9,324 research outputs found

    Termination Criteria for Solving Concurrent Safety and Reachability Games

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    We consider concurrent games played on graphs. At every round of a game, each player simultaneously and independently selects a move; the moves jointly determine the transition to a successor state. Two basic objectives are the safety objective to stay forever in a given set of states, and its dual, the reachability objective to reach a given set of states. We present in this paper a strategy improvement algorithm for computing the value of a concurrent safety game, that is, the maximal probability with which player~1 can enforce the safety objective. The algorithm yields a sequence of player-1 strategies which ensure probabilities of winning that converge monotonically to the value of the safety game. Our result is significant because the strategy improvement algorithm provides, for the first time, a way to approximate the value of a concurrent safety game from below. Since a value iteration algorithm, or a strategy improvement algorithm for reachability games, can be used to approximate the same value from above, the combination of both algorithms yields a method for computing a converging sequence of upper and lower bounds for the values of concurrent reachability and safety games. Previous methods could approximate the values of these games only from one direction, and as no rates of convergence are known, they did not provide a practical way to solve these games

    Sketch-based Influence Maximization and Computation: Scaling up with Guarantees

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    Propagation of contagion through networks is a fundamental process. It is used to model the spread of information, influence, or a viral infection. Diffusion patterns can be specified by a probabilistic model, such as Independent Cascade (IC), or captured by a set of representative traces. Basic computational problems in the study of diffusion are influence queries (determining the potency of a specified seed set of nodes) and Influence Maximization (identifying the most influential seed set of a given size). Answering each influence query involves many edge traversals, and does not scale when there are many queries on very large graphs. The gold standard for Influence Maximization is the greedy algorithm, which iteratively adds to the seed set a node maximizing the marginal gain in influence. Greedy has a guaranteed approximation ratio of at least (1-1/e) and actually produces a sequence of nodes, with each prefix having approximation guarantee with respect to the same-size optimum. Since Greedy does not scale well beyond a few million edges, for larger inputs one must currently use either heuristics or alternative algorithms designed for a pre-specified small seed set size. We develop a novel sketch-based design for influence computation. Our greedy Sketch-based Influence Maximization (SKIM) algorithm scales to graphs with billions of edges, with one to two orders of magnitude speedup over the best greedy methods. It still has a guaranteed approximation ratio, and in practice its quality nearly matches that of exact greedy. We also present influence oracles, which use linear-time preprocessing to generate a small sketch for each node, allowing the influence of any seed set to be quickly answered from the sketches of its nodes.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. Appeared at the 23rd Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2014) in Shanghai, Chin

    Parameter-Independent Strategies for pMDPs via POMDPs

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    Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) are a popular class of models suitable for solving control decision problems in probabilistic reactive systems. We consider parametric MDPs (pMDPs) that include parameters in some of the transition probabilities to account for stochastic uncertainties of the environment such as noise or input disturbances. We study pMDPs with reachability objectives where the parameter values are unknown and impossible to measure directly during execution, but there is a probability distribution known over the parameter values. We study for the first time computing parameter-independent strategies that are expectation optimal, i.e., optimize the expected reachability probability under the probability distribution over the parameters. We present an encoding of our problem to partially observable MDPs (POMDPs), i.e., a reduction of our problem to computing optimal strategies in POMDPs. We evaluate our method experimentally on several benchmarks: a motivating (repeated) learner model; a series of benchmarks of varying configurations of a robot moving on a grid; and a consensus protocol.Comment: Extended version of a QEST 2018 pape

    Equivalence Classes and Conditional Hardness in Massively Parallel Computations

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    The Massively Parallel Computation (MPC) model serves as a common abstraction of many modern large-scale data processing frameworks, and has been receiving increasingly more attention over the past few years, especially in the context of classical graph problems. So far, the only way to argue lower bounds for this model is to condition on conjectures about the hardness of some specific problems, such as graph connectivity on promise graphs that are either one cycle or two cycles, usually called the one cycle vs. two cycles problem. This is unlike the traditional arguments based on conjectures about complexity classes (e.g., P ? NP), which are often more robust in the sense that refuting them would lead to groundbreaking algorithms for a whole bunch of problems. In this paper we present connections between problems and classes of problems that allow the latter type of arguments. These connections concern the class of problems solvable in a sublogarithmic amount of rounds in the MPC model, denoted by MPC(o(log N)), and some standard classes concerning space complexity, namely L and NL, and suggest conjectures that are robust in the sense that refuting them would lead to many surprisingly fast new algorithms in the MPC model. We also obtain new conditional lower bounds, and prove new reductions and equivalences between problems in the MPC model
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