67 research outputs found

    An algorithm to prescribe the configuration of a finite graph

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    We provide algorithms involving edge slides, for a connected simple graph to evolve in a finite number of steps to another connected simple graph in a prescribed configuration, and for the regularization of such a graph by the minimization of an appropriate energy functional

    Uniform generation of random graphs with power-law degree sequences

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    We give a linear-time algorithm that approximately uniformly generates a random simple graph with a power-law degree sequence whose exponent is at least 2.8811. While sampling graphs with power-law degree sequence of exponent at least 3 is fairly easy, and many samplers work efficiently in this case, the problem becomes dramatically more difficult when the exponent drops below 3; ours is the first provably practicable sampler for this case. We also show that with an appropriate rejection scheme, our algorithm can be tuned into an exact uniform sampler. The running time of the exact sampler is O(n^{2.107}) with high probability, and O(n^{4.081}) in expectation.Comment: 50 page

    Uniform generation of spanning regular subgraphs of a dense graph

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    Let HnH_n be a graph on nn vertices and let \ber{H_n} denote the complement of HnH_n. Suppose that Δ=Δ(n)\Delta = \Delta(n) is the maximum degree of \ber{H_n}. We analyse three algorithms for sampling dd-regular subgraphs (dd-factors) of HnH_n. This is equivalent to uniformly sampling dd-regular graphs which avoid a set E(\ber{H_n}) of forbidden edges. Here d=d(n)d=d(n) is a positive integer which may depend on nn. Two of these algorithms produce a uniformly random dd-factor of HnH_n in expected runtime which is linear in nn and low-degree polynomial in dd and Δ\Delta. The first algorithm applies when (d+Δ)dΔ=o(n)(d+\Delta)d\Delta = o(n). This improves on an earlier algorithm by the first author, which required constant dd and at most a linear number of edges in \ber{H_n}. The second algorithm applies when HnH_n is regular and d2+Δ2=o(n)d^2+\Delta^2 = o(n), adapting an approach developed by the first author together with Wormald. The third algorithm is a simplification of the second, and produces an approximately uniform dd-factor of HnH_n in time O(dn)O(dn). Here the output distribution differs from uniform by o(1)o(1) in total variation distance, provided that d2+Δ2=o(n)d^2+\Delta^2 = o(n)

    Sampling Hypergraphs with Given Degrees

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    There is a well-known connection between hypergraphs and bipartite graphs, obtained by treating the incidence matrix of the hypergraph as the biadjacency matrix of a bipartite graph. We use this connection to describe and analyse a rejection sampling algorithm for sampling simple uniform hypergraphs with a given degree sequence. Our algorithm uses, as a black box, an algorithm A\mathcal{A} for sampling bipartite graphs with given degrees, uniformly or nearly uniformly, in (expected) polynomial time. The expected runtime of the hypergraph sampling algorithm depends on the (expected) runtime of the bipartite graph sampling algorithm A\mathcal{A}, and the probability that a uniformly random bipartite graph with given degrees corresponds to a simple hypergraph. We give some conditions on the hypergraph degree sequence which guarantee that this probability is bounded below by a constant

    The probability that a random multigraph is simple

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    Consider a random multigraph G* with given vertex degrees d_1,...,d_n, contructed by the configuration model. We show that, asymptotically for a sequence of such multigraphs with the number of edges (d_1+...+d_n)/2 tending to infinity, the probability that the multigraph is simple stays away from 0 if and only if \sum d_i^2=O(\sum d_i). This was previously known only under extra assumtions on the maximum degree. We also give an asymptotic formula for this probability, extending previous results by several authors.Comment: 24 page
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