some crude statistics, which provide rough estimates of limited features of the profile and may incur biases. This paper introduces a hierarchical Bayesian shape restricted regression method for making inference on the time course expression of virus genes. Estimates of many salient features of the expression profile like onset time, inflection point, maximum value, time to maximum value, area under curve, etc. can be obtained immediately by this method. Applying this method to a baculovirus microarray time course expression data set, we indicate that many biological questions can be formulated quantitatively and we are able to offer insights into the baculovirus biology.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-AOAS258 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    A semi-parametric model for circular data based on mixtures of beta distributions

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    This paper introduces a new, semi-parametric model for circular data, based on mixtures of shifted, scaled, beta (SSB) densities. This model is more general than the Bernstein polynomial density model which is well known to provide good approximations to any density with finite support and it is shown that, as for the Bernstein polynomial model, the trigonometric moments of the SSB mixture model can all be derived. Two methods of fitting the SSB mixture model are considered. Firstly, a classical, maximum likelihood approach for fitting mixtures of a given number of SSB components is introduced. The Bayesian information criterion is then used for model selection. Secondly, a Bayesian approach using Gibbs sampling is considered. In this case, the number of mixture components is selected via an appropriate deviance information criterion. Both approaches are illustrated with real data sets and the results are compared with those obtained using Bernstein polynomials and mixtures of von Mises distributions.Circular data, Shifted, scaled, beta distribution; Mixture models, Bernstein polynomials

    Circular Bernstein polynomial distributions

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    This paper introduces a new non-parametric approach to the modeling of circular data, based on the use of Bernstein polynomial densities which generalizes the standard Bernstein polynomial model to account for the specific characteristics of circular data. It is shown that the trigonometric moments of the proposed circular Bernstein polynomial distribution can all be derived in closed form. We comment on how to fit the Bernstein polynomial density approximation to a sample of data and illustrate our approach with a real data example.Circular data, Non-parametric modeling, Bernstein polynomials