57 research outputs found

    Unifying cycles

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    Two-literal clauses of the form L leftarrow R occur quite frequently in logic programs, deductive databases, and - disguised as an equation - in term rewriting systems. These clauses define a cycle if the atoms L and R are weakly unifiable, i.e., if L unifies with a new variant of R. The obvious problem with cycles is to control the number of iterations through the cycle. In this paper we consider the cycle unification problem of unifying two literals G and F modulo a cycle. We review the state of the art of cycle unification and give new results for a special type of cycles called unifying cycles, i.e., cycles L leftarrow R for which there exists a substitution sigma such that sigmaL = sigmaR. Altogether, these results show how the deductive process can be efficiently controlled for special classes of cycles without losing completeness

    Terminological reasoning with constraint handling rules

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    Constraint handling rules (CHRs) are a flexible means to implement \u27user-defined\u27 constraints on top of existing host languages (like Prolog and Lisp). Recently, M. Schmidt-Schauß and G. Smolka proposed a new methodology for constructing sound and complete inference algorithms for terminological knowledge representation formalisms in the tradition of KLONE. We propose CHRs as a flexible implementation language for the consistency test of assertions, which is the basis for all terminological reasoning services. The implementation results in a natural combination of three layers: (i) a constraint layer that reasons in well- understood domains such as rationals or finite domains, (ii) a terminological layer providing a tailored, validated vocabulary on which (iii) the application layer can rely. The flexibility of the approach will be illustrated by extending the formalism, its implementation and an application example (solving configuration problems) with attributes, a new quantifier and concrete domains

    Integrated knowledge acquisition for lathe production planning : a picture gallery

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    Diese Bildergalerie veranschaulicht den Einsatz der im ARC-TEC Projekt entwickelten integrativen Wissensakquisitionsmethode. Geleitet durch ein Modell der Expertise, wird das Wissen zur Fertigungsplanung für Drehteile aus Texten, Fallsammlungen und Expertenurteilen akquiriert. Drei aufeinander abgestimmte Tools unterstützen die Erhebung, Dokumentation, Überprüfung und Formalisierung des relevanten Wissens.This picture gallery illustrates the application of the integrated knowledge acquisition procedure which was developed in the ARC-TEC project. Guided by a model of expertise, the knowledge for lathe production planning is acquired from texts, previously solved cases, and expert memories. Three coordinated tools support the elicitation, documentation, verification and formalization of the relevant knowledge

    Determination of the Loading Mode Dependence of the Proportionality Parameter for the Tearing Energy of Embedded Flaws in Elastomers Under Multiaxial Deformations

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    In this paper, the relationship between the tearing energy and the far-field cracking energy density (CED) is evaluated for an embedded penny-shaped flaw in a 3D elastomer body under a range of loading modes. A 3D finite element model of the system is used to develop a computational-based fracture mechanics approach which is used to evaluate the tearing energy at the crack in different multiaxial loading states. By analysing the tearing energy’s relationship to the far-field CED, the proportionality parameter in the CED formulation is found to be a function of stretch and biaxiality. Using a definition of biaxiality that gives a unique value for each loading mode, the proportionality parameter becomes a linear function of stretch and biaxiality. Tearing energies predicted through the resulting equation show excellent agreement to those calculated computationally

    Combining terminological and rule-based reasoning for abstraction processes

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    Terminological reasoning systems directly support the abstraction mechanisms generalization and classification. But they do not bother about aggregation and have some problems with reasoning demands such as concrete domains, sequences of finite but unbounded size and derived attributes. The paper demonstrates the relevance of these issues in an analysis of a mechanical engineering application and suggests an integration of a forward-chaining rule system with a terminological logic as a solution to these problems

    Knowledge acquisition from text in a complex domain

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    Complex real world domains can be characterized by a large amount of data, their interactions and that the knowledge must often be related to concrete problems. Therefore, the available descriptions of real world domains do not easily lend themselves to an adequate representation. The knowledge which is relevant for solving a given problem must be extracted from such descriptions with the help of the knowledge acquisition process. Such a process must adequately relate the acquired knowledge to the given problem. An integrated knowledge acquisition framework is developed to relate the acquired knowledge to real world problems. The interactive knowledge acquisition tool COKAM+ is one of three acquisition tools within this integrated framework. It extracts the knowledge from text, provides a documentation of the knowledge and structures it with respect to problems. All these preparations can serve to represent the obtained knowledge adequately

    Plan modifications versus plan generation : a complexity-theoretic perspective

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    The ability of a planner to modify a plan is considered as a valuable tool for improving efficiency of planning by avoiding the repetition of the same planning effort. From a computational complexity point of view, however, it is by no means obvious that modifying a plan is computationally as easy as planning from scratch if the modification has to follow the principle of "conservatism", i.e., to reuse as much of the old plan as possible. Indeed, considering propositional STRIPS planning, it turns out that conservative plan modification is as hard as planning and can sometimes be harder than plan generation. Furthermore, this holds even if we consider modification problems where the old and the new goal specification are similar. We put these results into perspective and discuss the relationship to existing plan modification systems. Although sometimes claimed otherwise, these systems do not address the modification problem, but use a non-conservative form of plan modification as a heuristic technique

    PHI : a logic-based tool for intelligent help systems

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    We introduce a system which improves the performance of intelligent help systems by supplying them with plan generation and plan recognition components. Both components work in close mutual cooperation. We demonstrate two modes of cross-talk between them, one where plan recognition is done on the basis of abstract plans provided by the planner and the other where optimal plans are generated based on recognition results. The examples which are presented are taken from an operating system domain, namely from the UNIX mail domain. Our system is completely logic-based. Relying on a common logical framework--the interval-based modal temporal logic LLP which we have developed--both components are implemented as special purpose inference procedures. Plan generation from first and second principles is provided and carried out deductively, whereas plan recognition follows a new abductive approach for modal logics. The plan recognizer is additionally supplied with a probabilistic reasoner as a means to adjust the help provided for user-specific characteristics

    Realisierung eines Werkzeugwahlmoduls mit Hilfe des Constraint-Systems CONTAX

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    Terminological reasoning and partial inductive definitions

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    There are two motivations for this paper. (i) In terminological systems in the tradition of KL-ONE the taxonomic and conceptual knowledge of a particular problem domain can be represented by so called concepts. The intensional definitions of these concepts can be analyzed and checked for plausibility using certain reasoning services (e.g. subsumption) that make the user conscious of some of the consequences of his definitions. A hybrid knowledge base can then rely on these checked definitions. In this paper a terminological formalism is embedded into the formalism of partial inductive definitions (PID) such that a flexible environment for experimenting with this kind of hybrid systems and the terminological formalism itself is obtained. (ii) Terminological formalisms provide (terminating) decision procedures for their reasoning services dealing with a restricted kind of quantification. Mapping these algorithms to PID improves the understanding of control and explicit quantification in PID