193 research outputs found

    Unguarded Recursion on Coinductive Resumptions

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    We study a model of side-effecting processes obtained by starting from a monad modelling base effects and adjoining free operations using a cofree coalgebra construction; one thus arrives at what one may think of as types of non-wellfounded side-effecting trees, generalizing the infinite resumption monad. Correspondingly, the arising monad transformer has been termed the coinductive generalized resumption transformer. Monads of this kind have received some attention in the recent literature; in particular, it has been shown that they admit guarded iteration. Here, we show that they also admit unguarded iteration, i.e. form complete Elgot monads, provided that the underlying base effect supports unguarded iteration. Moreover, we provide a universal characterization of the coinductive resumption monad transformer in terms of coproducts of complete Elgot monads.Comment: 47 pages, extended version of http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S157106611500079

    Guard Your Daggers and Traces: On The Equational Properties of Guarded (Co-)recursion

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    Motivated by the recent interest in models of guarded (co-)recursion we study its equational properties. We formulate axioms for guarded fixpoint operators generalizing the axioms of iteration theories of Bloom and Esik. Models of these axioms include both standard (e.g., cpo-based) models of iteration theories and models of guarded recursion such as complete metric spaces or the topos of trees studied by Birkedal et al. We show that the standard result on the satisfaction of all Conway axioms by a unique dagger operation generalizes to the guarded setting. We also introduce the notion of guarded trace operator on a category, and we prove that guarded trace and guarded fixpoint operators are in one-to-one correspondence. Our results are intended as first steps leading to the description of classifying theories for guarded recursion and hence completeness results involving our axioms of guarded fixpoint operators in future work.Comment: In Proceedings FICS 2013, arXiv:1308.589

    A Semantics for Hybrid Iteration

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    The recently introduced notions of guarded traced (monoidal) category and guarded (pre-)iterative monad aim at unifying different instances of partial iteration whilst keeping in touch with the established theory of total iteration and preserving its merits. In this paper we use these notions and the corresponding stock of results to examine different types of iteration for hybrid computations. As a starting point we use an available notion of hybrid monad restricted to the category of sets, and modify it in order to obtain a suitable notion of guarded iteration with guardedness interpreted as progressiveness in time - we motivate this modification by our intention to capture Zeno behaviour in an arguably general and feasible way. We illustrate our results with a simple programming language for hybrid computations and interpret it over the developed semantic foundations

    Representing Guardedness in Call-By-Value

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    Like the notion of computation via (strong) monads serves to classify various flavours of impurity, including exceptions, non-determinism, probability, local and global store, the notion of guardedness classifies well-behavedness of cycles in various settings. In its most general form, the guardedness discipline applies to general symmetric monoidal categories and further specializes to Cartesian and co-Cartesian categories, where it governs guarded recursion and guarded iteration respectively. Here, even more specifically, we deal with the semantics of call-by-value guarded iteration. It was shown by Levy, Power and Thielecke that call-by-value languages can be generally interpreted in Freyd categories, but in order to represent effectful function spaces, such a category must canonically arise from a strong monad. We generalize this fact by showing that representing guarded effectful function spaces calls for certain parametrized monads (in the sense of Uustalu). This provides a description of guardedness as an intrinsic categorical property of programs, complementing the existing description of guardedness as a predicate on a category

    Coinductive Resumption Monads: Guarded Iterative and Guarded Elgot

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    We introduce a new notion of "guarded Elgot monad", that is a monad equipped with a form of iteration. It requires every guarded morphism to have a specified fixpoint, and classical equational laws of iteration to be satisfied. This notion includes Elgot monads, but also further examples of partial non-unique iteration, emerging in the semantics of processes under infinite trace equivalence. We recall the construction of the "coinductive resumption monad" from a monad and endofunctor, that is used for modelling programs up to bisimilarity. We characterize this construction via a universal property: if the given monad is guarded Elgot, then the coinductive resumption monad is the guarded Elgot monad that freely extends it by the given endofunctor
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