4 research outputs found

    Unifying static and dynamic approaches to evolution through the Compliant Systems Architecture

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    ©2004 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.Support for evolution can be classified as static or dynamic. Static evolvability is principally concerned with structuring systems as separated abstractions. Dynamic evolvability is concerned with the means by which change is effected. Dynamic evolution provides the requisite flexibility for application evolution, however, the dynamic approach is not scalable in the absence of static measures to achieve separation of abstractions. This separation comes at a price in that issues of concern become trapped within static abstraction boundaries, thereby inhibiting dynamic evolution. The need for a unified approach has long been recognised but existing systems that attempt to address this need do so in an ad-hoc manner. The principal reason for this is that these approaches fail to resolve the incongruence in the underlying models. Our contention is that this disparity is incidental rather than fundamental to the problem. To this end we propose an alternative model based on the Compliant Systems Architecture (CSA), a structuring methodology for constructing software systems. The overriding benefit of this work is increased flexibility. Specifically our contribution is an instantiation of the CSA that supports unified static and dynamic evolution techniques. Our model is explored through a worked example in which we evolve an application’s concurrency model.Falkner, K.; Detmold, H.; Howard, D.; Munro, D.S.; Morrison, R.; Norcross, S

    Deriving distributed garbage collectors from distributed termination algorithms

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    This thesis concentrates on the derivation of a modularised version of the DMOS distributed garbage collection algorithm and the implementation of this algorithm in a distributed computational environment. DMOS appears to exhibit a unique combination of attractive characteristics for a distributed garbage collector but the original algorithm is known to contain a bug and, previous to this work, lacks a satisfactory, understandable implementation. The relationship between distributed termination detection algorithms and distributed garbage collectors is central to this thesis. A modularised DMOS algorithm is developed using a previously published distributed garbage collector derivation methodology that centres on mapping centralised collection schemes to distributed termination detection algorithms. In examining the utility and suitability of the derivation methodology, a family of six distributed collectors is developed and an extension to the methodology is presented. The research work described in this thesis incorporates the definition and implementation of a distributed computational environment based on the ProcessBase language and a generic definition of a previously unimplemented distributed termination detection algorithm called Task Balancing. The role of distributed termination detection in the DMOS collection mechanisms is defined through a process of step-wise refinement. The implementation of the collector is achieved in two stages; the first stage defines the implementation of two distributed termination mappings with the Task Balancing algorithm; the second stage defines the DMOS collection mechanisms